
DataTableModel(*args, **kwargs)

This model is designed to handle data represented as a dictionary where keys correspond to column labels and values are lists of data points for each column.

class mdaviz.data_table_model.DataTableModel(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

This model is designed to handle data represented as a dictionary where keys correspond to column labels and values are lists of data points for each column.

  • scanDict (dict): A dictionary where keys are pos/det indexes and values are dictionaries: {index: {‘object’: scanObject, ‘data’: […], ‘unit’: ‘…’, ‘name’: ‘…’,’type’:…}}.

  • parent (QObject, optional): The parent object for this table model, default is None.

  • rowCount: Returns the number of rows in the table model.

  • columnCount: Returns the number of columns in the table model.

  • data: Returns the data to be displayed for a given index and role.

  • headerData: Provides the header labels for the table model.

  • columnLabels: Returns a list of column labels.

  • setColumnLabels: Sets the column labels based on keys from the input dictionary.

  • allData: Returns the current data stored in the model.

  • setAllData: Sets the model’s data using the input dictionary.

The model dynamically adjusts to changes in the input data, updating both the data displayed and the column headers as necessary.

headerData(section, orientation, role)[source]#

Provide horizontal header labels only, nothing for vertical headers (Index is always the first column).