Source code for apstools.plans.stage_sigs_support
Support for ``stage_sigs``
Often when writing a plan, it is desired to change the staging of one or more
``ophyd.Devices`` by modifying the ``device.stage_sigs`` dictionary(ies), then
reset them to original values after the plan.
.. autosummary::
For example, move the motor at 2 units/second and count the scaler for 0.5
seconds during a custom plan. After the plan, both scaler and motor will have
their original ``.stage_sigs`` dictionaries.
.. code-block:: python
@restorable_stage_sigs([scaler, motor])
def my_plan(start, finish, npts, ct=1, v=1):
scaler.stage_sigs = dict(preset_time=ct)
motor.stage_sigs = dict(velocity=v)
yield from bp.rel_scan([scaler], motor, start, finish, npts)
RE(my_plan(-1, 1, 11, ct=0.5, v=2))
(new in apstools release 1.6.9)
import logging
from bluesky.utils import make_decorator
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def stage_sigs_wrapper(user_plan, devices):
Save stage_sigs from each device and restore after the user_plan.
The user_plan is free to modify the stage_sigs of each device
without further need to preserve original values.
def display(preface):
for device in devices:
logger.debug("%s: %s.stage_sigs: %s", preface,, device.stage_sigs)
def _restore():
for device in reversed(devices):
device.stage_sigs = original[device].copy()
display("AFTER restore")
original = {}
for device in devices:
original[device] = device.stage_sigs.copy()
display("BEFORE plan")
yield from user_plan
display("AFTER plan")
restorable_stage_sigs = make_decorator(stage_sigs_wrapper)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# :author: Pete R. Jemian
# :email:
# :copyright: (c) 2017-2024, UChicago Argonne, LLC
# Distributed under the terms of the Argonne National Laboratory Open Source License.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------