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CSS Widget

The list of recognized CSS Widgets is as follows: “ActionButton”, “Array”, “BooleanButton”, “CheckBox”, “ComboBox”, “DataBrowser”, “EmbeddedDisplay”, “FileSelector”, “LEDMultiState”, “Label”, “Meter”, “NavigationTabs”, “Picture”, “ProgressBar”, “RadioButton”, “ScaledSlider”, “Scrollbar”, “SlideButton”, “Spinner”, “StripChart”, “Symbol”, “Table”, “Tabs”, “Tank”, “TextSymbol”, “TextUpdate”, “Thermometer”, “ThreeDViewer”, “WebBrowser”, and “XYPlot”.

Attributes are set using the name of the function used by phoebusgen. For example, a label’s Auto Size field in CSS-Phoebus would be set with the auto_size attribute in Gestalt.

  • Special Attributes
Name Type Description
geometry Rect A rectangle describig the position and dimensions of the widget
  • Example
- !Label
    geometry: 5x0 x 120x20
    text: "Label {N}"
    transparent: false
    background: *header_blue
    foreground: Attention
    font: -Liberation Sans - bold - 12

caQtDM Widget

The list of recognized caQtDM Widgets is as follows: “caLabel”, “caLineEdit”, “caTextEntry”, “caMenu”, “caRelatedDisplay”, “caNumeric”, “caApplyNumeric”, “caSlider”, “caChoice”, “caTextEntry”, “caMessageButton”, “caToggleButton”, “caSpinbox”, “caByteController”, “caLabelVertical”, “caGraphics”, “caPolyLine”, “caImage”, “caInclude”, “caDoubleTabWidget”, “caClock”, “caLed”, “caLinearGauge”, “caMeter”, “caCircularGauge”, “caMultiLineString”, “caThermo”, “caCartesianPlot”, “caStripPlot”, “caByte”, “caTable”, “caWaveTable”, “caBitnames”, “caCamera”, “caCalc”, “caWaterfallPlot”, “caScan2D”, “caLineDraw”, “caShellCommand”, “caScriptButton”, “caMimeDisplay”.

Attributes are set with the same names used for the widget’s Qt properties.

  • Special Attributes

caQtDM widgets don’t have any special attributes.

  • Example
- !caMessageButton
    background: *edit_blue
    colorMode: caMessageButton::Static
    geometry: 126x140 x 24x24
    pressMessage: "1"
    channel: "$(P)$(M{N}).TWF"
    label: ">"

Output-Independent Widgets


A basic rectangle shape that can either be filled or an outline

Angles are defined in relation to the positive x axis. With 0 degrees following that axis, and angles proceeding in the counter-clockwise direction.

  • Special Attributes
Name Type Description
geometry Rect A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget
background Color Widget interior color, transparent by default
border-color Color Widget outline color, $000000 by default
border-width Number Thickness of widget outline, 2 by default
start-angle Number Angle of the starting ray of the arc, 0 by default
span Number Degrees that the arc covers, 90 by default
visibility String A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String
  • Example
SimpleBox: !Arc
    geometry: 100x100
    border-width: 5
    start-angle: 45
    span: 180


A widget displaying the individual bits of a pv value

  • Special Attributes
Name Type Description
geometry Rect A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget
pv String The PV whose bits to display
start-bit Number The initial bit offset for the first bit being displayed, 0 by default
bits Number The number of bits to display, increments from the start-bit, defaults to displaying till the end of the word
off-color Color The display color for a bit being 0, $3C643C by default
on-color Color The display color for a bit being 1, $00FF00 by default
horizontal Bool Whether to arrange the display horizontally, defaults to True
visibility String A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String
  • Example
StatusBits: !ByteMonitor
    geometry: 165x12
    pv: "$(P)m1.MSTA"
    bits: 15


A widget representing a set of buttons that gets its options from an enumerable pv

  • Special Attributes
Name Type Description
geometry Rect A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget
foreground Color Widget foreground color
background Color Widget background color
selected Color Selected item color, defaults to background color
font Font Widget display font
pv String The PV containing the enumerable value
horizontal Bool Whether to arrange the buttons horizontally, defaults to True
visibility String A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String
  • Example
OnOff: !ChoiceButton
    geometry: 215x20
    pv: "$(P)userCalcEnable.VAL"
    foreground: *black
    background: *edit_blue


