Source code for apstools.devices.area_detector_support

Area Detector Support

.. autosummary::


import datetime
import itertools
import logging
import pathlib
import time
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict

import epics
import numpy as np
from ophyd import EpicsSignal
from ophyd import EpicsSignalRO
from ophyd import EpicsSignalWithRBV
from ophyd import ADComponent
from ophyd import CamBase
from ophyd import SimDetectorCam
from ophyd import SingleTrigger
from ophyd.areadetector.filestore_mixins import FileStoreBase
from ophyd.areadetector.filestore_mixins import FileStoreHDF5IterativeWrite
from ophyd.areadetector.filestore_mixins import FileStoreIterativeWrite
from ophyd.areadetector.filestore_mixins import FileStorePluginBase
from ophyd.areadetector.plugins import HDF5Plugin_V34
from ophyd.areadetector.plugins import JPEGPlugin_V34
from ophyd.areadetector.plugins import TIFFPlugin_V34
from packaging import version

from ..utils import count_common_subdirs

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# fmt: off
AD_FrameType_schemes = {
    "reset": dict(  # default names from Area Detector code
    "NeXus": dict(  # NeXus (typical locations)
    "DataExchange": dict(  # APS Data Exchange
"""Naming schemes for area detector frame types."""
# fmt: on

[docs]def AD_setup_FrameType(prefix, scheme="NeXus"): """ configure so frames are identified & handled by type (dark, white, or image) PARAMETERS prefix *str* : EPICS PV prefix of area detector, such as ``13SIM1:`` scheme *str* : any key in the ``AD_FrameType_schemes`` dictionary This routine prepares the EPICS Area Detector to identify frames by image type for handling by clients, such as the HDF5 file writing plugin. With the HDF5 plugin, the ``FrameType`` PV is added to the NDattributes and then used in the layout file to direct the acquired frame to the chosen dataset. The ``FrameType`` PV value provides the HDF5 address to be used. To use a different scheme than the defaults, add a new key to the ``AD_FrameType_schemes`` dictionary, defining storage values for the fields of the EPICS ``mbbo`` record that you will be using. see: EXAMPLE:: AD_setup_FrameType("2bmbPG3:", scheme="DataExchange") * Call this function *before* creating the ophyd area detector object * use lower-level PyEpics interface """ db = AD_FrameType_schemes.get(scheme) if db is None: raise ValueError( f"unknown AD_FrameType_schemes scheme: {scheme}" "\n Should be one of: " + ", ".join(AD_FrameType_schemes.keys()) ) template = "{}cam1:FrameType{}.{}" for field, value in db.items(): epics.caput(template.format(prefix, "", field), value) epics.caput(template.format(prefix, "_RBV", field), value)
[docs]def AD_plugin_primed(plugin): """ Has area detector pushed an NDarray to the file writer plugin? True or False PARAMETERS plugin *obj* : area detector plugin to be *primed* (such as ``detector.hdf1``) EXAMPLE:: AD_plugin_primed(detector.hdf1) Works around an observed issue: #598 If detector IOC has just been started and has not yet taken an image with the file writer plugin, then a TimeoutError will occur as the file writer plugin "Capture" is set to 1 (Start). In such case, first acquire at least one image with the file writer plugin enabled. Also issue in apstools (needs a robust method to detect if primed): Since Area Detector release 2.1 (2014-10-14). The *prime* process is not needed if you select the *LazyOpen* feature with *Stream* mode for the file plugin. *LazyOpen* defers file creation until the first frame arrives in the plugin. This removes the need to initialize the plugin with a dummy frame before starting capture. """ cam = tests = [] for obj in (cam, plugin): test = np.array(obj.array_size.get()).sum() != 0 tests.append(test) if not test: logger.debug("'%s' image size is zero", checks = dict( array_size=False, color_mode=True, data_type=True, ) for key, as_string in checks.items(): c = getattr(cam, key).get(as_string=as_string) p = getattr(plugin, key).get(as_string=as_string) test = c == p tests.append(test) if not test: logger.debug("%s does not match", key) return False not in tests
