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Build Instructions

Supported Operating Systems

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9


  • EPICS Base
  • asyn
  • ur_rtde (included)

This support module has been tested to work with EPICS base, and asyn R4-42 (synApps 6-2-1), and newer versions (synApps 6-3). The minimum required versions of base and asyn have not been tested.

The ur_rtde library comes pre-built for the supported operating systems. See urRobotApp/src/ur_rtde/release.txt for the current included version of the ur_rtde library.

If you need the EPICS urRobot support on another operating system, so long as you have EPICS base and asyn, you’ll just need to build the ur_rtde library for your OS and replace the ur_rtde library files and headrs in urRobotApp/src. Consult the ur_rtde library documentation on how to build it from source.


  • Once you have a working installation of EPICS base and asyn, clone or download
  • Next, open configure/RELEASE in a text editor and correct the paths to EPICS_BASE and ASYN if necessary
  • Run make in the top level directory of the project

Adding UR Robot support to an IOC

After you have successfully built the urRobot support module, follow the steps below to add it to an IOC.

1. Add the path to the urRobot support in configure/RELEASE

# file: configure/RELEASE

2. Add rules in xxxApp/src/Makefile

# file: xxxApp/src/Makefile
  $(DBD_NAME)_DBD += urRobotSupport.dbd
  $(PROD_NAME)_LIBS := urRobot $($(PROD_NAME)_LIBS)

3. In your startup script, load the example script making sure to fill in the correct IP address for your robot.

# file: iocBoot/iocxxx/st.cmd.Linux
iocshLoad("$(URROBOT)/iocsh/urRobot.iocsh", "PREFIX=$(PREFIX), IP=")