A basic ellipse shape that can either be filled or an outline

  • Special Attributes
Name Type Description
geometry Rect A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget
background Color Widget interior color, transparent by default
border-color Color Widget outline color, $000000 by default
border-width Number Thickness of widget outline, 2 by default
visibility String A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String
  • Example
SimpleBox: !Ellipse
    geometry: 100x100
    border-width: 5


A special widget used to set values for the top-level window.

  • Special Attributes
Name Type Description
geometry Rect A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget
margins Rect A set of numbers describing the number of pixels to leave clear on the left, top, right, and bottom of the window respectively
background Color The background color for the Form, $BBBBBB by default
title String The display name in the header bar of the window
  • Example
Form: !Form
    background: $123456
    margins: 5x5x5x5


A widget that displays a given image file

  • Special Attributes
Name Type Description
geometry Rect A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget
file String The filepath of the image to display
visibility String A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String
  • Example
ComplicatedStructure: !Image
    file: "/path/to/image/Beamline.png"


A widget that changes color based upon the value of a given pv. Has one of three states, true, false, or undefined based upon a match with values given by the widget.

  • Special Attributes
Name Type Description
geometry Rect A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget
square Bool Change widget shape to rectangular rather than circular
false-value Number Set widget to false-color when pv value equals false-value, 0 by default
true-value Number Set widget to true-color when pv value equals true-value, 1 by default
false-color Color The display color for a false value, $3C643C by default
true-color Color The display color for a true value, $00FF00 by default
undefined-color Color The display color for any other value, $A0A0A4 by default
border-color Color Widget border color, $000000 by default
pv String The PV to read data from
visibility String A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String
  • Example
OnOff_Readback: !LED
    pv: "$(P)userCalcEnable.VAL"
    geometry: 24x24
    square: true

A widget representing a menu that gets its options from an enumerable pv

  • Special Attributes
Name Type Description
geometry Rect A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget
foreground Color Widget foreground color
background Color Widget background color
font Font Widget display font
pv String The PV containing the enumerable value
visibility String A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String
  • Example
- !Menu
    foreground: *black
    background: *edit_blue
    geometry: 355x0 x 80x20
    pv: $(P){Instance}:EnableCallbacks


A widget representing a button that writes a value to a pv when pressed

  • Special Attributes
Name Type Description
geometry Rect A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget
text String The widget’s display text
foreground Color Widget foreground color
background Color Widget background color
font Font Widget display font
pv String The PV that will be written to
value String The value to write to the PV
visibility String A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String
  • Example
- !MessageButton
    foreground: *black
    background: *edit_blue

    text: "Write Value"
    geometry: 10x200 x 100x20
    pv: "xxx:yyy:zzz"
    value: 1


A closed shape consisting of a set of points that can either be filled or an outline

  • Special Attributes
Name Type Description
geometry Rect A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget
background Color Widget interior color, transparent by default
border-color Color Widget outline color, $000000 by default
border-width Number Thickness of widget outline, 2 by default
points List A list of Rect’s representing the vertices of the polygon
visibility String A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String
  • Example
SimpleBox: !Polygon
    geometry: 100x100
    border-width: 5
    points: [ 10x10, 90x10, 90x90, 10x90 ]


A set of contiguous line segments

  • Special Attributes
Name Type Description
geometry Rect A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget
border-color Color Widget line color, $000000 by default
border-width Number Thickness of widget outline, 2 by default
points List A list of Rect’s representing the contiguous points of the polyline
visibility String A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String
  • Example
Star: !PolyLine
    geometry: 40x40
    points: [ 20x0, 0x40, 40x10, 0x10, 40x40, 20x0 ]


A basic rectangle shape that can either be filled or an outline

  • Special Attributes
Name Type Description
geometry Rect A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget
background Color Widget interior color, transparent by default
border-color Color Widget outline color, $000000 by default
border-width Number Thickness of widget outline, 2 by default
visibility String A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String
  • Example
SimpleBox: !Rectangle
    geometry: 100x100
    border-width: 5


A widget representing a menu of other UI screens that can be opened by a user.