[docs]def AD_prime_plugin(detector, plugin): """ Prime this area detector's file writer plugin. PARAMETERS detector *obj* : area detector (such as ``detector``) plugin *obj* : area detector plugin to be *primed* (such as ``detector.hdf1``) EXAMPLE:: AD_prime_plugin(detector, detector.hdf1) """ nm = f"{}.{plugin.attr_name}" warnings.warn(f"Use AD_prime_plugin2({nm}) instead.") AD_prime_plugin2(plugin)
[docs]def AD_prime_plugin2(plugin): """ Prime this area detector's file writer plugin. Collect and push an NDarray to the file writer plugin. Works with all file writer plugins. Based on ``ophyd.areadetector.plugins.HDF5Plugin.warmup()``. PARAMETERS plugin *obj* : area detector plugin to be *primed* (such as ``detector.hdf1``) EXAMPLE:: AD_prime_plugin2(detector.hdf1) """ if AD_plugin_primed(plugin): logger.debug("'%s' plugin is already primed", return sigs = OrderedDict( [ (plugin.enable, 1), (, 1), # set by number (, 0), # Single, set by number # Trigger mode names are not identical for every camera. # Assume here that the first item in the list is # the best default choice to prime the plugin. (, 0), # set by number # just in case the acquisition time is set very long... (, 1), (, 1), (, 1), # set by number ] ) original_vals = {sig: sig.get() for sig in sigs} for sig, val in sigs.items(): time.sleep(0.1) # abundance of caution sig.set(val).wait() time.sleep(2) # wait for acquisition for sig, val in reversed(list(original_vals.items())): time.sleep(0.1) sig.set(val).wait()
[docs]def ensure_AD_plugin_primed(plugin, allow=False): """ Ensure the AD file writing plugin is *primed* (warmed up), if allowed. This function primes the plugin only if it is deemed necessary (for the use by ophyd). PARAMETERS plugin *obj* : area detector plugin to be *primed* (such as ``detector.hdf1``) allow *bool* : (default: ``False``) Should the detector be primed? This keyword argument might be provided by a local configuration setting, controlled externally, such as from configuration file or other ophyd Signal. EXAMPLE:: from apstools.devices import ensure_AD_plugin_primed ensure_AD_plugin_primed(det.hdf1, True) # or from a boolean python object from local_configuration_settings import ok_to_prime ensure_AD_plugin_primed(det.hdf1, allow=ok_to_prime) An area detector file writing plugin is *primed* (as considered by ophyd) if the plugin's image array parameters (size, number of bits, & color mode) match those configured in the cam. This agreement is required by the bluesky RunEngine (via ``area_detector_handlers``) to generate a descriptor document for any ensuing image events. Use with these area detector file writing plugins (maybe others): - HDF5Plugin - JPEGPlugin - NetCDFPlugin - TIFFPlugin Even with ``lazy_open=1``, ophyd (via ``area_detector_handlers``) checks if the area detector file writing plugin has been *primed*. .. see: ``ophyd.areadetector.plugins.UnprimedPlugin``: (new in apstools release 1.6.16) """ if allow: if not AD_plugin_primed(plugin):"Priming {} ...") AD_prime_plugin2(plugin)
