The TuneAxis() plan - align an axis with a signal#

In this example, we demonstrate the apstools.plans.TuneAxis() plan. The TuneAxis() support may be used to align (a.k.a. tune) a signal against an axis.

We’ll use a software-only (not connected to hardware) motor as a positioner. Here, we prepare a signal that is a computation based on the value of our positioner. The computed signal is a model of a realistic diffraction peak (pseudo-Voigt, a mixture of a Gaussian and a Lorentzian) one might encounter in a powder diffraction scan. The model peak is a pseudo-voigt function to which some noise has been added. Random numbers are used to modify the ideal pseudo-voigt function so as to simulate a realistic signal.

For this demo, we do not need the databroker since we do not plan to review any of this data after collection. We’ll display the data during the scan using a LiveTable() subscription to the bluesky.RunEngine().

from apstools.devices import SynPseudoVoigt
from apstools.plans import TuneAxis
from bluesky import RunEngine
from bluesky import plans as bp
from bluesky.callbacks import LiveTable
import numpy as np
from ophyd import EpicsMotor

RE = RunEngine({})

Set the IOC prefix.

IOC = "gp:"

Connect to our motor before we create the simulated detector signal.

m1 = EpicsMotor(f"{IOC}m1", name="m1")

Define a starting position, we’ll use this later in the demo.

starting_position = m1.position

Setup the simulated detector signal.#

Make a simple scan with a simulated motor and the SynPseudoVoigt() signal.

from ophyd.sim import motor

det = SynPseudoVoigt('det', motor, 'motor',
    center=0, eta=0.5, scale=1, sigma=1, bkg=0)

live_table = LiveTable(["motor", "det"])

RE(bp.scan([det], motor, -3, 3, 19), live_table)

|   seq_num |       time |      motor |        det |
|         1 | 00:33:31.9 |     -3.000 |      0.056 |
|         2 | 00:33:31.9 |     -2.667 |      0.076 |
|         3 | 00:33:31.9 |     -2.333 |      0.110 |
|         4 | 00:33:31.9 |     -2.000 |      0.168 |
|         5 | 00:33:31.9 |     -1.667 |      0.257 |
|         6 | 00:33:32.0 |     -1.333 |      0.386 |
|         7 | 00:33:32.0 |     -1.000 |      0.553 |
|         8 | 00:33:32.0 |     -0.667 |      0.747 |
|         9 | 00:33:32.0 |     -0.333 |      0.923 |
|        10 | 00:33:32.0 |      0.000 |      1.000 |
|        11 | 00:33:32.0 |      0.333 |      0.923 |
|        12 | 00:33:32.0 |      0.667 |      0.747 |
|        13 | 00:33:32.0 |      1.000 |      0.553 |
|        14 | 00:33:32.0 |      1.333 |      0.386 |
|        15 | 00:33:32.0 |      1.667 |      0.257 |
|        16 | 00:33:32.0 |      2.000 |      0.168 |
|        17 | 00:33:32.0 |      2.333 |      0.110 |
|        18 | 00:33:32.0 |      2.667 |      0.076 |
|        19 | 00:33:32.0 |      3.000 |      0.056 |
generator scan ['f7d1a4f9'] (scan num: 1)


Make a new signal with randomized values so that we have something interesting to find with TuneAxis().

spvoigt = SynPseudoVoigt(
    'spvoigt', m1, 'm1',
    center=-1.5 + 0.4*np.random.uniform(),
    eta=0.2 + 0.5*np.random.uniform(),
    sigma=0.001 + 0.05*np.random.uniform(),

Reveal the actual values. These are the answers we expect to discover.

print(f"{spvoigt.scale = }")
print(f"{ = }")
print(f"{spvoigt.sigma = }")
print(f"{spvoigt.eta = }")
print(f"{spvoigt.bkg = }")
spvoigt.scale = 100000.0 = -1.3232789849401074
spvoigt.sigma = 0.025854531457453644
spvoigt.eta = 0.6200793404520202
spvoigt.bkg = 0.002625081504664745

