Source code for apstools.utils.misc

Miscellaneous Support

.. autosummary::


import inspect
import logging
import pathlib
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import time
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import wraps

import databroker
import ophyd
import pyRestTable
from bluesky import plan_stubs as bps
from bluesky.callbacks.best_effort import BestEffortCallback
from ophyd.ophydobj import OphydObject

from ..callbacks import spec_file_writer
from ._core import TableStyle
from .profile_support import ipython_shell_namespace

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def call_signature_decorator(f): """ Get the names of all function parameters supplied by the caller. This is used to differentiate user-supplied parameters from as-defined parameters with the same value. HOW TO USE THIS DECORATOR: Decorate a function or method with this decorator *and* add an additional `_call_args=None` kwarg to the function. The function can test `_call_args` if a specific kwarg was supplied by the caller. EXAMPLE:: @call_signature_decorator def func1(a, b=1, c=True, _call_args=None): if 'c' in _call_args: # Caller supplied this kwarg? pass .. note:: With ``call_signature_decorator``, it is not possible to get the names of the positional arguments. Since positional parameters are not specified by name, such capability is not expected to become a requirement. :see: (how-to-check-whether-optional-function-parameter-is-set) """ key = "_call_args" varnames = inspect.getfullargspec(f)[0] @wraps(f) def wrapper(*a, **kw): kw[key] = set(list(varnames[: len(a)]) + list(kw.keys())) return f(*a, **kw) return wrapper
[docs]def cleanupText(text): """ convert text so it can be used as a dictionary key Given some input text string, return a clean version remove troublesome characters, perhaps other cleanup as well. This is best done with regular expression pattern matching. """ pattern = "[a-zA-Z0-9_]" def mapper(c): if re.match(pattern, c) is not None: return c return "_" return "".join([mapper(c) for c in text])
[docs]def count_child_devices_and_signals(device): """ Dict with number of children of this device. Keys: Device and Signal. """ count = dict(Device=0, Signal=0) if hasattr(device, "walk_components"): # Device has this attribute for item in device.walk_components(): # assume if it is NOT a device, then it's a signal which = "Device" if item.item.is_device else "Signal" count[which] += 1 else: count["Signal"] += 1 return count
[docs]def count_common_subdirs(p1, p2): """Count how many subdirectories are common to both file paths.""" parts1 = pathlib.Path(p1).parts parts2 = pathlib.Path(p2).parts count = 0 for x, y in zip(reversed(parts1), reversed(parts2)): if x != y: break count += 1 if count == 0 and min(len(parts1), len(parts2)) > 0: # special case when first part of path is common if parts1[0] == parts2[0]: count = 1 return count
[docs]def dictionary_table(dictionary, **kwargs): """ Return a text table from ``dictionary``. Dictionary keys in first column, values in second. PARAMETERS dictionary *dict* : Python dictionary Note: Keyword arguments parameters are kept for compatibility with previous versions of apstools. They are ignored now. RETURNS table *object* or ``None`` : ``pyRestTable.Table()`` object (multiline text table) or ``None`` if dictionary has no contents EXAMPLE:: In [8]: Out[8]: {'login_id': '', 'beamline_id': 'developer', 'proposal_id': None, 'pid': 19072, 'scan_id': 10, 'version': {'bluesky': '1.5.2', 'ophyd': '1.3.3', 'apstools': '1.1.5', 'epics': '3.3.3'}} In [9]: print(dictionary_table( =========== ============================================================================= key value =========== ============================================================================= beamline_id developer login_id pid 19072 proposal_id None scan_id 10 version {'bluesky': '1.5.2', 'ophyd': '1.3.3', 'apstools': '1.1.5', 'epics': '3.3.3'} =========== ============================================================================= """ if len(dictionary) == 0: return t = pyRestTable.Table() t.addLabel("key") t.addLabel("value") for k, v in sorted(dictionary.items()): t.addRow((k, str(v))) return t
[docs]def full_dotted_name(obj): """ Return the full dotted name The ``.dotted_name`` property does not include the name of the root object. This routine adds that. see: """ names = [] while obj.parent is not None: names.append(obj.attr_name) obj = obj.parent names.append( return ".".join(names[::-1])
[docs]def itemizer(fmt, items): """Format a list of items.""" return [fmt % k for k in items]
