Source code for apstools.devices.area_detector_factory

Area Detector Factory

.. autosummary::


*New in apstools 1.7.0.*


Just the camera plugin (uses `CamBase
the most basic features)::

    from apstools.devices import ad_creator
    det = ad_creator("ad:", name="det", class_name="MySimpleAD", ["cam",])


View ADSimDetector image with CA and PVA::

    from ophyd.areadetector import SimDetectorCam
    from apstools.devices import ad_creator

    det = ad_creator(
        "ad:", name="det", class_name="MySimDetector",
            {"cam": {"class": SimDetectorCam}},


Record HDF5 images with Eiger detector. Here, both the Eiger detector IOC and
the Bluesky databroker use the same filesystem mount ``/``::

    from ophyd.areadetector import EigerDetectorCam
    from apstools.devices import ad_creator

    det = ad_creator(
        "ad:", name="det", class_name"MyEiger",
            {"cam": {"class": EigerDetectorCam}},
            {"hdf1": {"write_path_template": "/"}},


Override one of the default plugin configurations.  In this case, remove the
``write_path_template`` and ``read_path_template`` keys from the ``hdf1`` plugin
support and switch to the plugin class from ophyd::

    from ophyd.areadetector import EigerDetectorCam
    from ophyd.areadetector.plugins import HDF5Plugin_V34
    from apstools.devices import ad_creator, PLUGIN_DEFAULTS

    plugin_defaults = PLUGIN_DEFAULTS.copy()
    plugin_defaults["hdf1"].pop("read_path_template", None)
    plugin_defaults["hdf1"].pop("write_path_template", None)

    det = ad_creator(
        "ad:", name="det", class_name"MyEiger",
            {"cam": {"class": EigerDetectorCam}},
            {"hdf1": {"class": HDF5Plugin_V34}},

import logging
import uuid

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import ophyd.areadetector.plugins
from ophyd import ADComponent

from .area_detector_support import AD_EpicsFileNameJPEGPlugin
from .area_detector_support import AD_EpicsFileNameTIFFPlugin
from .area_detector_support import HDF5FileWriterPlugin
from .area_detector_support import SingleTrigger_V34


PLUGIN_DEFAULTS = {  # some of the common plugins
    # gets image from the detector
    "cam": {
        "suffix": "cam1:",
        "class": ophyd.areadetector.CamBase,
    # for imaging
    "image": {
        "suffix": "image1:",
        "class": ophyd.areadetector.plugins.ImagePlugin_V34,
    "pva": {
        "suffix": "Pva1:",
        "class": ophyd.areadetector.plugins.PvaPlugin_V34,
    # signal handling
    "attr1": {
        "suffix": "Attr1:",
        "class": ophyd.areadetector.plugins.AttrPlotPlugin_V34,
    "cb1": {
        "suffix": "CB1:",
        "class": ophyd.areadetector.plugins.CircularBuffPlugin_V34,
    "cc1": {
        "suffix": "CC1:",
        "class": ophyd.areadetector.plugins.ColorConvPlugin_V34,
    "cc2": {
        "suffix": "CC2:",
        "class": ophyd.areadetector.plugins.ColorConvPlugin_V34,
    "codec1": {
        "suffix": "Codec1:",
        "class": ophyd.areadetector.plugins.CodecPlugin_V34,
    "fft1": {
        "suffix": "FFT1:",
        "class": ophyd.areadetector.plugins.FFTPlugin_V34,
    "gather1": {
        "suffix": "Gather1:",
        "class": ophyd.areadetector.plugins.GatherNPlugin_V31,
    "overlay1": {
        "suffix": "Over1:",
        "class": ophyd.areadetector.plugins.OverlayPlugin_V34,
    "process1": {
        "suffix": "Proc1:",
        "class": ophyd.areadetector.plugins.ProcessPlugin_V34,
    "roi1": {
        "suffix": "ROI1:",
        "class": ophyd.areadetector.plugins.ROIPlugin_V34,
    "roi2": {
        "suffix": "ROI2:",
        "class": ophyd.areadetector.plugins.ROIPlugin_V34,
    "roi3": {
        "suffix": "ROI3:",
        "class": ophyd.areadetector.plugins.ROIPlugin_V34,
    "roi4": {
        "suffix": "ROI4:",
        "class": ophyd.areadetector.plugins.ROIPlugin_V34,
    "roistat1": {
        "suffix": "ROIStat1:",
        "class": ophyd.areadetector.plugins.ROIStatPlugin_V34,
    "scatter1": {
        "suffix": "Scatter1:",
        "class": ophyd.areadetector.plugins.ScatterPlugin_V34,
    "stats1": {
        "suffix": "Stats1:",
        "class": ophyd.areadetector.plugins.StatsPlugin_V34,
    "stats2": {
        "suffix": "Stats2:",
        "class": ophyd.areadetector.plugins.StatsPlugin_V34,
    "stats3": {
        "suffix": "Stats3:",
        "class": ophyd.areadetector.plugins.StatsPlugin_V34,
    "stats4": {
        "suffix": "Stats4:",
        "class": ophyd.areadetector.plugins.StatsPlugin_V34,
    "stats5": {
        "suffix": "Stats5:",
        "class": ophyd.areadetector.plugins.StatsPlugin_V34,
    "transform1": {
        "suffix": "Trans1:",
        "class": ophyd.areadetector.plugins.TransformPlugin_V34,
    # file writers
    "hdf1": {
        "class": HDF5FileWriterPlugin,
        "read_path_template": None,
        "suffix": "HDF1:",
        "write_path_template": None,
    "jpeg1": {
        "class": AD_EpicsFileNameJPEGPlugin,
        "read_path_template": None,
        "suffix": "JPEG1:",
        "write_path_template": None,
    "magick1": {
        "class": ophyd.areadetector.plugins.MagickPlugin_V34,
        "read_path_template": None,
        "suffix": "Magick1:",
        "write_path_template": None,
    "netcdf1": {
        "class": ophyd.areadetector.plugins.NetCDFPlugin_V34,
        "read_path_template": None,
        "suffix": "netCDF1:",
        "write_path_template": None,
    "tiff1": {
        "class": AD_EpicsFileNameTIFFPlugin,
        "read_path_template": None,
        "suffix": "TIFF1:",
        "write_path_template": None,
Default plugin configuration dictionary.