We will add the actual values as metadata to these scans.

md = dict(
    activity = "TuneAxis development and testing",
    peak_model = "pseudo Voigt",
    peak_scale = spvoigt.scale,
    peak_center =,
    peak_sigma = spvoigt.sigma,
    peak_eta = spvoigt.eta,
    peak_bkg = spvoigt.bkg

Set up the tuner#

Create a TuneAxis() object. The tuner needs to know the positioner, what range to scan to find the peak, and it needs the name of the signal to be scanned (since the signal list may have more than one signal).

tuner = TuneAxis([spvoigt], m1,
tuner.width = 2.5
tuner.step_factor = tuner.num/2.5

Reconfigure the LiveTable to also show the simulated detector signal.

live_table = LiveTable(["m1", "spvoigt"])

Multi-pass tune#

Execute multiple passes to refine the centroid determination. Each subsequent pass will reduce the width of the next scan by step_factor.

RE(tuner.multi_pass_tune(), live_table, md=md)

|   seq_num |       time |         m1 |    spvoigt |
|         1 | 00:33:33.6 |   -2.75000 |    282.864 |
|         2 | 00:33:34.1 |   -2.47000 |    294.014 |
|         3 | 00:33:34.6 |   -2.19000 |    317.637 |
|         4 | 00:33:35.1 |   -1.92000 |    378.697 |
|         5 | 00:33:35.6 |   -1.64000 |    672.979 |
|         6 | 00:33:36.1 |   -1.36000 |  34670.358 |
|         7 | 00:33:36.6 |   -1.08000 |    955.031 |
|         8 | 00:33:37.1 |   -0.81000 |    419.441 |
|         9 | 00:33:37.6 |   -0.53000 |    328.305 |
|        10 | 00:33:38.1 |   -0.25000 |    298.470 |
generator TuneAxis.multi_pass_tune ['973d07fd'] (scan num: 2)

================ =================================
key              result
================ =================================
x                m1
y                spvoigt
cen              -1.3594076832102968
com              -1.367257432898917
fwhm             0.2843975895677082
min              [ -2.75       282.86449968]
max              [-1.36000000e+00  3.46703584e+04]
crossings        [-1.50160648 -1.21720889]
tune_ok          True
center           -1.3594076832102968
initial_position -1.5
final_position   -1.3594076832102968
================ =================================

|   seq_num |       time |         m1 |    spvoigt |
|         1 | 00:33:40.3 |   -1.08000 |    955.031 |
|         2 | 00:33:40.5 |   -1.14000 |   1472.376 |
|         3 | 00:33:40.8 |   -1.20000 |   2875.401 |
|         4 | 00:33:41.1 |   -1.27000 |  16626.547 |
|         5 | 00:33:41.4 |   -1.33000 |  95075.221 |
|         6 | 00:33:41.7 |   -1.39000 |   9717.986 |
|         7 | 00:33:42.0 |   -1.45000 |   2740.795 |
|         8 | 00:33:42.3 |   -1.52000 |   1315.395 |
|         9 | 00:33:42.7 |   -1.58000 |    885.117 |
|        10 | 00:33:43.0 |   -1.64000 |    672.979 |
generator TuneAxis.multi_pass_tune ['4c9af76b'] (scan num: 3)

