How-To Guides#
How-to guides are directions that take the reader through the steps required to solve a real-world problem. How-to guides are goal-oriented. (Tutorials often involve more depth than HowTo guides.)
- Getting started
- Bluesky Cheat Sheet
- Scan Area Detector v. Motor
- Accessing data later, after the measurement
- APS Accelerator Information for Beamlines
- Minimal: Scan scaler vs motor
- First steps with bluesky-queueserver
- Count the scaler
- Heater Simulation using synApps epid and transform records
- Custom bluesky plan
- Construct the plan
- Linux Command & Wait for Finish
- Dynamic Limits for Two Motors
- Trigger a Device with the EPICS record .PROC field
- Images, Darks, & whites with EPICS area detector, ophyd, and Bluesky
- Lineup a 1-D peak : scan detector v motor
- Locate peak on 2-D area detector image
- Plot x, y data from a databroker run
- synApps busy record
- synApps sscan as 1D Flyer
- Simulate a temperature controller with an EPICS
record - Time Series