
Read SPEC config file and convert to ophyd setup commands.

This is a tool to help migration from SPEC to bluesky. It reads the SPEC configuration file provided on the comand line and converts the lines it recognizes into ophyd commands which create ophyd objects. These commands are printed to sys.stdout. The output can be copied into a setup file for ophyd.


SPEC config file#

# ID @(#)getinfo.c      6.6  01/15/16 CSS
# Device nodes
SDEV_0   = /dev/ttyUSB0 19200 raw
SDEV_1   = /dev/ttyUSB2 19200 raw
#SDEV_2  = /dev/ttyUSB2 19200 raw
VM_EPICS_M1      = 9idcLAX:m58:c0: 8
VM_EPICS_M1      = 9idcLAX:m58:c1: 8
VM_EPICS_M1      = 9idcLAX:m58:c2: 8
VM_EPICS_M1      = 9idcLAX:mxv:c0: 8
VM_EPICS_M1      = 9idcLAX:pi:c0: 4
VM_EPICS_M1      = 9idcLAX:xps:c0: 8
VM_EPICS_M1      = 9idcLAX:aero:c0: 1
VM_EPICS_M1      = 9idcLAX:mxv:c1: 8
VM_EPICS_M1      = 9idcLAX:aero:c1: 1
VM_EPICS_M1      = 9idcLAX:aero:c2: 1
PSE_MAC_MOT      = kohzuE 1
VM_EPICS_M1      = 9ida: 60
VM_EPICS_M1      = 9idcLAX:aero:c3: 1
VM_EPICS_SC      = 9idcLAX:vsc:c0 16
# CAMAC Slot Assignments
#  CA_name_unit = slot [crate_number]
# Motor    cntrl steps sign slew base backl accel nada  flags   mne  name
MOT000 = EPICS_M2:0/2   2000  1  2000  200   50  125    0 0x003       mx  mx
MOT001 = EPICS_M2:0/3   2000  1  2000  200   50  125    0 0x003       my  my
MOT002 = EPICS_M2:1/1   2000  1  2000  200   50  125    0 0x003      msx  msx
MOT003 = EPICS_M2:1/2   2000  1  2000  200   50  125    0 0x003      msy  msy
MOT004 = EPICS_M2:1/3   2000  1  2000  200   50  125    0 0x003      art  ART50-100
MOT005 = EPICS_M2:2/5   2000  1  2000  200   50  125    0 0x003  uslvcen  uslitvercen
MOT006 = EPICS_M2:2/6   2000  1  2000  200   50  125    0 0x003  uslhcen  uslithorcen
MOT007 = EPICS_M2:3/3   2000  1  2000  200   50  125    0 0x003   gslout  GSlit_outb
MOTPAR:read_mode = 7
MOT008 = EPICS_M2:3/4   2000  1  2000  200   50  125    0 0x003   gslinb  GSlit_inb
MOTPAR:read_mode = 7
MOT009 = EPICS_M2:3/5   2000  1  2000  200   50  125    0 0x003   gsltop  GSlit_top
MOTPAR:read_mode = 7
MOT010 = EPICS_M2:3/6   2000  1  2000  200   50  125    0 0x003   gslbot  GSlit_bot
MOTPAR:read_mode = 7
MOT011 = MAC_MOT:0/0   2000  1  2000  200   50  125    0 0x003        en  en
MOTPAR:read_mode = 7
MOT012 = EPICS_M2:10/43   2000  1  2000  200   50  125    0 0x003    InbMS  MonoSl_inb
# Counter   ctrl unit chan scale flags    mne  name
CNT000 = EPICS_SC  0  0 10000000 0x001      sec  seconds
CNT001 = EPICS_SC  0  1      1 0x002       I0  I0
CNT002 = EPICS_SC  0  2      1 0x000      I00  I00
CNT003 = EPICS_SC  0  3      1 0x000     upd2  photodiode
CNT004 = EPICS_SC  0  4      1 0x000      trd  TR_diode
CNT005 = EPICS_SC  0  5      1 0x000     I000  I000

command line#

Translate the SPEC config file in the present directory:

spec2ophyd ./config


mx = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c0:m2', name='mx', labels=('motor',))
my = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c0:m3', name='my', labels=('motor',))
msx = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c1:m1', name='msx', labels=('motor',))
msy = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c1:m2', name='msy', labels=('motor',))
art = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c1:m3', name='art', labels=('motor',))  # ART50-100
uslvcen = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c2:m5', name='uslvcen', labels=('motor',))  # uslitvercen
uslhcen = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c2:m6', name='uslhcen', labels=('motor',))  # uslithorcen
gslout = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:mxv:c0:m3', name='gslout', labels=('motor',))  # GSlit_outb # read_mode=7
gslinb = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:mxv:c0:m4', name='gslinb', labels=('motor',))  # GSlit_inb # read_mode=7
gsltop = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:mxv:c0:m5', name='gsltop', labels=('motor',))  # GSlit_top # read_mode=7
gslbot = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:mxv:c0:m6', name='gslbot', labels=('motor',))  # GSlit_bot # read_mode=7
# Macro Motor: SpecMotor(mne='en', config_line='11', macro_prefix='kohzuE') # read_mode=7
InbMS = EpicsMotor('9ida:m43', name='InbMS', labels=('motor',))  # MonoSl_inb
c0 = ScalerCH('9idcLAX:vsc:c0', name='c0', labels=('detectors',))
# counter: sec = SpecCounter(mne='sec', config_line='0', name='seconds', unit='0', chan='0', pvname=9idcLAX:vsc:c0.S1)
# counter: I0 = SpecCounter(mne='I0', config_line='1', unit='0', chan='1', pvname=9idcLAX:vsc:c0.S2)
# counter: I00 = SpecCounter(mne='I00', config_line='2', unit='0', chan='2', pvname=9idcLAX:vsc:c0.S3)
# counter: upd2 = SpecCounter(mne='upd2', config_line='3', name='photodiode', unit='0', chan='3', pvname=9idcLAX:vsc:c0.S4)
# counter: trd = SpecCounter(mne='trd', config_line='4', name='TR_diode', unit='0', chan='4', pvname=9idcLAX:vsc:c0.S5)
# counter: I000 = SpecCounter(mne='I000', config_line='5', unit='0', chan='5', pvname=9idcLAX:vsc:c0.S6)


  • spec2ophyd is a work-in-progress.

  • spec2ophyd does not rely on any libraries of apstools

  • It is not necessarily robust

  • It is not packaged or installed with the apstools.

  • It is only available from the source code repository.

  • It may be refactored or removed at any time.

  • Check the apstools Change History for more updates (BCDA-APS/apstools)