Test the New Bluesky Instrument#

Test the new bluesky instrument package.

How to install a new instrument?

Visit Bluesky Installation.

How to test my Bluesky installation? Test (verify) the installation by running the Hello, World! tutorial.

Navigate to the ~/bluesky directory:

$ cd ~/bluesky

and :ref:start a Bluesky console session <instrument.start_bluesky_console_session>.

What does the (~) means in ~/bluesky? The tilde (~) character represents the current user's home directory. This is a shortcut that can be used to specify file paths without having to type out the entire path to the home directory.

Load the instrument package for data collection activities. The name of each module is logged as it is loaded.

In [1]: from instrument.collection import *
Activating auto-logging. Current session state plus future input saved.
Filename       : /home/user/bluesky/.logs/ipython_console.log
Mode           : rotate
Output logging : True
Raw input log  : False
Timestamping   : True
State          : active
I Mon-14:43:28 - Console logging: /home/user/bluesky/.logs/ipython_console.log
I Mon-14:43:28 - ############################################################ startup
I Mon-14:43:28 - logging started
I Mon-14:43:28 - logging level = 10
I Mon-14:43:28 - /home/user/bluesky/instrument/session_logs.py
I Mon-14:43:28 - /home/user/bluesky/instrument/collection.py
I Mon-14:43:28 - CONDA_PREFIX = /home/user/.conda/envs/bluesky_2023_3
Exception reporting mode: Minimal
I Mon-14:43:28 - xmode exception level: 'Minimal'
I Mon-14:43:28 - /home/user/bluesky/instrument/mpl/console.py
I Mon-14:43:28 - #### Bluesky Framework ####
I Mon-14:43:28 - /home/user/bluesky/instrument/framework/check_python.py
I Mon-14:43:28 - /home/user/bluesky/instrument/framework/check_bluesky.py
I Mon-14:43:30 - /home/user/bluesky/instrument/framework/initialize.py
I Mon-14:43:30 - using TEMPORARY databroker catalog 'temp'
I Mon-14:43:30 - using ophyd control layer: pyepics
I Mon-14:43:30 - /home/user/bluesky/instrument/framework/metadata.py
I Mon-14:43:30 - /home/user/bluesky/instrument/epics_signal_config.py
I Mon-14:43:30 - Using RunEngine metadata for scan_id
I Mon-14:43:30 - #### Devices ####
I Mon-14:43:30 - #### Callbacks ####
I Mon-14:43:30 - /home/user/bluesky/instrument/callbacks/spec_data_file_writer.py
I Mon-14:43:30 - #### Plans ####
I Mon-14:43:30 - #### Utilities ####
I Mon-14:43:30 - /home/user/bluesky/instrument/utils/image_analysis.py
I Mon-14:43:30 - writing to SPEC file: /home/user/bluesky/20230313-144330.dat
I Mon-14:43:30 -    >>>>   Using default SPEC file name   <<<<
I Mon-14:43:30 -    file will be created when bluesky ends its next scan
I Mon-14:43:30 -    to change SPEC file, use command:   newSpecFile('title')
I Mon-14:43:30 - #### Startup is complete. ####

In [2]:

The time-stamped lines that start with I are Information log messages from the logger.

More about the logger The logger levels are:








information (default)


debugging (lots of detail!)

The logger output to the terminal is intentionally terse. Greater detail may be available in log files in the .logs/ subdirectory.

The IPython output should end with the message:

#### Startup is complete. ####

Congratulations! You’ve tested your new bluesky instrument.