Source code for apstools.callbacks.spec_file_writer

SPEC Data File Writer Callback


Execution of this plan (with ``RE(myPlan())``)::

    def myPlan():
        yield from bps.open_run()
        spec_comment("this is a start document comment", "start")
        spec_comment("this is a descriptor document comment", "descriptor")
        yield bps.Msg('checkpoint')
        yield from bps.trigger_and_read([scaler])
        spec_comment("this is an event document comment after the first read")
        yield from bps.sleep(2)
        yield bps.Msg('checkpoint')
        yield from bps.trigger_and_read([scaler])
        spec_comment("this is an event document comment after the second read")
        spec_comment("this is a stop document comment", "stop")
        yield from bps.close_run()

results in this SPEC file output::

    #S 1145  myPlan()
    #D Mon Jan 28 12:48:09 2019
    #C Mon Jan 28 12:48:09 2019.  plan_type = generator
    #C Mon Jan 28 12:48:09 2019.  uid = ef98648a-8e3a-4e7e-ac99-3290c9b5fca7
    #C Mon Jan 28 12:48:09 2019.  this is a start document comment
    #C Mon Jan 28 12:48:09 2019.  this is a descriptor document comment
    #MD APSTOOLS_VERSION = 2019.0103.0+5.g0f4e8b2
    #MD OPHYD_VERSION = 1.3.0
    #MD SESSION_START = 2019-01-28 12:19:25.446836
    #MD beamline_id = developer
    #MD ipython_session_start = 2018-02-14 12:54:06.447450
    #MD login_id = mintadmin@mint-vm
    #MD pid = 21784
    #MD proposal_id = None
    #N 2
    #L Epoch_float  scaler_time  Epoch
    1.4297869205474854 1.1 1
    4.596935987472534 1.1 5
    #C Mon Jan 28 12:48:11 2019.  this is an event document comment after the first read
    #C Mon Jan 28 12:48:14 2019.  this is an event document comment after the second read
    #C Mon Jan 28 12:48:14 2019.  this is a stop document comment
    #C Mon Jan 28 12:48:14 2019.  num_events_primary = 2
    #C Mon Jan 28 12:48:14 2019.  exit_status = success

.. autosummary::


import datetime
import getpass
import logging
import pathlib
import socket
import time
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np

from .callback_base import FileWriterCallbackBase

SPEC_TIME_FORMAT = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"

def _rebuild_scan_command(doc):
    reconstruct the scan command for SPEC data file #S line


        *object* :
        instance of a bluesky ``start`` document


    *str* :
        "scan_number reconstructed_scan_command"

    def get_name(src):
        get name field from object representation

        given: EpicsMotor(prefix='xxx:m1', name='m1', settle_time=0.0,
                    timeout=None, read_attrs=['user_readback', 'user_setpoint'],
                    configuration_attrs=['motor_egu', 'velocity', 'acceleration',
                    'user_offset', 'user_offset_dir'])
        return: "m1"
        s = str(src)
        p = s.find("(")
        if p > 0:  # only if an open parenthesis is found
            parts = s[p + 1 :].rstrip(")").split(",")
            for item in parts:
                # should be key=value pairs
                item = item.strip()
                p = item.find("=")
                if item[:p] == "name":
                    s = item[p + 1 :]  # get the name value
        return s

    def struct_to_str(struct):
        """Convert given structure into string representation."""
        if isinstance(struct, list):
            return "[" + ", ".join([struct_to_str(v) for v in struct]) + "]"
        elif isinstance(struct, dict):
            return "{" + ", ".join([f"{k}={struct_to_str(v)}" for k, v in struct.items()]) + "}"
        elif isinstance(struct, np.ndarray):
            return struct_to_str(list(struct))
        elif isinstance(struct, str):
            # escape embedded characters, such as single quote
            return f"'{struct}'".encode("unicode_escape").decode("utf8")
            return str(struct)

    s = []
    if "plan_args" in doc:
        for _k, _v in doc["plan_args"].items():
            if _k == "detectors":
                _v = doc[_k]
            elif _k.startswith("motor"):
                _v = doc["motors"]
            elif _k == "args":
                _v = "[" + ", ".join(map(get_name, _v)) + "]"

    cmd = "{}({})".format(doc.get("plan_name", ""), ", ".join(s))
    scan_id = doc.get("scan_id") or 1
    return f"{scan_id}  {cmd}"

