Source code for apstools.devices.measComp_tc32_support

Measurement Computing TC-32 Thermocouple reader

The TC-32 thermocouple module [#]_ is part of the EPICS ``measComp`` [#]_
module.  The module documentation [#]_ shows a GUI screen with basic display of
the 32 thermocouple channels and the various digital (binary) I/O bits.

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.. [#]
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*new in apstools release 1.6.14*

.. rubric:: Public class(es)
.. autosummary::


.. rubric:: Internal class(es)
.. autosummary::


from ophyd import Device
from ophyd import DynamicDeviceComponent as DDC
from ophyd import EpicsSignal
from ophyd import EpicsSignalRO
from ophyd import EpicsSignalWithRBV
from ophyd import FormattedComponent as FC

BI_CHANNEL_LIST = [f"Bi{i}" for i in range(8)]
BO_CHANNEL_LIST = [f"Bo{i}" for i in range(32)]  # note Bo31 is not writable
TC_CHANNEL_LIST = [f"Ti{i}" for i in range(32)]

[docs]class _MC_TC32_BaseClass(Device): """ Base class for I/O interface classes below. Enables a common :func:`apstools.devices.measComp_tc32_support._channels()` function to work for all the interfaces. Users will not need to call this class directly. """ def __init__(self, prefix, R, **kwargs): self.R = R super().__init__(prefix, **kwargs)
[docs]class Tc32BinaryInput(_MC_TC32_BaseClass): """ Binary input channel of a MeasComp TC-32 device. * EPICS support: ``measComp/Db/measCompBinaryIn.template`` * Users will not need to call this class directly. """ bit = FC(EpicsSignalRO, "{self.prefix}{self.R}", kind="hinted")
[docs]class Tc32BinaryOutput(_MC_TC32_BaseClass): """ Binary output channel of a MeasComp TC-32 device. * EPICS support: ``measComp/Db/measCompBinaryOut.template`` * Users will not need to call this class directly. """ bit = FC(EpicsSignalWithRBV, "{self.prefix}.{self.R}", kind="hinted")
[docs]class Tc32ThermocoupleChannel(_MC_TC32_BaseClass): """ Thermocouple channel of a MeasComp TC-32 device. * EPICS support: ``measComp/Db/measCompTemperatureIn.template`` * Users will not need to call this class directly. """ temperature = FC(EpicsSignalRO, "{self.prefix}{self.R}", kind="hinted") filter = FC(EpicsSignal, "{self.prefix}{self.R}Filter", kind="config") open_detect = FC(EpicsSignal, "{self.prefix}{self.R}OpenTCDetect", kind="config") scale = FC(EpicsSignal, "{self.prefix}{self.R}Scale", kind="config") thermocouple_type = FC(EpicsSignal, "{self.prefix}.{self.R}TCType", kind="config")
[docs]def _channels(dev_class, channel_list): """Create the channels for the I/O interface.""" # fmt: off defn = { chan: (dev_class, "", {"R": chan}) for chan in channel_list } # fmt: on return defn
[docs]class MeasCompTc32(Device): """ Measurement Computing TC-32 32-channel Thermocouple reader. """ binary_inputs = DDC(_channels(Tc32BinaryInput, BI_CHANNEL_LIST)) binary_outputs = DDC(_channels(Tc32BinaryOutput, BO_CHANNEL_LIST)) thermocouples = DDC(_channels(Tc32ThermocoupleChannel, TC_CHANNEL_LIST))