[docs]def AD_full_file_name_local(plugin): """ Return AD plugin's *Last filename* using local filesystem path. Get the full name, in terms of the bluesky filesystem, for the image file recently-acquired by the area detector plugin. Return the name as a pathlib object. PARAMETERS plugin *obj* : Instance of ophyd area detector file writing plugin. (new in apstools release 1.6.2) """ fname = plugin.full_file_name.get().strip() if fname == "": return None ffname = pathlib.Path(fname) # FIXME: OS style? if plugin.read_path_template == plugin.write_path_template: return ffname read_parts = pathlib.Path(plugin.read_path_template).parts write_parts = pathlib.Path(plugin.write_path_template).parts icommon = count_common_subdirs(plugin.read_path_template, plugin.write_path_template) # fmt: off if icommon == 0: raise ValueError( "No common part to file paths. " "Cannot convert to local file path." ) # fmt: on # fmt: off local_root = pathlib.Path().joinpath(*read_parts[:-icommon]) common_parts =[len(write_parts[:-icommon]):] local_ffname = local_root.joinpath(*common_parts) # fmt: on return local_ffname
[docs]class AD_EpicsFileNameMixin(FileStorePluginBase): """ Custom class to define image file name from EPICS. Used as part of AD_EpicsFileNameHDF5Plugin. .. index:: Ophyd Device Support; AD_EpicsHdf5FileName .. caution:: *Caveat emptor* applies here. You assume expertise! Replace standard ophyd file naming algorithm (where file names are defined as UUID strings, virtually guaranteeing that no existing images files will ever be overwritten). Caller is responsible for setting values of these Components: * array_counter * auto_increment * auto_save * compression (only HDF) * create_directory * file_name * file_number * file_path * file_template * num_capture .. autosummary:: ~make_filename ~get_frames_per_point ~stage To allow users to control the file **name**, we override the ``make_filename()`` method here and we need to override some intervening classes. To allow users to control the file **number**, we override the ``stage()`` method here and triple-comment out that line, and bring in sections from the methods we are replacing here. It is allowed to set the ``file_template="%s%s.h5"`` so the file name does not include the file number. The image file name is set in ``FileStoreBase.make_filename()`` from ``ophyd.areadetector.filestore_mixins``. This is called (during device staging) from ``FileStoreBase.stage()`` """
[docs] def _remove_caller_stage_sigs(self): """Caller is responsible for setting these stage_sigs.""" caller_sets_these = """ array_counter auto_increment auto_save compression (only HDF) create_directory file_name file_number file_path file_template num_capture """.split() for key in caller_sets_these: if key in self.stage_sigs: self.stage_sigs.pop(key)
[docs] def make_filename(self): """ overrides default behavior: Get info from EPICS file writer plugin. """ # start of the file name, file number will be appended per template filename = self.file_name.get() file_path = self.file_path.get() formatter = # Directory (used by IOC) for file writer plugin to write the file. write_path = formatter(file_path) # Directory (used by bluesky) for databroker to read the file. read_path = formatter(self.read_path_template) return filename, read_path, write_path
[docs] def get_frames_per_point(self): """overrides default behavior""" return self.num_capture.get()