================ =================================
key              result
================ =================================
x                m1
y                spvoigt
cen              -1.3285390504163415
com              -1.327930971864717
fwhm             0.06927988898350734
min              [ -1.64       672.97908343]
max              [-1.33000000e+00  9.50752206e+04]
crossings        [-1.29389911 -1.36317899]
tune_ok          True
center           -1.3285390504163415
initial_position -1.36
final_position   -1.3285390504163415
================ =================================

|   seq_num |       time |         m1 |    spvoigt |
|         1 | 00:33:44.0 |   -1.40000 |   7051.436 |
|         2 | 00:33:44.2 |   -1.38000 |  14353.903 |
|         3 | 00:33:44.4 |   -1.37000 |  22222.839 |
|         4 | 00:33:44.6 |   -1.35000 |  52516.186 |
|         5 | 00:33:44.8 |   -1.34000 |  74805.966 |
|         6 | 00:33:45.0 |   -1.32000 |  98976.619 |
|         7 | 00:33:45.2 |   -1.31000 |  82625.135 |
|         8 | 00:33:45.4 |   -1.29000 |  40194.994 |
|         9 | 00:33:45.6 |   -1.28000 |  25930.433 |
|        10 | 00:33:45.8 |   -1.26000 |  11033.875 |
generator TuneAxis.multi_pass_tune ['87e51c91'] (scan num: 4)

================ =================================
key              result
================ =================================
x                m1
y                spvoigt
cen              -1.3229095343527337
com              -1.322524379127855
fwhm             0.053734231185460946
min              [-1.40000000e+00  7.05143645e+03]
max              [-1.32000000e+00  9.89766194e+04]
crossings        [-1.34977665 -1.29604242]
tune_ok          True
center           -1.3229095343527337
initial_position -1.33
final_position   -1.3229095343527337
================ =================================

|   seq_num |       time |         m1 |    spvoigt |
|         1 | 00:33:46.5 |   -1.27000 |  16626.547 |
|         2 | 00:33:46.7 |   -1.28000 |  25930.433 |
|         3 | 00:33:46.9 |   -1.29000 |  40194.994 |
|         4 | 00:33:47.1 |   -1.30000 |  59839.071 |
|         5 | 00:33:47.3 |   -1.31000 |  82625.135 |
|         6 | 00:33:47.5 |   -1.33000 |  95075.221 |
|         7 | 00:33:47.7 |   -1.34000 |  74805.966 |
|         8 | 00:33:47.9 |   -1.35000 |  52516.186 |
|         9 | 00:33:48.1 |   -1.36000 |  34670.358 |
|        10 | 00:33:48.3 |   -1.37000 |  22222.839 |
generator TuneAxis.multi_pass_tune ['4727cff7'] (scan num: 5)

================ =================================
key              result
================ =================================
x                m1
y                spvoigt
cen              -1.3232368550566802
com              -1.324568875024918
fwhm             0.050534157776581434
min              [-1.27000000e+00  1.66265473e+04]
max              [-1.33000000e+00  9.50752206e+04]
crossings        [-1.29796978 -1.34850393]
tune_ok          True
center           -1.3232368550566802
initial_position -1.32
final_position   -1.3232368550566802
================ =================================


Show the results from the multi-pass tuning.

print("final: ",
print("max", tuner.peaks.max)
print("min", tuner.peaks.min)
for stat in tuner.stats:
    print("--", stat.cen, stat.fwhm)
print(f"{m1.position=}  det={spvoigt.get()}")
final:  -1.3232368550566802
max (-1.33, 95075.22058003367)
min (-1.27, 16626.54728728527)
-- Signal(name='PeakStats_cen', parent='PeakStats', value=-1.3594076832102968, timestamp=1657085618.1954212) Signal(name='PeakStats_fwhm', parent='PeakStats', value=0.2843975895677082, timestamp=1657085618.195451)
-- Signal(name='PeakStats_cen', parent='PeakStats', value=-1.3285390504163415, timestamp=1657085623.0134842) Signal(name='PeakStats_fwhm', parent='PeakStats', value=0.06927988898350734, timestamp=1657085623.0135126)
-- Signal(name='PeakStats_cen', parent='PeakStats', value=-1.3229095343527337, timestamp=1657085625.8175142) Signal(name='PeakStats_fwhm', parent='PeakStats', value=0.053734231185460946, timestamp=1657085625.8175213)
-- Signal(name='PeakStats_cen', parent='PeakStats', value=-1.3232368550566802, timestamp=1657085628.3260303) Signal(name='PeakStats_fwhm', parent='PeakStats', value=0.050534157776581434, timestamp=1657085628.326058)
m1.position=-1.32  det=22222.839021509993

Compare the final position (just printed) with the expected value shown a couple steps back.

