Table of contents
CSS Widget
The list of recognized CSS Widgets is as follows: “ActionButton”, “Array”, “BooleanButton”, “CheckBox”, “ComboBox”, “DataBrowser”, “EmbeddedDisplay”, “FileSelector”, “LEDMultiState”, “Label”, “Meter”, “NavigationTabs”, “Picture”, “ProgressBar”, “RadioButton”, “ScaledSlider”, “Scrollbar”, “SlideButton”, “Spinner”, “StripChart”, “Symbol”, “Table”, “Tabs”, “Tank”, “TextSymbol”, “TextUpdate”, “Thermometer”, “ThreeDViewer”, “WebBrowser”, and “XYPlot”.
Attributes are set using the name of the function used by phoebusgen. For example, a label’s Auto Size
field in CSS-Phoebus would be set with the auto_size
attribute in Gestalt.
- Special Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
geometry | Rect | A rectangle describig the position and dimensions of the widget |
- Example
- !Label
geometry: 5x0 x 120x20
text: "Label {N}"
transparent: false
background: *header_blue
foreground: Attention
font: -Liberation Sans - bold - 12
caQtDM Widget
The list of recognized caQtDM Widgets is as follows: “caLabel”, “caLineEdit”, “caTextEntry”, “caMenu”, “caRelatedDisplay”, “caNumeric”, “caApplyNumeric”, “caSlider”, “caChoice”, “caTextEntry”, “caMessageButton”, “caToggleButton”, “caSpinbox”, “caByteController”, “caLabelVertical”, “caGraphics”, “caPolyLine”, “caImage”, “caInclude”, “caDoubleTabWidget”, “caClock”, “caLed”, “caLinearGauge”, “caMeter”, “caCircularGauge”, “caMultiLineString”, “caThermo”, “caCartesianPlot”, “caStripPlot”, “caByte”, “caTable”, “caWaveTable”, “caBitnames”, “caCamera”, “caCalc”, “caWaterfallPlot”, “caScan2D”, “caLineDraw”, “caShellCommand”, “caScriptButton”, “caMimeDisplay”.
Attributes are set with the same names used for the widget’s Qt properties.
- Special Attributes
caQtDM widgets don’t have any special attributes.
- Example
- !caMessageButton
background: *edit_blue
colorMode: caMessageButton::Static
geometry: 126x140 x 24x24
pressMessage: "1"
channel: "$(P)$(M{N}).TWF"
label: ">"
Output-Independent Widgets
A basic rectangle shape that can either be filled or an outline
Angles are defined in relation to the positive x axis. With 0 degrees following that axis, and angles proceeding in the counter-clockwise direction.
- Special Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
geometry | Rect | A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget |
background | Color | Widget interior color, transparent by default |
border-color | Color | Widget outline color, $000000 by default |
border-width | Number | Thickness of widget outline, 2 by default |
start-angle | Number | Angle of the starting ray of the arc, 0 by default |
span | Number | Degrees that the arc covers, 90 by default |
visibility | String | A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String |
- Example
SimpleBox: !Arc
geometry: 100x100
border-width: 5
start-angle: 45
span: 180
A widget displaying the individual bits of a pv value
- Special Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
geometry | Rect | A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget |
pv | String | The PV whose bits to display |
start-bit | Number | The initial bit offset for the first bit being displayed, 0 by default |
bits | Number | The number of bits to display, increments from the start-bit, defaults to displaying till the end of the word |
off-color | Color | The display color for a bit being 0, $3C643C by default |
on-color | Color | The display color for a bit being 1, $00FF00 by default |
horizontal | Bool | Whether to arrange the display horizontally, defaults to True |
visibility | String | A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String |
- Example
StatusBits: !ByteMonitor
geometry: 165x12
pv: "$(P)m1.MSTA"
bits: 15
A widget representing a set of buttons that gets its options from an enumerable pv
- Special Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
geometry | Rect | A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget |
foreground | Color | Widget foreground color |
background | Color | Widget background color |
selected | Color | Selected item color, defaults to background color |
font | Font | Widget display font |
pv | String | The PV containing the enumerable value |
horizontal | Bool | Whether to arrange the buttons horizontally, defaults to True |
visibility | String | A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String |
- Example
OnOff: !ChoiceButton
geometry: 215x20
pv: "$(P)userCalcEnable.VAL"
foreground: *black
background: *edit_blue
A basic ellipse shape that can either be filled or an outline
- Special Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
geometry | Rect | A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget |
background | Color | Widget interior color, transparent by default |
border-color | Color | Widget outline color, $000000 by default |
border-width | Number | Thickness of widget outline, 2 by default |
visibility | String | A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String |
- Example
SimpleBox: !Ellipse
geometry: 100x100
border-width: 5
A special widget used to set values for the top-level window.