[docs] def stage(self): """ Overrides default behavior of parent class. Parent class items overridden here: * Sets file_name based on a UUID. * Sets file_path from write_path_template. * Sets file_number to 0. Set EPICS items before device is staged, then copy EPICS naming template (and other items) to ophyd after staging. """ if "capture" in self.stage_sigs: self.stage_sigs.move_to_end("capture", last=True) # Get the file name and paths from EPICS. filename, read_path, write_path = self.make_filename() # Ensure we do not have an old file open. if self.file_write_mode.get(as_string=True) != "Single": self.capture.set(0).wait() # Set these before capture is turned on. # They will not be reset on 'unstage' anyway. self.file_path.set(write_path).wait() self.file_name.set(filename).wait() # Get file number now, it is incremented during stage(). file_number = self.file_number.get() # Call ancestor's stage(), skipping parent's stage(). FileStoreBase.stage(self) # AD applies the file name templating in C. # We can't access that result until after acquisition # so we apply the same template here in Python. template = self.file_template.get(use_monitor=False) try: # assume template includes format for a file number self._fn = template % (read_path, filename, file_number) except (TypeError, ValueError): # in case template does not include file_number self._fn = template % (read_path, filename) self._fp = read_path if not self.file_path_exists.get(): raise IOError(f"Path '{self.file_path.get()}' does not exist on IOC.") # index each image frame (used in generate_datum() method) self._point_counter = itertools.count() # from FileStoreHDF5.stage() res_kwargs = {"frame_per_point": self.get_frames_per_point()} self._generate_resource(res_kwargs)
[docs]class AD_EpicsHdf5FileName(AD_EpicsFileNameMixin): """ Custom class to define HDF5 image file name from EPICS PVs. Used as part of AD_EpicsFileNameHDF5Plugin. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): FileStorePluginBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.filestore_spec = "AD_HDF5" # spec name stored in resource doc self.stage_sigs.update( [ ("file_write_mode", "Stream"), ("capture", 1), ] ) self._remove_caller_stage_sigs() # "capture" must always come last self.stage_sigs.move_to_end("capture", last=True)
[docs]class AD_EpicsHDF5IterativeWriter(AD_EpicsHdf5FileName, FileStoreIterativeWrite): """ intermediate class between AD_EpicsHdf5FileName and AD_EpicsFileNameHDF5Plugin (new in apstools release 1.6.2) """ pass
[docs]class AD_EpicsFileNameHDF5Plugin(HDF5Plugin_V34, AD_EpicsHDF5IterativeWriter): """ Alternative to HDF5Plugin: EPICS area detector PV sets file name. .. index:: Ophyd Device Support; AD_EpicsFileNameHDF5Plugin .. caution:: *Caveat emptor* applies here. You assume expertise! Uses ``AD_EpicsHdf5FileName``. EXAMPLE:: from apstools.devices import CamMixin_V34 from apstools.devices import SimDetectorCam_V34 from apstools.devices import SingleTrigger_V34 from apstools.devices.area_detector_support import AD_EpicsFileNameHDF5Plugin from ophyd import EpicsSignalWithRBV from ophyd.areadetector import ADComponent from ophyd.areadetector import DetectorBase from ophyd.areadetector.plugins import ImagePlugin_V34 as ImagePlugin from ophyd.areadetector.plugins import PvaPlugin_V34 as PvaPlugin import datetime import pathlib IOC = "ad:" IMAGE_DIR = "adsimdet/%Y/%m/%d" AD_IOC_MOUNT_PATH = pathlib.Path("/tmp") BLUESKY_MOUNT_PATH = pathlib.Path("/tmp/docker_ioc/iocad/tmp") # MUST end with a `/`, pathlib will NOT provide it WRITE_PATH_TEMPLATE = f"{AD_IOC_MOUNT_PATH / IMAGE_DIR}/" READ_PATH_TEMPLATE = f"{BLUESKY_MOUNT_PATH / IMAGE_DIR}/" class SimDetector_V34(SingleTrigger_V34, DetectorBase): '''ADSimDetector''' cam = ADComponent(SimDetectorCam_V34, "cam1:") image = ADComponent(ImagePlugin, "image1:") hdf1 = ADComponent( AD_EpicsFileNameHDF5Plugin, "HDF1:", write_path_template=WRITE_PATH_TEMPLATE, read_path_template=READ_PATH_TEMPLATE, ) pva = ADComponent(PvaPlugin, "Pva1:") (new in apstools release 1.6.2) """ pass