These other screens are detailed by the attribute links which is a list of dictionaries. Within each dictionary, the following values can be defined:

  • label - The display name for the screen to open
  • file - The filepath for the screen to open
  • macros - Any macros to pass the screen when opening
  • replace - Optional, Whether to replace the parent screen when opening, False by default

  • Special Attributes
Name Type Description
geometry Rect A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget
text String The widget’s display text
foreground Color Widget foreground color
background Color Widget background color
font Font Widget display font
links List A list of dictionaries describing the linked UI screens
visibility String A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String
  • Example
- !RelatedDisplay
    foreground: *black
    background: *edit_blue

    text: "Open xxx"
    geometry: 10x200 x 100x20

        - { label: "File 1", file: "xxx.ui", macros: "P=1,R=A" }


A widget representing a bar filling up based on a pv’s value versus its limits

  • Special Attributes
Name Type Description
geometry Rect A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget
background Color Color of the unfilled portion of bar, $C9C9C9 by default
foreground Color Color of the filled portion of bar, $0000FF by default
horizontal Bool Whether to align the bar horizontally, defaults to False
pv String The PV being monitored
visibility String A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String
  • Example
- !Scale
    geometry: 0x0 x 50x200
    foreground: *burlywood
    pv: "xxx:yyy:zzz"


A button that will trigger the running of a selected shell command

These shell commands are detailed by the attribute commands which is a list of dictionaries. Within each dictionary, the following values can be defined:

  • label - The display name for the command to run
  • command - The command and all arguments that will be executed

  • Special Attributes
Name Type Description
geometry Rect A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget
text String The widget’s display text
foreground Color Widget foreground color
background Color Widget background color
font Font Widget display font
commands List A list of dictionaries describing the commands that can be run
visibility String A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String
  • Example
ExampleCommand: !ShellCommand
    geometry: 10x10 x 80x20
    text: "Say"
        - { label: "Hello",   command: "echo 'Hello'"  }
        - { label: "Goodbye", command: "echo 'Goodbye'"}


A widget that uses a slider to control output to a pv

  • Special Attributes
Name Type Description
geometry Rect A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget
horizontal Bool Whether to arrange the display horizontally, defaults to True
pv String The PV being monitored
visibility String A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String
  • Example
- !Slider
    geometry: 140x0 x 120x20
    pv: "$(P)Ao10"


A widget representing a basic text label.

  • Special Attributes
Name Type Description
geometry Rect A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget
text String The widget’s display text
foreground Color Widget foreground color
background Color Widget background color
border-color Color Widget border color
border-width Number Widget border thickness in pixels
font Font Widget display font
alignment Alignment Display text alignment.
visibility String A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String
  • Example
- !Text
    geometry: 5x0 x 120x20
    text: "Label Text"
    font: -Liberation Sans - bold - 12
        horizontal: Center
        vertical: Center


A widget representing a text entry field.

  • Special Attributes
Name Type Description
geometry Rect A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget
foreground Color Widget foreground color
background Color Widget background color
font Font Widget display font
alignment Alignment Display text alignment
format String Text display format, value is one of “String, Decimal, Engineering, Exponential, Compact, Hexadecimal, Binary”
pv String The PV that will be written to
visibility String A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String
  • Example
- !TextEntry
    geometry: 5x0 x 120x20
    pv: "$(P)$(R)Description"
    alignment: BottomLeft


A widget representing a text display field

  • Special Attributes
Name Type Description
geometry Rect A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget
foreground Color Widget foreground color
background Color Widget background color
border-color Color Widget border color
border-width Number Widget border thickness in pixels
font Font Widget display font
alignment Alignment Display text alignment
format String Text display format, value is one of “String, Decimal, Engineering, Exponential, Compact, Hexadecimal, Binary”
pv String The PV to read data from
visibility String A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String
  • Example
- !TextMonitor
    geometry: 5x0 x 120x20
    pv: "$(P)$(R)Description_RBV"
    alignment: CenterRight