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Two overlaid colored labels, where only one of the two labels will display at any one time, with visibility controlled by a user-specified pv. When the pv is 0, the off label will be displayed. Otherwise, the on label will show.

  • Attributes
Name Type Description
height Number The height of the resulting Text nodes, default: 20
width Number The width of the resulting Text nodes, can be referenced as text-width for backwards compatibility, default: 20
geometry Rect Can specify geometry instead of setting width and height separately, default: “{width}x{height}”
control-pv String The full pv for the pv that controls visibility, can be referenced as PV for backwards compatibility
on-label String Text to display when control-pv is non-zero, default: “On”
off-label String Text to display when control-pv is zero, default: “Off”
on-color Color Color of on-label, default: *alarm_green
off-color Color Color of off-label, default: *alarm_red
fontname String Name of font for display text, default: “Liberation Sans”
  • Example
PowerControlReadback: !Apply:OnOffText
    width: 100
    height: 50
    control-pv: "$(P)$(R)1:OUT:RBV"
    on-color: *menu_green


A circular colored button that toggles state when pressed.

  • Attributes
Name Type Description
size Number Controls both height and width at the same time, useful because most times LED will be a circle. default: 16
height Number The height of the resulting LED node, default: “{size}”
width Number The width of the resulting LED node, default: “{size}”
geometry Rect Can specify geometry instead of setting width and height separately, default: “{width}x{height}”
control-pv String The full pv for the pv that controls visibility
on-label String Text to display on top of LED when control-pv is non-zero, can be referenced as on-text for backwards compatibility, default: “1”
off-label String Text to display on top of LED when control-pv is zero, can be referenced as off-text for backwards compatibility, default: “0”
on-color Color Color of LED when control-pv is non-zero, default: *alarm_green
off-color Color Color of LED when control-pv is zero, default: *alarm_red
fontname String Name of font for display text, default: “Liberation Sans”
  • Example
TorqueToggle: !Apply:OnOffLED
    size: 16
    control-pv: "$(P)$(M).CNEN"