[docs]class AD_EpicsJPEGFileName(AD_EpicsFileNameMixin): """ Custom class to define JPEG image file name from EPICS PVs. Used as part of AD_EpicsFileNameJPEGPlugin. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): FileStorePluginBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.filestore_spec = "AD_JPEG" # spec name stored in resource doc self.stage_sigs.update( [ ("file_write_mode", "Stream"), ("capture", 1), ] ) self._remove_caller_stage_sigs() # "capture" must always come last self.stage_sigs.move_to_end("capture", last=True)
[docs]class AD_EpicsJPEGIterativeWriter(AD_EpicsJPEGFileName, FileStoreIterativeWrite): """ intermediate class between AD_EpicsJPEGFileName and AD_EpicsFileNameJPEGPlugin (new in apstools release 1.6.2) """ pass
[docs]class AD_EpicsFileNameJPEGPlugin(JPEGPlugin_V34, AD_EpicsJPEGIterativeWriter): """ Alternative to JPEGPlugin: EPICS area detector PV sets file name. .. index:: Ophyd Device Support; AD_EpicsFileNameJPEGPlugin .. caution:: *Caveat emptor* applies here. You assume expertise! Uses ``AD_EpicsJpegFileName``. EXAMPLE:: from apstools.devices import CamMixin_V34 from apstools.devices import SimDetectorCam_V34 from apstools.devices import SingleTrigger_V34 from apstools.devices.area_detector_support import AD_EpicsFileNameJPEGPlugin from ophyd import EpicsSignalWithRBV from ophyd.areadetector import ADComponent from ophyd.areadetector import DetectorBase from ophyd.areadetector.plugins import ImagePlugin_V34 as ImagePlugin from ophyd.areadetector.plugins import PvaPlugin_V34 as PvaPlugin import datetime import pathlib IOC = "ad:" IMAGE_DIR = "adsimdet/%Y/%m/%d" AD_IOC_MOUNT_PATH = pathlib.Path("/tmp") BLUESKY_MOUNT_PATH = pathlib.Path("/tmp/docker_ioc/iocad/tmp") # MUST end with a `/`, pathlib will NOT provide it WRITE_PATH_TEMPLATE = f"{AD_IOC_MOUNT_PATH / IMAGE_DIR}/" READ_PATH_TEMPLATE = f"{BLUESKY_MOUNT_PATH / IMAGE_DIR}/" class SimDetector_V34(SingleTrigger_V34, DetectorBase): '''ADSimDetector''' cam = ADComponent(SimDetectorCam_V34, "cam1:") image = ADComponent(ImagePlugin, "image1:") jpeg1 = ADComponent( AD_EpicsFileNameHDF5Plugin, "JPEG1:", write_path_template=WRITE_PATH_TEMPLATE, read_path_template=READ_PATH_TEMPLATE, ) pva = ADComponent(PvaPlugin, "Pva1:") (new in apstools release 1.6.2) """ pass
[docs]class AD_EpicsTIFFFileName(AD_EpicsFileNameMixin): """ Custom class to define TIFF image file name from EPICS PVs. Used as part of AD_EpicsFileNameTIFFPlugin. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): FileStorePluginBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.filestore_spec = "AD_TIFF" # spec name stored in resource doc self.stage_sigs.update( [ ("file_write_mode", "Stream"), ("capture", 1), ] ) self._remove_caller_stage_sigs() # "capture" must always come last self.stage_sigs.move_to_end("capture", last=True)
[docs]class AD_EpicsTIFFIterativeWriter(AD_EpicsTIFFFileName, FileStoreIterativeWrite): """ intermediate class between AD_EpicsTIFFFileName and AD_EpicsFileNameTIFFPlugin (new in apstools release 1.6.2) """ pass