[docs]class SpecWriterCallback(object): """ **Deprecated**: Use :class:`~apstools.callbacks.spec_file_writer.SpecWriterCallback2`. Collect data from Bluesky RunEngine documents to write as SPEC data. .. index:: Bluesky Callback; SpecWriterCallback This gathers data from all documents in a scan and appends scan to the file when the ``stop`` document is received. One or more scans can be written to the same file. The file format is text. .. note:: ``SpecWriterCallback()`` does **not** inherit from ``FileWriterCallbackBase()``. PARAMETERS filename *string* : (optional) Local, relative or absolute name of SPEC data file to be used. If ``filename=None``, defaults to format of ``YYYmmdd-HHMMSS.dat`` derived from the current system time. auto_write *boolean* : (optional) If ``True`` (default), ``write_scan()`` is called when *stop* document is received. If ``False``, the caller is responsible for calling ``write_scan()`` before the next ``start`` document is received. RE *object* : Instance of ``bluesky.RunEngine`` or ``None``. reset_scan_id *boolean* : (optional) If True, and filename exists, then sets ```` to highest scan number in existing SPEC data file. default: False User Interface methods .. autosummary:: ~receiver ~newfile ~usefile ~make_default_filename ~clear ~prepare_scan_contents ~write_scan Internal methods .. autosummary:: ~write_header ~start ~descriptor ~event ~bulk_events ~datum ~resource ~stop """ def __init__(self, filename=None, auto_write=True, RE=None, reset_scan_id=False): self.clear() self.buffered_comments = self._empty_comments_dict() self.auto_write = auto_write self.uid_short_length = 8 self.write_new_header = False self.spec_epoch = None # for both #E & #D line in header, also offset for all scans self.spec_host = None self.spec_user = None self._datetime = None # most recent document time self._motor_stream_name = "label_start_motor" self._header_motor_keys = None self._streams = {} # descriptor documents, keyed by uid self.RE = RE if reset_scan_id is True: reset_scan_id = SCAN_ID_RESET_VALUE self.reset_scan_id = reset_scan_id if isinstance(filename, str): filename = pathlib.Path(filename) if filename is None or not filename.exists(): filename = self.newfile(filename) else: max_scan_id = self.usefile(filename) if RE is not None and reset_scan_id is not False:["scan_id"] = max_scan_id self.spec_filename = filename
[docs] def clear(self): """reset all scan data defaults""" self.uid = None self.scan_epoch = None # absolute epoch to report in scan #D line self.time = None # full time from document self.comments = self._empty_comments_dict() = OrderedDict() # data in the scan self.detectors = OrderedDict() # names of detectors in the scan self.hints = OrderedDict() # why? self.metadata = OrderedDict() # #MD lines in header self.motors = OrderedDict() # names of motors in the scan self.positioners = OrderedDict() # names in #O, values in #P self.num_primary_data = 0 # # note: for one scan, #O & #P information is not provided # unless collecting baseline data # wait for case with baseline data that needs #O/#P lines # self.columns = OrderedDict() # #L in scan self.scan_command = None # #S line self.scanning = False
def _empty_comments_dict(self): return dict( start=[], event=[], descriptor=[], resource=[], datum=[], stop=[], ) def _cmt(self, key, text): """enter a comment""" dt = self._datetime or ts = datetime.datetime.strftime(dt, SPEC_TIME_FORMAT) if self.scanning: dest = self.comments else: dest = self.buffered_comments dest[key].append(f"{ts}. {text}")
[docs] def receiver(self, key, document): """ Bluesky callback: receive all documents for handling .. index:: Bluesky Callback; SpecWriterCallback.receiver """ xref = dict( start=self.start, descriptor=self.descriptor, event=self.event, bulk_events=self.bulk_events, datum=self.datum, resource=self.resource, stop=self.stop, ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if key in xref: token = document.get("uid") or document.get("datum_id") logger.debug("%s document, uid=%s", key, str(token)) # lgtm [py/clear-text-logging-sensitive-data] ts = document.get("time") if ts is None: ts = else: ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(document["time"]) self._datetime = ts xref[key](document) else: msg = f"custom_callback encountered: {key} : {document}" # raise ValueError(msg) logger.warning(msg)