These defaults could be replaced by a caller individually or in total.  For
example, the ``"class"`` could be replaced by a newer, version-specific class.
Another use case is to remove an existing set of defaults.

[docs]def ad_class_factory(name, bases=None, plugins=None, plugin_defaults=None): """ Build an Area Detector class with specified plugins. PARAMETERS name *str* : Name of the class to be created. bases *object* or *tuple* : Parent(s) of the new class. (default: ``(SingleTrigger_V34, DetectorBase)``) plugins *list* : Description of the plugins used. The list consists of either strings or dictionaries. (default: ``["cam"]`` -- Just the camera plugin.) plugin_defaults *object*: Plugin configuration dictionary. (default: ``None``, PLUGIN_DEFAULTS will be used.) Here are a couple examples of the ``plugins`` keyword. EXAMPLE 1: ALL DEFAULTS All defaults are acceptable. In this case, the ``cam`` (``CamBase`` from ophyd) will only support the most general features of the detector hardware:: plugins=["cam", "image", "pva"] This is a shorthand for:: plugins=[{"cam": {}}, {"image": {}}, {"pva": {}}] EXAMPLE 2: CUSTOM CAM CLASS More typical is when one or more defaults need to be replaced, such as the class used to provide features specific to the hardware. The inner dictionaries contain the keyword arguments to be replaced for each plugin. All these dictionaries are empty, signifying all defaults are acceptable. For the ADSimDetector, replace the string ``"cam"`` with a dictionary that replaces the default camera class. Other detectors will have their own camera class that provides access to the specific features of that detector. Here the Python class is imported from apstools. Use the class as it is imported or defined. Do not use quotations around ``SimDetectorCam_V34``:: from apstools.devices import SimDetectorCam_V34 plugins=[{"cam": {"class": SimDetectorCam_V34}}, "image", "pva"] """ if bases is None: bases = DEFAULT_DETECTOR_BASES if plugins is None: plugins = ["cam"] if plugin_defaults is None: plugin_defaults = PLUGIN_DEFAULTS if not isinstance(plugins, list): raise TypeError(f"Must be a list. Received {plugins=!r}") if not isinstance(plugin_defaults, dict): raise TypeError(f"Must be a dict. Received {plugin_defaults=!r}") attributes = {} for spec in plugins: if isinstance(spec, dict): config = list(spec.values())[0] key = list(spec.keys())[0] elif isinstance(spec, str): key = spec config = {} else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown plugin configuration: {spec!r}") kwargs = plugin_defaults.get(key, {}).copy() # default settings for this key kwargs.update(config) # settings supplied by the caller if "class" not in kwargs: raise KeyError(f"Must define 'class': {kwargs=!r}") if "suffix" not in kwargs: raise KeyError(f"Must define 'suffix': {kwargs}") component_class = kwargs.pop("class") suffix = kwargs.pop("suffix") # if "write_path_template" in defaults attributes[key] = ADComponent(component_class, suffix, **kwargs) return type(name, bases, attributes)
[docs]def ad_creator( prefix: str, *, ad_setup: object = None, bases=None, class_name: str = None, name: str = None, plugin_defaults: dict = None, plugins=None, **kwargs, ): """ Create an area detector object from a custom class. PARAMETERS prefix *str*: EPICS PV prefix. name *str*: Name of the ophyd object. class_name *str*: Name of the class to be created. (default: ``"ADclass_HEX7"`` where HEX is a random 7-digit hexadecimal string) plugins *list*: Description of the plugins used. bases *object* or *tuple* : Parent(s) of the new class. (default: ``(SingleTrigger_V34, DetectorBase)``) ad_setup *object*: Optional setup function to be called. (default: ``None``) plugin_defaults *object*: Plugin configuration dictionary. (default: ``None``, PLUGIN_DEFAULTS will be used.) kwargs *dict*: Any additional keyword arguments for the new class definition. (default: ``{}``) """ class_name = class_name or f"ADclass_{str(uuid.uuid4())[:7]}" ad_class = ad_class_factory( class_name, bases, plugins, plugin_defaults=plugin_defaults, ) det = ad_class(prefix, name=name, **kwargs) det.validate_asyn_ports() if ad_setup is not None: # user-defined setup of the detector ad_setup(det) return det
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # :copyright: (c) 2017-2024, UChicago Argonne, LLC # # Distributed under the terms of the Argonne National Laboratory Open Source License. # # The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------