Source code for apstools.utils.spreadsheet

Spreadsheet Support

.. autosummary::


import math
import pathlib
from collections import OrderedDict

import openpyxl
import openpyxl.utils.exceptions

from . import to_unicode_or_bust

[docs]class ExcelReadError(openpyxl.utils.exceptions.InvalidFileException): """ Exception when reading Excel spreadsheet. .. index:: apstools Exception; ExcelReadError """
[docs]class ExcelDatabaseFileBase(object): """ base class: read-only support for Excel files, treat them like databases .. index:: apstools Utility; ExcelDatabaseFileBase Use this class when creating new, specific spreadsheet support. EXAMPLE Show how to read an Excel file where one of the columns contains a unique key. This allows for random access to each row of data by use of the *key*. :: class ExhibitorsDB(ExcelDatabaseFileBase): ''' content for exhibitors from the Excel file ''' EXCEL_FILE = pathlib.Path("resources") / "exhibitors.xlsx" LABELS_ROW = 2 def handle_single_entry(self, entry): '''any special handling for a row from the Excel file''' pass def handleExcelRowEntry(self, entry): '''identify unique key (row of the Excel file)''' key = entry["Name"] self.db[key] = entry """ EXCEL_FILE = None # subclass MUST define # EXCEL_FILE = pathlib.Path("abstracts") / "index of abstracts.xlsx" LABELS_ROW = 3 # labels are on line LABELS_ROW+1 in the Excel file def __init__(self, ignore_extra=True): self.db = OrderedDict() self.data_labels = None if self.EXCEL_FILE is None: raise ValueError("subclass must define EXCEL_FILE") self.fname = pathlib.Path(".") / self.EXCEL_FILE self.sheet_name = 0 self.parse(ignore_extra=ignore_extra) def handle_single_entry(self, entry): # subclass MUST override # fmt: off raise NotImplementedError( "subclass must override handle_single_entry() method" ) # fmt: on def handleExcelRowEntry(self, entry): # subclass MUST override # fmt: off raise NotImplementedError( "subclass must override handleExcelRowEntry() method" ) # fmt: on def parse( self, labels_row_num=None, data_start_row_num=None, ignore_extra=True, ): labels_row_num = labels_row_num or self.LABELS_ROW try: wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(self.fname) ws = wb.worksheets[self.sheet_name] if ignore_extra: # ignore data outside of table in spreadsheet file data = list(ws.rows)[labels_row_num:] self.data_labels = [] for c in data[0]: if c.value is None: break self.data_labels.append(c.value) rows = [] for r in data[1:]: if r[0].value is None: break rows.append(r[: len(self.data_labels)]) else: # use the whole sheet rows = list(ws.rows) # create the column titles # fmt: off self.data_labels = [ f"Column_{i+1}" for i in range(len(rows[0])) ] # fmt: on except openpyxl.utils.exceptions.InvalidFileException as exc: raise ExcelReadError(exc) for row in rows: entry = OrderedDict() for _col, label in enumerate(self.data_labels): entry[label] = row[_col].value self.handle_single_entry(entry) self.handleExcelRowEntry(entry) def _getExcelColumnValue(self, row_data, col): v = row_data[col] if self._isExcel_nan(v): v = None else: v = to_unicode_or_bust(v) if isinstance(v, str): v = v.strip() return v def _isExcel_nan(self, value): if not isinstance(value, float): return False return math.isnan(value)
[docs]class ExcelDatabaseFileGeneric(ExcelDatabaseFileBase): """ Generic (read-only) handling of Excel spreadsheet-as-database .. index:: apstools Utility; ExcelDatabaseFileGeneric .. index:: Excel scan, scan; Excel .. note:: This is the class to use when reading Excel spreadsheets. In the spreadsheet, the first sheet should contain the table to be used. By default (see keyword parameter ``labels_row``), the table should start in cell A4. The column labels are given in row 4. A blank column should appear to the right of the table (see keyword parameter ``ignore_extra``). The column labels will describe the action and its parameters. Additional columns may be added for metadata