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A horizontal flow of optional elements for ease of implementation of simple writing to a pv with a readback display. The possible elements that are included are:

  • a Text label for providing the user with notification of what they are editing
  • a TextEntry description field, for editing the DESC field or similar pv
  • a TextEntry input field, if the pv would use user-defined text/number values
  • a Menu input field, for if the pv is a selectable enum
  • a MessageButton input field, for if the pv is just something that needs to be PROC’d or similar
  • a TextMonitor readback field, for displaying a readback pv value
  • a Text label for appending units onto the readback

Each of the elements are disabled by default and enabled by providing a value for their text (for labels) or pv (for input/output fields). Enabled elements are displayed in a horizontal row in the order shown above.

  • Attributes
Name Type Description
height Number The height of all resulting nodes, default: 20
element-width Number Can specify the default width for all resulting nodes, default: 60
label-width Number Width for the label element, default: “{element-width}”
desc-width Number Width for the description element, default: “{element-width}”
entry-width Number Width for the basic text entry element, default: “{element-width}”
menu-width Number Width for the menu input element, default: “{element-width}”
button-width Number Width for the MessageButton element, default: “{element-width}”
read-width Number Width for the readback element, default: “{element-width}”
units-width Number Width for the units element, default: “{element-width}”
spacing Number Spacing between any two enabled elements, default: 15
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editable-color Color Default color for the general input fields (entry, menu, button), default: *edit_blue
label-background Color Background color for the label element, default: *transparent
desc-background Color Background color for the description element, default: *grey_light
entry-background Color Background color for the basic text entry element, default: “{editable-color}”
menu-background Color Background color for the menu input element, default: “{editable-color}”
button-background Color Background color for the MessageButton element, default: “{editable-color}”
read-background Color Background color for the readback element, default: *transparent
units-background Color Background color for the units element, default: *transparent
/////////////// ////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
text-color Color Default color for the text used in all elements, default: *black
label-foreground Color Text color for the label element, default: “{text-color}”
desc-foreground Color Text color for the description element, default: “{text-color}”
entry-foreground Color Text color for the basic text entry element, default: “{text-color}”
menu-foreground Color Text color for the menu input element, default: “{text-color}”
button-foreground Color Text color for the MessageButton element, default: “{text-color}”
read-foreground Color Text color for the readback element, default: “{text-color}”
units-foreground Color Text color for the units element, default: “{text-color}”
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label String Display text for label element
desc-pv String Connected pv for description element
entry-pv String Connected pv for basic text entry element
menu-pv String Connected pv for menu input element
button-pv String Connected pv for MessageButton element
read-pv String Connected pv for readback element
units String Display text for units element
button-text String Display text for MessageButton element
button-value String Value to send MessageButton pv
  • Example
SelectFunction: !Apply:PVReadWrite
    label: "Function:"
    menu-pv: "$(P)$(R)1:FUNC"
    read-pv: "$(P)$(R)1:FUNC:RBV"