Install New Instrument#

Describes the steps to install a new bluesky instrument.


These instructions have been written for workstations running the Linux operating system. They may be used for other operating systems but expect some modifications are necessary. One such modification is that the libhkl library, needed for diffractometer support, is only available for Linux x86_64 host architectures.


In Linux, use the bash command shell. For more info see what is bash?

Installation checklist#

The installation checklist summarizes the steps with links to the documentation for each step.

  1. Create bluesky directory

  2. Create bluesky environment

  3. (optional) Configure IPython Profile for Bluesky

  4. (optional) Create an alias to activate the bluesky environment

  5. (optional) Test the new bluesky instrument

  6. (optional) Create a File System Soft Link

  7. Setup catalog configuration for databroker

  8. (optional) Start software version control

Next steps …#

After the initial installation, it is time to configure the instrument package (i.e. content in the instrument/ directory) for the details of your hardware and experiments. See the Configure bluesky instrument section next.