or other purposes. The rows below the column labels should contain actions and parameters for those actions, one action per row. To make a comment, place a ``#`` in the action column. A comment should be ignored by the bluesky plan that reads this table. The table will end with a row of empty cells. While it's a good idea to put the ``action`` column first, that is not necessary. It is not even necessary to name the column ``action``. You can re-arrange the order of the columns and change their names **as long as** the column names match what text strings your Python code expects to find. A future upgrade [#]_ will allow the table boundaries to be named by Excel when using Excel's ``Format as Table`` [#]_ feature. For now, leave a blank row and column at the bottom and right edges of the table. .. [#] .. [#] Excel's ``Format as Table``: PARAMETERS filename *str* : name (absolute or relative) of Excel spreadsheet file labels_row *int* : Row (zero-based numbering) of Excel file with column labels, default: ``3`` (Excel row 4) ignore_extra *bool* : When ``True``, ignore any cells outside of the table, default: ``True``. Note that when ``True``, a row of cells *within* the table will be recognized as the end of the table, even if there are actions in following rows. To force an empty row, use a comment symbol ``#`` (actually, any non-empty content will work). When ``False``, cells with other information (in Sheet 1) will be made available, sometimes with unpredictable results. EXAMPLE See section :ref:`example_run_command_file` for more examples. (See also :ref:`example screen shot <excel_plan_spreadsheet_screen>`.) Table (on Sheet 1) begins on row 4 in first column:: 1 | some text here, maybe a title 2 | (could have content here) 3 | (or even more content here) 4 | action | sx | sy | sample | comments | | <-- leave empty column 5 | close | | | close the shutter | | 6 | image | 0 | 0 | dark | dark image | | 7 | open | | | | open the shutter | | 8 | image | 0 | 0 | flat | flat field image | | 9 | image | 5.1 | -3.2 | 4140 steel | heat 9172634 | | 10 | scan | 5.1 | -3.2 | 4140 steel | heat 9172634 | | 11 | scan | 0 | 0 | blank | | | 12 | 13 | ^^^ leave empty row ^^^ 14 | (could have content here) Example python code to read this spreadsheet:: from apstools.utils import ExcelDatabaseFileGeneric, cleanupText def myExcelPlan(xl_file, md={}): excel_file = pathlib.Path(xl_file).absolute() xl = ExcelDatabaseFileGeneric(excel_file) for i, row in xl.db.values(): # prepare the metadata _md = {cleanupText(k): v for k, v in row.items()} _md["xl_file"] = xl_file _md["excel_row_number"] = i+1 _md.update(md) # overlay with user-supplied metadata # determine what action to take action = row["action"].lower() if action == "open": yield from, "open") elif action == "close": yield from, "close") elif action == "image": # your code to take an image, given **row as parameters yield from my_image(**row, md=_md) elif action == "scan": # your code to make a scan, given **row as parameters yield from my_scan(**row, md=_md) else: print(f"no handling for row {i+1}: action={action}") # execute this plan through the RunEngine RE(myExcelPlan("spreadsheet.xlsx", md=dict(purpose="apstools demo")) """ def __init__(self, filename, labels_row=3, ignore_extra=True): self._index_ = 0 self.EXCEL_FILE = self.EXCEL_FILE or filename self.LABELS_ROW = labels_row ExcelDatabaseFileBase.__init__(self, ignore_extra=ignore_extra) def handle_single_entry(self, entry): pass
[docs] def handleExcelRowEntry(self, entry): """use row number as the unique key""" key = str(self._index_) self.db[key] = entry self._index_ += 1
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # :author: Pete R. Jemian # :email: # :copyright: (c) 2017-2024, UChicago Argonne, LLC # # Distributed under the terms of the Argonne National Laboratory Open Source License. # # The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------