[docs]class AD_EpicsFileNameTIFFPlugin(TIFFPlugin_V34, AD_EpicsTIFFIterativeWriter): """ Alternative to TIFFPlugin: EPICS area detector PV sets file name. .. index:: Ophyd Device Support; AD_EpicsFileNameTIFFPlugin .. caution:: *Caveat emptor* applies here. You assume expertise! Uses ``AD_EpicsTIFFFileName``. EXAMPLE:: from apstools.devices import CamMixin_V34 from apstools.devices import SimDetectorCam_V34 from apstools.devices import SingleTrigger_V34 from apstools.devices.area_detector_support import AD_EpicsFileNameTIFFPlugin from ophyd import EpicsSignalWithRBV from ophyd.areadetector import ADComponent from ophyd.areadetector import DetectorBase from ophyd.areadetector.plugins import ImagePlugin_V34 as ImagePlugin from ophyd.areadetector.plugins import PvaPlugin_V34 as PvaPlugin from ophyd.areadetector import SimDetectorCam import datetime import pathlib IOC = "ad:" IMAGE_DIR = "adsimdet/%Y/%m/%d" AD_IOC_MOUNT_PATH = pathlib.Path("/tmp") BLUESKY_MOUNT_PATH = pathlib.Path("/tmp/docker_ioc/iocad/tmp") # MUST end with a `/`, pathlib will NOT provide it WRITE_PATH_TEMPLATE = f"{AD_IOC_MOUNT_PATH / IMAGE_DIR}/" READ_PATH_TEMPLATE = f"{BLUESKY_MOUNT_PATH / IMAGE_DIR}/" class SimDetector_V34(SingleTrigger_V34, DetectorBase): '''ADSimDetector''' cam = ADComponent(SimDetectorCam_V34, "cam1:") image = ADComponent(ImagePlugin, "image1:") tiff1 = ADComponent( AD_EpicsFileNameTIFFPlugin, "TIFF1:", write_path_template=WRITE_PATH_TEMPLATE, read_path_template=READ_PATH_TEMPLATE, ) pva = ADComponent(PvaPlugin, "Pva1:") (new in apstools release 1.6.2) """ pass
[docs]class CamMixin_V3_1_1(CamBase): """ Update cam support to AD release 3.1.1. (new in release 1.6.3) """ _cam_release = "3.1.1" pool_max_buffers = None acquire_busy = ADComponent(EpicsSignalRO, "AcquireBusy") offset = ADComponent(EpicsSignalWithRBV, "Offset") wait_for_plugins = ADComponent(EpicsSignal, "WaitForPlugins") @property def is_busy(self): signal = self.acquire_busy return signal.get() in (1, signal.enum_strs[1])
[docs]class CamMixin_V34(CamMixin_V3_1_1): """ Update cam support to AD release 3.1.1. (new in release 1.6.3) """ _cam_release = "3.4"
[docs]class SimDetectorCam_V34(CamMixin_V34, SimDetectorCam): """Adds triggering configuration and AcquireBusy support.""" nd_attr_status = ADComponent( EpicsSignal, "NDAttributesStatus", kind="omitted", string=True, )
[docs]class SingleTrigger_V34(SingleTrigger): """ Variation of ophyd's SingleTrigger mixin supporting AcquireBusy. (new in release 1.6.3) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) has_v34_cam_features = ( hasattr(self, "cam") and hasattr(, "_cam_release") and version.parse( >= version.parse("3.4") ) if has_v34_cam_features: self._acquisition_busy_signal = else: # backwards compatibility self._acquisition_busy_signal = self._acquisition_signal
[docs] def stage(self): """Prepare device settings before data acquisition.""" self._acquisition_busy_signal.subscribe(self._acquire_changed) super(SingleTrigger, self).stage() # from grandparent
[docs] def unstage(self): """Restore device settings after data acquisition.""" super(SingleTrigger, self).unstage() # from grandparent self._acquisition_busy_signal.clear_sub(self._acquire_changed)
[docs]class HDF5FileWriterPlugin(FileStoreHDF5IterativeWrite, HDF5Plugin_V34): """ Add data acquisition methods to HDF5Plugin. Ophyd default file names. File names are based on uuid.uuid4() strings. * ``stage()`` - prepare device PVs befor data acquisition * ``unstage()`` - restore device PVs after data acquisition * ``generate_datum()`` - coordinate image storage metadata """ def stage(self): self.stage_sigs.move_to_end("capture", last=True) super().stage()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # :author: Pete R. Jemian # :email: # :copyright: (c) 2017-2024, UChicago Argonne, LLC # # Distributed under the terms of the Argonne National Laboratory Open Source License. # # The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------