Single-pass tune#

Repeat but with only one pass. Reset the motor to the starting position and increase the number of steps by a factor of three.

tuner.num *= 3
RE(tuner.tune(), live_table, md=md)

|   seq_num |       time |         m1 |    spvoigt |
|         1 | 00:33:50.6 |   -2.75000 |    282.864 |
|         2 | 00:33:50.9 |   -2.66000 |    285.697 |
|         3 | 00:33:51.2 |   -2.58000 |    288.742 |
|         4 | 00:33:51.5 |   -2.49000 |    292.943 |
|         5 | 00:33:51.8 |   -2.41000 |    297.586 |
|         6 | 00:33:52.1 |   -2.32000 |    304.203 |
|         7 | 00:33:52.4 |   -2.23000 |    312.884 |
|         8 | 00:33:52.7 |   -2.15000 |    323.095 |
|         9 | 00:33:53.0 |   -2.06000 |    338.783 |
|        10 | 00:33:53.3 |   -1.97000 |    361.453 |
|        11 | 00:33:53.6 |   -1.89000 |    391.297 |
|        12 | 00:33:53.9 |   -1.80000 |    444.359 |
|        13 | 00:33:54.2 |   -1.72000 |    524.755 |
|        14 | 00:33:54.5 |   -1.63000 |    699.989 |
|        15 | 00:33:54.8 |   -1.54000 |   1132.632 |
|        16 | 00:33:55.1 |   -1.46000 |   2403.413 |
|        17 | 00:33:55.4 |   -1.37000 |  22222.839 |
|        18 | 00:33:55.7 |   -1.28000 |  25930.433 |
|        19 | 00:33:56.0 |   -1.20000 |   2875.401 |
|        20 | 00:33:56.3 |   -1.11000 |   1160.534 |
|        21 | 00:33:56.6 |   -1.03000 |    740.694 |
|        22 | 00:33:56.9 |   -0.94000 |    543.387 |
|        23 | 00:33:57.2 |   -0.85000 |    447.006 |
|        24 | 00:33:57.5 |   -0.77000 |    397.617 |
|        25 | 00:33:57.8 |   -0.68000 |    362.513 |
|        26 | 00:33:58.1 |   -0.59000 |    339.500 |
|        27 | 00:33:58.4 |   -0.51000 |    325.112 |
|        28 | 00:33:58.7 |   -0.42000 |    313.268 |
|        29 | 00:33:59.0 |   -0.34000 |    305.350 |
|        30 | 00:33:59.3 |   -0.25000 |    298.470 |
generator TuneAxis.tune ['8ee3fd77'] (scan num: 6)

================ =================================
key              result
================ =================================
x                m1
y                spvoigt
cen              -1.3234493073606397
com              -1.3447636766612034
fwhm             0.17589460960483438
min              [ -2.75       282.86449968]
max              [-1.28000000e+00  2.59304333e+04]
crossings        [-1.41139661 -1.235502  ]
tune_ok          True
center           -1.3234493073606397
initial_position -1.5
final_position   -1.3234493073606397
================ =================================


Compare the single-pass scan with the previous multi-pass scan. Each used the same number of points overall.

The results are comparable but we already knew the position of the peak approximately.

print("final: ",
print("max", tuner.peaks.max)
print("min", tuner.peaks.min)
print("centroid", tuner.peaks.cen)
print("FWHM", tuner.peaks.fwhm)
print(f"{m1.position=}  det={spvoigt.get()}")
final:  -1.3234493073606397
max (-1.28, 25930.433258016637)
min (-2.75, 282.86449968250383)
centroid -1.3234493073606397
FWHM 0.17589460960483438
m1.position=-1.32  det=298.47011500137876