Setup your databroker catalog configuration#

The bluesky instrument uses a YAML file which describes the connection with some location where data is stored, typically a MongoDB collection. This is called a catalog configuration file.

The catalog configuration file must be placed in a directory where databroker expects to find it. Run this snippet to find the list of paths where it looks on your system:

$ python -c "import databroker; print(databroker.catalog_search_path())"
('/home/user/.local/share/intake', '/home/user/.conda/envs/bluesky_2023_3/share/intake')

Create a YAML file in one of these directories. (The actual file name does not matter. Only that it ends with .yml. Also, amongst all the .yml files found on the search path, any catalog names defined only appear once.) Since you might recreate the environment, it is suggested not to install into any environment directory (such as /home/user/.conda/envs/bluesky_2023_3/share/intake listed above).

Here is an example used with the Bluesky training demonstration:

# file: training.yml
# purpose: Configuration file to connect Bluesky databroker with MongoDB
# For Bluesky Python Training at APS

# Copy to: ~/.local/share/intake/training.yml
# Create subdirectories as needed

      asset_registry_db: mongodb://localhost:27017/training-bluesky
      metadatastore_db: mongodb://localhost:27017/training-bluesky
    driver: bluesky-mongo-normalized-catalog

Let’s assume (for example purposes) this catalog assignment (BCDA instruction to create an assignment):

  • name: 45ida_abcd

  • MongoDB server:

  • MongoDB collection: 45ida_abcd-bluesky

  1. Create any missing directories as needed: mkdir -p ~/.local/share/intake

  2. Create file ~/.local/share/intake/databroker_catalogs.yml

  3. Open in an editor and copy/paste the content above.

  4. Change training: to your catalog’s name, such as 45ida_abcd:

  5. Change both lines with mongodb://... to mongodb://

  6. Change the comments accordingly.

Confirm that databroker can find this catalog configuration file:

$ python -c "import databroker; print(list(databroker.catalog))" 