Getting started#

How to start a Bluesky session?#

There are several ways to start a Bluesky session:

  • IPython console

  • Jupyter notebook

  • Bluesky queueserver

  • background process

  • unit testing

Some of these may involve loading a specially configured instrument package. See the Instrument section for more details.

In this document, routine startup of an IPython console session and a JupyterLab notebook session will be demonstrated. The script was created to start a Bluesky session for routine data acquisition at beamlines. It is installed in the ~/bluesky directory. The script may be used from any shell in any directory to start a bluesky session in IPython console (default) or Jupyter notebook GUI.

Use to start a console session#

This next command shows how to start an IPython console session with the instrument package loaded and ready for data acquisition:

(base) user@host:~$ cd /tmp
(base) user@host:/tmp$
==> CONDA_PREFIX=/home/user/.conda/envs/bluesky_2023_3
/home/user/.conda/envs/bluesky_2023_3/bin/python -- Python 3.10.10
Python 3.10.10 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Mar 24 2023, 20:08:06) [GCC 11.3.0]
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 8.12.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

IPython profile: bluesky
Exception reporting mode: Minimal
Activating auto-logging. Current session state plus future input saved.
Filename       : /tmp/.logs/ipython_console.log
... more lines of output ...
I Tue-14:44:57 - #### Startup is complete. ####

In [1]:

At this point, the console session is ready for your data acquisition activities.

Use to start a notebook session#

The next command shows how to start a Jupyter notebook session:

$ lab
==> CONDA_PREFIX=/home/prjemian/.conda/envs/bluesky_2023_3
Could not activate environment: 'bluesky_2023_3'
Installed kernelspec bluesky_2023_3 in /home/prjemian/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/bluesky_2023_3
[I 2023-05-09 14:32:03.687 ServerApp] Package jupyterlab took 0.0000s to import
[I 2023-05-09 14:32:03.690 ServerApp] Package jupyter_server_fileid took 0.0022s to import
... more lines of output ...

Shortly, the JupyterLab Launcher will appear in the web browser.

JupyterLab session example

Many of the How-To guides and tutorials, such as the Bluesky cheat sheet use a Jupyter notebook for data acquisition with the instrument package.