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Command Line

While Gestalt can be run without any commands to use it to generate screens from the built-in templates, it’s built to be able to take input data from many different files and build screens from user-defined templates. The structure of a call using Gestalt is: [OPTIONS] [TEMPLATE]


-i, –input

Input data to apply to the template file. Either a string containing data in a yaml format, or the path to a file to be parsed according to the input format.

-f, -r, –from, –read

Specifies which file parser should be used to read an input data file to generate the macros that will be fed to the template file. By default, Gestalt will attempt to determine the parser automatically based on the file suffix of the input file.

Recognized values for file parser are:

  • yml, yaml - Input file is a YAML file
  • json, JSON - Input file is a JSON file
  • substitutions, msi - Input file is an EPICS substitutions file. Individual substitution lines are converted to dictionaries with keys based upon the specified pattern. Substitutions are arranged into lists, which are linked with the name of the database file being substituted.
  • ini, cfg - Input file is an INI-style file.
  • string, *str** - Instead of an input file, read the input string as a yaml string.

-o, –output

Filepath for the output UI name. By default, if an output format is specified, this will be generated based off of the template file name and the output format. If an output format is not specified, then you must specify an output filename.

-t, -w, –to, –write

Specifies the output UI file format to write. By default, if an output filepath is specified, Gestalt will attempt to determine what file format to output based upon the file suffix of the output filename. If no output file path is specified, then you must specify which output format to write.


Additional folder to include in your search path for template files that may be included using ‘#include’ statements. This option can be applied multiple times, each time specifying a new folder to append to the search path. By default, Gestalt’s templates folder is already included in the search path (for widgets.yml and colors.yml).