[docs] def start(self, doc): """handle *start* documents""" known_properties = """ uid time project sample scan_id group owner hints plan_type plan_name plan_args """.split() self.clear() self.scanning = True self.uid = doc["uid"] self._cmt("start", f"uid = {self.uid}") self.metadata["uid"] = f"{self.uid}" for d, cl in self.buffered_comments.items(): # bring in any comments collected when not scanning self.comments[d] += cl self.buffered_comments = self._empty_comments_dict() self.time = doc["time"] self.scan_epoch = int(self.time) self.scan_id = doc["scan_id"] or 0 # Which reference? fixed counting time or fixed monitor count? # Can this be omitted? self.T_or_M = None # for now # self.T_or_M = "T" # TODO: how to get this from the document stream? self.T_or_M_value = 1 # self._cmt("start", "!!! #T line not correct yet !!!") # metadata for key in sorted(doc.keys()): if key not in known_properties: self.metadata[key] = doc[key] self.start_hints = doc.get("hints", {}) # various dicts for item in "detectors hints motors".split(): if item in doc: obj = self.__getattribute__(item) for key in doc.get(item): obj[key] = None cmt = "plan_type = " + doc["plan_type"] ts = datetime.datetime.strftime(self._datetime, SPEC_TIME_FORMAT) self.comments["start"].insert(0, f"{ts}. {cmt}") self.scan_command = _rebuild_scan_command(doc)
[docs] def descriptor(self, doc): """ handle *descriptor* documents prepare for primary scan data, ignore any other data stream """ if doc["uid"] in self._streams: fmt = "duplicate descriptor UID {} found" raise KeyError(fmt.format(doc["uid"])) # log descriptor documents by uid # referenced by event and bulk_events documents self._streams[doc["uid"]] = doc if doc["name"] == self._motor_stream_name: # list of all known positioners (motors) mlist = sorted(doc["object_keys"].keys()) if self._header_motor_keys != mlist: self.write_new_header = True self.positioners = {k: None for k in mlist} return if doc["name"] != "primary": return keyset = list(doc["data_keys"].keys()) doc_hints_names = [] for k, d in doc["hints"].items(): doc_hints_names.append(k) doc_hints_names += d["fields"] # independent variable(s) first # assumes start["motors"] was defined first_keys = [k for k in self.motors if k in keyset] # TODO: if len(first_keys) == 0: look at self.start_hints # dependent variable(s) last # assumes start["detectors"] was defined last_keys = [d for d in self.detectors if d in doc_hints_names] # TODO: if len(last_keys) == 0: look at doc["hints"] # get remaining keys from keyset, they go in the middle middle_keys = [k for k in keyset if k not in first_keys + last_keys] epoch_keys = "Epoch_float Epoch".split(){k: [] for k in first_keys + epoch_keys + middle_keys + last_keys})
[docs] def event(self, doc): """ handle *event* documents """ descriptor = self._streams.get(doc["descriptor"]) if descriptor is None: fmt = "descriptor UID {} not found" raise KeyError(fmt.format(doc["descriptor"])) if descriptor["name"] == self._motor_stream_name: for k in self.positioners.keys(): self.positioners[k] = doc["data"][k] # get motor values elif descriptor["name"] == "primary": for k in doc["data"].keys(): if k not in msg = f"unexpected failure here, key {k} not found" raise KeyError(msg) for k in if k == "Epoch": v = int(doc["time"] - self.time + 0.5) elif k == "Epoch_float": v = doc["time"] - self.time else: # like SPEC, default to 0 if not found by name v = doc["data"].get(k, 0)[k].append(v) self.num_primary_data += 1
[docs] def bulk_events(self, doc): """handle *bulk_events* documents""" pass
[docs] def datum(self, doc): """handle *datum* documents""" self._cmt("datum", "datum " + str(doc))
[docs] def resource(self, doc): """handle *resource* documents""" self._cmt("resource", "resource " + str(doc))
[docs] def stop(self, doc): """handle *stop* documents""" if "num_events" in doc: for k, v in doc["num_events"].items(): self._cmt("stop", f"num_events_{k} = {v}") if "exit_status" in doc: self._cmt("stop", "exit_status = " + doc["exit_status"]) else: self._cmt("stop", "exit_status = not available") if self.auto_write: self.write_scan() self.scanning = False