- Special Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
geometry | Rect | A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget |
margins | Rect | A set of numbers describing the number of pixels to leave clear on the left, top, right, and bottom of the window respectively |
background | Color | The background color for the Form, $BBBBBB by default |
title | String | The display name in the header bar of the window |
- Example
Form: !Form
background: $123456
margins: 5x5x5x5
A widget that displays a given image file
- Special Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
geometry | Rect | A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget |
file | String | The filepath of the image to display |
visibility | String | A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String |
- Example
ComplicatedStructure: !Image
file: "/path/to/image/Beamline.png"
A widget that changes color based upon the value of a given pv. Has one of three states, true, false, or undefined based upon a match with values given by the widget.
- Special Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
geometry | Rect | A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget |
square | Bool | Change widget shape to rectangular rather than circular |
false-value | Number | Set widget to false-color when pv value equals false-value, 0 by default |
true-value | Number | Set widget to true-color when pv value equals true-value, 1 by default |
false-color | Color | The display color for a false value, $3C643C by default |
true-color | Color | The display color for a true value, $00FF00 by default |
undefined-color | Color | The display color for any other value, $A0A0A4 by default |
border-color | Color | Widget border color, $000000 by default |
pv | String | The PV to read data from |
visibility | String | A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String |
- Example
OnOff_Readback: !LED
pv: "$(P)userCalcEnable.VAL"
geometry: 24x24
square: true
A widget representing a menu that gets its options from an enumerable pv
- Special Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
geometry | Rect | A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget |
foreground | Color | Widget foreground color |
background | Color | Widget background color |
font | Font | Widget display font |
pv | String | The PV containing the enumerable value |
visibility | String | A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String |
- Example
- !Menu
foreground: *black
background: *edit_blue
geometry: 355x0 x 80x20
pv: $(P){Instance}:EnableCallbacks
A widget representing a button that writes a value to a pv when pressed
- Special Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
geometry | Rect | A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget |
text | String | The widget’s display text |
foreground | Color | Widget foreground color |
background | Color | Widget background color |
font | Font | Widget display font |
pv | String | The PV that will be written to |
value | String | The value to write to the PV |
visibility | String | A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String |
- Example
- !MessageButton
foreground: *black
background: *edit_blue
text: "Write Value"
geometry: 10x200 x 100x20
pv: "xxx:yyy:zzz"
value: 1
A closed shape consisting of a set of points that can either be filled or an outline
- Special Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
geometry | Rect | A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget |
background | Color | Widget interior color, transparent by default |
border-color | Color | Widget outline color, $000000 by default |
border-width | Number | Thickness of widget outline, 2 by default |
points | List | A list of Rect’s representing the vertices of the polygon |
visibility | String | A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String |
- Example
SimpleBox: !Polygon
geometry: 100x100
border-width: 5
points: [ 10x10, 90x10, 90x90, 10x90 ]
A set of contiguous line segments
- Special Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
geometry | Rect | A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget |
border-color | Color | Widget line color, $000000 by default |
border-width | Number | Thickness of widget outline, 2 by default |
points | List | A list of Rect’s representing the contiguous points of the polyline |
visibility | String | A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String |
- Example
Star: !PolyLine
geometry: 40x40
points: [ 20x0, 0x40, 40x10, 0x10, 40x40, 20x0 ]
A basic rectangle shape that can either be filled or an outline
- Special Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
geometry | Rect | A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget |
background | Color | Widget interior color, transparent by default |
border-color | Color | Widget outline color, $000000 by default |
border-width | Number | Thickness of widget outline, 2 by default |
visibility | String | A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String |
- Example
SimpleBox: !Rectangle
geometry: 100x100
border-width: 5
A widget representing a menu of other UI screens that can be opened by a user.