[docs]def pairwise(iterable): """ break a list (or other iterable) into pairs :: s -> (s0, s1), (s2, s3), (s4, s5), ... In [71]: for item in pairwise("a b c d e fg".split()): ...: print(item) ...: ('a', 'b') ('c', 'd') ('e', 'fg') """ a = iter(iterable) return zip(a, a)
[docs]def replay(headers, callback=None, sort=True): """ Replay the document stream from one (or more) scans (headers). PARAMETERS headers *run* or *[run]* : Run(s) to be replayed through callback. A *run* is an instance of a Bluesky ``databroker.core.BlueskyRun`` (or the older ``databroker.Header``). see: callback *run* or *[run]* : The Bluesky callback to handle the stream of documents from a run. If ``None``, then use the `bec` (BestEffortCallback) from the IPython shell. (default:``None``) sort *bool* : Sort the headers chronologically if True. (default:``True``) (new in apstools release 1.1.11) """ # fmt: off callback = callback or ipython_shell_namespace().get( "bec", # get from IPython shell BestEffortCallback(), # make one, if we must ) # fmt: on _headers = headers # do not mutate the input arg if not isinstance(_headers, (list, tuple)): _headers = [_headers] def as_header(run): if hasattr(run, "start"): return run # this is a cat.v1 header # convert cat.v2 run to cat.v1 header uid = run.metadata["start"]["uid"] return[uid] runs = [as_header(h) for h in _headers] def increasing_time_sorter(run): return run.start["time"] def decreasing_time_sorter(run): """Default for databroker v0 results.""" return -run.start["time"] # fmt: off sorter = { True: increasing_time_sorter, False: decreasing_time_sorter, }[sort] # fmt: on for h in sorted(runs, key=sorter): if not isinstance(h, databroker.Header): # fmt: off raise TypeError( f"Must be a databroker Header: received: {type(h)}: |{h}|" ) # fmt: on cmd = spec_file_writer._rebuild_scan_command(h.start) logger.debug("%s", cmd) # at last, this is where the real action happens for k, doc in h.documents(): # get the stream callback(k, doc) # play it through the callback
[docs]def run_in_thread(func): """ (decorator) run ``func`` in thread USAGE:: @run_in_thread def progress_reporting(): logger.debug("progress_reporting is starting") # ... #... progress_reporting() # runs in separate thread #... """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): thread = threading.Thread(target=func, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) thread.start() return thread return wrapper
[docs]def safe_ophyd_name(text): r""" make text safe to be used as an ophyd object name Given some input text string, return a clean version. Remove troublesome characters, perhaps other cleanup as well. This is best done with regular expression pattern matching. The "sanitized" name fits this regular expression:: [A-Za-z_][\w_]* Also can be used for safe HDF5 and NeXus names. """ replacement = "_" noncompliance = r"[^\w_]" # replace ALL non-compliances with '_' safer = replacement.join(re.split(noncompliance, text)) # can't start with a digit if safer[0].isdigit(): safer = replacement + safer return safer
[docs]def split_quoted_line(line): """ splits a line into words some of which might be quoted TESTS:: FlyScan 0 0 0 blank FlyScan 5 2 0 "empty container" FlyScan 5 12 0 "even longer name" SAXS 0 0 0 blank SAXS 0 0 0 "blank" RESULTS:: ['FlyScan', '0', '0', '0', 'blank'] ['FlyScan', '5', '2', '0', 'empty container'] ['FlyScan', '5', '12', '0', 'even longer name'] ['SAXS', '0', '0', '0', 'blank'] ['SAXS', '0', '0', '0', 'blank'] """ parts = [] # look for open and close quoted parts and combine them quoted = False multi = None for p in line.split(): if not quoted and p.startswith('"'): # begin quoted text quoted = True multi = "" if quoted: if len(multi) > 0: multi += " " multi += p if p.endswith('"'): # end quoted text quoted = False if not quoted: if multi is not None: parts.append(multi[1:-1]) # remove enclosing quotes multi = None else: parts.append(p) return parts
[docs]def text_encode(source): """Encode ``source`` using the default codepoint.""" return source.encode(errors="ignore")
[docs]def to_unicode_or_bust(obj, encoding="utf-8"): """from: .""" if isinstance(obj, str): if not isinstance(obj, str): obj = str(obj, encoding) return obj
[docs]def trim_string_for_EPICS(msg): """String must not exceed EPICS PV length.""" if len(msg) > MAX_EPICS_STRINGOUT_LENGTH: msg = msg[: MAX_EPICS_STRINGOUT_LENGTH - 1] return msg
[docs]def unix(command, raises=True): """ Run a UNIX command, returns (stdout, stderr). PARAMETERS command *str* : UNIX command to be executed raises *bool* : If ``True``, will raise exceptions as needed, default: ``True`` """ if sys.platform not in ("linux", "linux2"): emsg = f"Cannot call unix() when OS={sys.platform}" raise RuntimeError(emsg) process = subprocess.Popen( command, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() if len(stderr) > 0: emsg = f"unix({command}) returned error:\n{stderr}" logger.error(emsg) if raises: raise RuntimeError(emsg) return stdout, stderr
