Source code for apstools.utils.catalog

Working with databroker catalogs

.. autosummary::


import logging

import databroker
import databroker._drivers.mongo_normalized
import databroker._drivers.msgpack
import databroker.queries
import pandas as pd
import pyRestTable

from ._core import CATALOG_CLASSES
from .list_runs import getRunData
from .profile_support import getDefaultNamespace
from .profile_support import ipython_shell_namespace

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def copy_filtered_catalog(source_cat, target_cat, query=None): """ copy filtered runs from source_cat to target_cat PARAMETERS source_cat *obj* : instance of `databroker.Broker` or `databroker.catalog[name]` target_cat *obj* : instance of `databroker.Broker` or `databroker.catalog[name]` query *dict* : mongo query dictionary, used to filter the results (default: ``{}``) see: example:: copy_filtered_catalog( databroker.Broker.named("mongodb_config"), databroker.catalog["test1"], {'plan_name': 'snapshot'}) """ query = query or {} for i, uid in enumerate( run = source_cat.v1[uid] # fmt: off logger.debug( "%d %s #docs=%d", i + 1, uid, len(list(run.documents())) ) # fmt: on for key, doc in run.documents(): target_cat.v1.insert(key, doc)
[docs]def findCatalogsInNamespace(): """Return a dictionary of databroker catalogs in the default namespace.""" g = {} g.update(getDefaultNamespace()) ns_cats = {} for k, v in g.items(): if not k.startswith("_") and hasattr(v, "__class__"): try: if hasattr(v.v2, "container") and hasattr(v.v2, "metadata"): ns_cats[k] = v except (AttributeError, TypeError): continue return ns_cats
def getCatalog(ref=None): if isinstance(ref, str): # and ref in databroker.catalog: return databroker.catalog[ref] if ref is not None and hasattr(ref, "v2"): return ref.v2 cat = getDefaultCatalog() if cat is None: raise ValueError("Cannot identify default databroker catalog.") return cat
[docs]def getDatabase(db=None, catalog_name=None): """ Return Bluesky database using keyword guides or default choice. PARAMETERS db *object* : Bluesky database, an instance of ``databroker.catalog`` (default: see ``catalog_name`` keyword argument) catalog_name *str* : Name of databroker v2 catalog, used when supplied ``db`` is ``None``. (default: catalog with most recent run timestamp) RETURNS object or ``None``: Bluesky database, an instance of ``databroker.catalog`` (new in release 1.4.0) """ if not hasattr(db, "v2"): # fmt: off if ( hasattr(catalog_name, "name") and catalog_name in databroker.catalog ): # in case a catalog was passed as catalog_name db = catalog_name elif catalog_name is None: db = getDefaultDatabase() else: db = databroker.catalog[catalog_name] # fmt: on return db.v2
def getDefaultCatalog(): cats = findCatalogsInNamespace() if len(cats) == 1: return cats[list(cats.keys())[0]] if len(cats) > 1: # fmt: off choices = " ".join([ f"{k} ({})" for k, v in cats.items() ]) # fmt: on raise ValueError( "No catalog defined. Multiple catalog objects available. Specify one of these: {choices}" ) cats = list(databroker.catalog) if len(cats) == 1: return databroker.catalog[cats[0]] if len(cats) > 1: choices = " ".join([f'databroker.catalog["{k}"]' for k in cats]) raise ValueError( "No catalog defined. " "Multiple catalog configurations available." " Create specific catalog object from one of these commands:" f" {choices}" ) raise ValueError("No catalogs available.")
[docs]def getDefaultDatabase(): """ Find the "default" database (has the most recent run). Note that here, *database* and *catalog* mean the same. This routine looks at all the database instances defined in the current session (console or notebook). If there is only one or no database instances defined as objects in the current session, the choice is simple. When there is more than one database instance in the current session, then the one with the most recent run timestamp is selected. In the case (as happens when starting with a new database) that the current database has **no** runs *and* another database instance is defined in the session *and* that additional database has runs in it (such as the previous database), then the database with the newest run timestamp (and not the newer empty database) will be chosen. RETURNS object or ``None``: Bluesky database, an instance of ``databroker.catalog`` (new in release 1.4.0) """ # look through the console namespace g = ipython_shell_namespace() if len(g) == 0: # ultimate fallback g = globals() # note all database instances in memory db_list = [] for v in g.values(): if isinstance(v, CATALOG_CLASSES): db_list.append(v) # easy decisions first if len(db_list) == 0: return None if len(db_list) == 1: return db_list[0] # get the most recent run from each time_ref = {} for cat_name in list(databroker.catalog): cat = databroker.catalog[cat_name] if cat in db_list: if len(cat) > 0: run = cat.v2[-1] t = run.metadata["start"]["time"] else: t = 0 time_ref[cat_name] = t, cat # pick the highest number for time highest = max([v[0] for v in time_ref.values()]) choices = [v[1] for v in time_ref.values() if v[0] == highest] if len(choices) == 0: return None # return the catalog with the most recent timestamp return sorted(choices)[-1]