These other screens are detailed by the attribute links
which is a list of dictionaries. Within each dictionary, the following values can be defined:
- label - The display name for the screen to open
- file - The filepath for the screen to open
- macros - Any macros to pass the screen when opening
- replace - Optional, Whether to replace the parent screen when opening, False by default
- Special Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
geometry | Rect | A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget |
text | String | The widget’s display text |
foreground | Color | Widget foreground color |
background | Color | Widget background color |
font | Font | Widget display font |
links | List | A list of dictionaries describing the linked UI screens |
visibility | String | A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String |
- Example
- !RelatedDisplay
foreground: *black
background: *edit_blue
text: "Open xxx"
geometry: 10x200 x 100x20
- { label: "File 1", file: "xxx.ui", macros: "P=1,R=A" }
A widget representing a bar filling up based on a pv’s value versus its limits
- Special Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
geometry | Rect | A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget |
background | Color | Color of the unfilled portion of bar, $C9C9C9 by default |
foreground | Color | Color of the filled portion of bar, $0000FF by default |
horizontal | Bool | Whether to align the bar horizontally, defaults to False |
pv | String | The PV being monitored |
visibility | String | A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String |
- Example
- !Scale
geometry: 0x0 x 50x200
foreground: *burlywood
pv: "xxx:yyy:zzz"
A button that will trigger the running of a selected shell command
These shell commands are detailed by the attribute commands
which is a list of dictionaries. Within each dictionary, the following values can be defined:
- label - The display name for the command to run
- command - The command and all arguments that will be executed
- Special Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
geometry | Rect | A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget |
text | String | The widget’s display text |
foreground | Color | Widget foreground color |
background | Color | Widget background color |
font | Font | Widget display font |
commands | List | A list of dictionaries describing the commands that can be run |
visibility | String | A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String |
- Example
ExampleCommand: !ShellCommand
geometry: 10x10 x 80x20
text: "Say"
- { label: "Hello", command: "echo 'Hello'" }
- { label: "Goodbye", command: "echo 'Goodbye'"}
A widget that uses a slider to control output to a pv
- Special Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
geometry | Rect | A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget |
horizontal | Bool | Whether to arrange the display horizontally, defaults to True |
pv | String | The PV being monitored |
visibility | String | A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String |
- Example
- !Slider
geometry: 140x0 x 120x20
pv: "$(P)Ao10"
A widget representing a basic text label.
- Special Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
geometry | Rect | A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget |
text | String | The widget’s display text |
foreground | Color | Widget foreground color |
background | Color | Widget background color |
border-color | Color | Widget border color |
border-width | Number | Widget border thickness in pixels |
font | Font | Widget display font |
alignment | Alignment | Display text alignment. |
visibility | String | A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String |
- Example
- !Text
geometry: 5x0 x 120x20
text: "Label Text"
font: -Liberation Sans - bold - 12
horizontal: Center
vertical: Center
A widget representing a text entry field.
- Special Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
geometry | Rect | A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget |
foreground | Color | Widget foreground color |
background | Color | Widget background color |
font | Font | Widget display font |
alignment | Alignment | Display text alignment |
format | String | Text display format, value is one of “String, Decimal, Engineering, Exponential, Compact, Hexadecimal, Binary” |
pv | String | The PV that will be written to |
visibility | String | A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String |
- Example
- !TextEntry
geometry: 5x0 x 120x20
pv: "$(P)$(R)Description"
alignment: BottomLeft
A widget representing a text display field
- Special Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
geometry | Rect | A rectangle describing the position and dimensions of the widget |
foreground | Color | Widget foreground color |
background | Color | Widget background color |
border-color | Color | Widget border color |
border-width | Number | Widget border thickness in pixels |
font | Font | Widget display font |
alignment | Alignment | Display text alignment |
format | String | Text display format, value is one of “String, Decimal, Engineering, Exponential, Compact, Hexadecimal, Binary” |
pv | String | The PV to read data from |
visibility | String | A pv that determines the visibility of the widget, visibility is turned off if the PV’s value is zero. This logic is inverted if the !Not tag is used instead of String |
- Example
- !TextMonitor
geometry: 5x0 x 120x20
pv: "$(P)$(R)Description_RBV"
alignment: CenterRight