[docs]def listobjects( show_pv=True, printing=None, # DEPRECATED verbose=False, symbols=None, child_devices=False, child_signals=False, table_style=TableStyle.pyRestTable, ): """ Show all the ophyd Signal and Device objects defined as globals. PARAMETERS show_pv *bool* : If True, also show relevant EPICS PV, if available. (default: True) printing *bool* : Deprecated. verbose *bool* : If True, also show ``str(obj``. (default: False) symbols *dict* : If None, use global symbol table. If not None, use provided dictionary. (default: ``globals()``) child_devices *bool* : If True, also show how many Devices are children of this device. (default: False) child_signals *bool* : If True, also show how many Signals are children of this device. (default: False) table_style *object* : Either ``apstools.utils.TableStyle.pandas`` (default) or using values from :class:`apstools.utils.TableStyle`. .. note:: ``pandas.DataFrame`` wll truncate long text to at most 50 characters. RETURNS object: Instance of ``pyRestTable.Table()`` EXAMPLE:: In [1]: listobjects() ======== ================================ ============= name ophyd structure EPICS PV ======== ================================ ============= adsimdet MySingleTriggerSimDetector vm7SIM1: m1 EpicsMotor vm7:m1 m2 EpicsMotor vm7:m2 m3 EpicsMotor vm7:m3 m4 EpicsMotor vm7:m4 m5 EpicsMotor vm7:m5 m6 EpicsMotor vm7:m6 m7 EpicsMotor vm7:m7 m8 EpicsMotor vm7:m8 noisy EpicsSignalRO vm7:userCalc1 scaler ScalerCH vm7:scaler1 shutter SimulatedApsPssShutterWithStatus ======== ================================ ============= Out[1]: <pyRestTable.rest_table.Table at 0x7fa4398c7cf8> In [2]: (new in apstools release 1.1.8) """ if symbols is None: g = ipython_shell_namespace() # the default choice if len(g) == 0: g = globals() # ultimate fallback else: g = symbols g = {k: v for k, v in sorted(g.items()) if isinstance(v, OphydObject)} # Now, g is a dict of the objects to be listed. # Build the table as a dict keyed by column names. contents = defaultdict(list) for k, v in g.items(): contents["name"].append(k) contents["class"].append(v.__class__.__name__) if show_pv: if hasattr(v, "pvname"): pv = v.pvname elif hasattr(v, "prefix"): pv = v.prefix else: pv = "" contents["PV (or prefix)"].append(pv) if verbose: contents["object"].append(v) if child_devices or child_signals: nchildren = count_child_devices_and_signals(v) if child_devices: contents["#devices"].append(nchildren["Device"]) if child_signals: contents["#signals"].append(nchildren["Signal"]) contents["label(s)"].append(" ".join(v._ophyd_labels_)) # Render the dict as a table. table = table_style.value(contents) if printing is not None: warnings.warn(f"Keyword argument 'printing={printing}' is deprecated.") return table
[docs]def connect_pvlist(pvlist, wait=True, timeout=2, poll_interval=0.1): """ Given list of EPICS PV names, return dict of EpicsSignal objects. PARAMETERS pvlist *[str]* : list of EPICS PV names wait *bool* : should wait for EpicsSignal objects to connect (default: ``True``) timeout *float* : maximum time to wait for PV connections, seconds (default: 2.0) poll_interval *float* : time to sleep between checks for PV connections, seconds (default: 0.1) """ obj_dict = OrderedDict() for item in pvlist: if len(item.strip()) == 0: continue pvname = item.strip() oname = "signal_{}".format(len(obj_dict)) obj = ophyd.EpicsSignal(pvname, name=oname) obj_dict[oname] = obj if wait: times_up = time.time() + max(0, timeout) poll_interval = max(0.01, poll_interval) waiting = True while waiting and time.time() < times_up: time.sleep(poll_interval) waiting = False in [sig.connected for sig in obj_dict.values()] if waiting: # If did not connect all, revise with only the connected PVs # and report the unconncetd PVs. revised_dict = OrderedDict() for label, sig in obj_dict.items(): if sig.connected: revised_dict[label] = sig else: print(f"Could not connect {sig.pvname}") if len(revised_dict) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Could not connect any PVs in the list") obj_dict = revised_dict return obj_dict
[docs]def redefine_motor_position(motor, new_position): """Set EPICS motor record's user coordinate to ``new_position``.""" yield from, 1) yield from, new_position) yield from, 0)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # :author: Pete R. Jemian # :email: # :copyright: (c) 2017-2024, UChicago Argonne, LLC # # Distributed under the terms of the Argonne National Laboratory Open Source License. # # The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------