[docs]def getStreamValues(scan_id, key_fragment="", db=None, stream="baseline", query=None, use_v1=True): """ Get values from a previous scan stream in a databroker catalog. Optionally, select only those data with names including ``key_fragment``. .. tip:: If the output is truncated, use ``pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 300)`` to increase the number of rows displayed. PARAMETERS scan_id *int* or *str* : Scan (run) identifier. Positive integer value is ``scan_id`` from run's metadata. Negative integer value is since most recent run in databroker. String is run's ``uid`` unique identifier (can abbreviate to the first characters needed to assure it is unique). key_fragment *str* : Part or all of key name to be found in selected stream. For instance, if you specify ``key_fragment="lakeshore"``, it will return all the keys that include ``lakeshore``. db *object* : Bluesky database, an instance of ``databroker.catalog``. Default: will search existing session for instance. stream *str* : Name of the bluesky data stream to obtain the data. Default: 'baseline' query *dict* : mongo query dictionary, used to filter the results Default: ``{}`` see: use_v1 *bool* : Chooses databroker API version between 'v1' or 'v2'. Default: ``True`` (meaning use the v1 API) RETURNS *object* : pandas DataFrame with values from selected stream, search_string, and query see: (new in apstools 1.5.1) """ if key_fragment is None: key_fragment = "" if use_v1 is None: use_v1 = True data = getRunData(scan_id, db=db, stream=stream, query=query, use_v1=use_v1) indices = [1, 2] if len(data["time"]) == 2 else [1] dd = {} # date_format = "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S" # common in US date_format = "%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" # modified ISO8601 # fmt: off key = "time" dd[key] = [ data[key][i].strftime(date_format) for i in indices ] # fmt: on for key in sorted(data.keys()): if key_fragment in key: dd[key] = [data[key][i] for i in indices] return pd.DataFrame(dd).transpose()
[docs]def quantify_md_key_use( key=None, db=None, catalog_name=None, since=None, until=None, query=None, ): """ Print table of different ``key`` values and how many times each appears. PARAMETERS key *str* : one of the metadata keys in a run's start document (default: ``plan_name``) db *object* : Instance of databroker v1 ``Broker`` or v2 ``catalog`` (default: see ``catalog_name`` keyword argument) catalog_name *str* : Name of databroker v2 catalog, used when supplied ``db`` is ``None``. (default: ``mongodb_config``) since *str* : include runs that started on or after this ISO8601 time (default: ``1995-01-01``) until *str* : include runs that started before this ISO8601 time (default: ``2100-12-31``) query *dict* : mongo query dictionary, used to filter the results (default: ``{}``) see: EXAMPLES:: quantify_md_key_use(key="proposal_id") quantify_md_key_use(key="plan_name", catalog_name="9idc", since="2020-07") quantify_md_key_use(key="beamline_id", catalog_name="9idc") quantify_md_key_use(key="beamline_id", catalog_name="9idc", query={'plan_name': 'Flyscan'}, since="2020", until="2020-06-21 21:51") quantify_md_key_use(catalog_name="8id", since="2020-01", until="2020-03") In [8]: quantify_md_key_use(catalog_name="apstools_test") ========= ===== plan_name #runs ========= ===== count 26 scan 27 ========= ===== In [9]: quantify_md_key_use(catalog_name="usaxs_test") ========================== ===== plan_name #runs ========================== ===== Flyscan 1 TuneAxis.tune 1 count 1 measure_USAXS_Transmission 1 run_Excel_file 1 snapshot 1 tune_a2rp 1 tune_ar 1 tune_m2rp 1 tune_mr 1 ========================== ===== """ key = key or "plan_name" catalog_name = catalog_name or "mongodb_config" query = query or {} since = since or "1995-01-01" until = until or "2100-12-31" cat = ( (db or databroker.catalog[catalog_name]), until=until)) .search(query) ) items = [] while True: runs ={key: {"$exists": True, "$nin": items}}) if len(runs) == 0: break else: items.append(runs.v1[-1].start.get(key)) def sorter(key): if key is None: key = " None" return str(key) table = pyRestTable.Table() table.labels = f"{key} #runs".split() for item in sorted(items, key=sorter): table.addRow((item, len({key: item})))) print(table)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # :author: Pete R. Jemian # :email: # :copyright: (c) 2017-2023, UChicago Argonne, LLC # # Distributed under the terms of the Argonne National Laboratory Open Source License. # # The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------