[docs] def prepare_scan_contents(self): """ format the scan for a SPEC data file :returns: [str] a list of lines to append to the data file """ dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.scan_epoch) lines = [] lines.append("") lines.append("#S " + self.scan_command) lines.append("#D " + datetime.datetime.strftime(dt, SPEC_TIME_FORMAT)) if self.T_or_M is not None: lines.append(f"#{self.T_or_M} {self.T_or_M_value}") for v in self.comments["start"]: # C Wed Feb 03 16:51:38 2016. do ./usaxs.mac. lines.append("#C " + v) # TODO: add time/date stamp as SPEC does for v in self.comments["descriptor"]: lines.append("#C " + v) for k, v in self.metadata.items(): # "#MD" is our ad hoc SPEC data tag lines.append(f"#MD {k} = {v}") if sorted(self.positioners.keys()) != self._header_motor_keys: self.write_new_header = True if len(self.positioners) == 0: lines.append("#P0 ") else: values = list(self.positioners.values()) r = 0 while len(values) > 0: lines.append(f"#P{r} " + " ".join([str(v) for v in values[:8]])) values = values[8:] r += 1 lines.append("#N " + str(len( if len( > 0: lines.append("#L " + " ".join( for i in range(self.num_primary_data): str_data = OrderedDict() s = [] for k in datum =[k][i] if isinstance(datum, str): # SPEC scan data is expected to be numbers # this is text, substitute the row number # and report after this line in a #U line str_data[k] = datum datum = i s.append(str(datum)) lines.append(" ".join(s)) for k in str_data.keys(): # report the text data lines.append(f"#U {i} {k} {str_data[k]}") else: lines.append("#C no data column labels identified") for v in self.comments["event"]: lines.append("#C " + v) for v in self.comments["resource"]: lines.append("#C " + v) for v in self.comments["datum"]: lines.append("#C " + v) for v in self.comments["stop"]: lines.append("#C " + v) return lines
def _write_lines_(self, lines, mode="a"): """write (more) lines to the file""" with open(self.spec_filename, mode) as f: f.write("\n".join(lines))
[docs] def write_header(self): """Write the (initial) header section of a SPEC data file.""" dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.spec_epoch) lines = [] # Ok to repeat #F in addtional header sections lines.append(f"#F {self.spec_filename}") lines.append(f"#E {self.spec_epoch}") lines.append(f"#D {datetime.datetime.strftime(dt, SPEC_TIME_FORMAT)}") lines.append(f"#C Bluesky user = {self.spec_user} host = {self.spec_host}") self._header_motor_keys = sorted(self.positioners.keys()) if len(self._header_motor_keys) == 0: lines.append("#O0 ") # names lines.append("#o0 ") # mnemonics else: delimiter = " " * 2 # two spaces between names for pre in "#O #o".split(): # same list for names and mnemonics values = self._header_motor_keys r = 0 while len(values) > 0: lines.append(f"{pre}{r} " + delimiter.join([str(v) for v in values[:8]])) values = values[8:] r += 1 lines.append("") if self.spec_filename.exists(): lines.insert(0, "") self._write_lines_(lines, mode="a+") self.write_new_header = False
[docs] def write_scan(self): """ write the most recent (completed) scan to the file * creates file if not existing * writes header if needed * appends scan data note: does nothing if there are no lines to be written """ if self.spec_filename.exists(): with open(self.spec_filename) as f: buf = if buf.find(self.uid) >= 0: # raise exception if uid is already in the file! msg = f"{self.spec_filename} already contains uid={self.uid}" raise ValueError(msg) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) lines = self.prepare_scan_contents() lines.append("") if lines is not None: if self.write_new_header: self.write_header()"wrote header to SPEC file: %s", self.spec_filename) self._write_lines_(lines, mode="a") "wrote scan %d to SPEC file: %s", self.scan_id, self.spec_filename, )
[docs] def make_default_filename(self): """generate a file name to be used as default""" now = filename = now.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") + ".dat" return pathlib.Path(filename)
[docs] def newfile(self, filename=None, scan_id=None, RE=None): """ prepare to use a new SPEC data file but don't create it until we have data """ self.clear() filename = pathlib.Path(filename or self.make_default_filename()) if filename.exists(): from spec2nexus.spec import SpecDataFile sdf = SpecDataFile(filename) scan_list = sdf.getScanNumbers() l = len(scan_list) m = max(map(float, scan_list)) highest = int(max(l, m) + 0.9999) # solves issue #128 scan_id = max(scan_id or 0, highest) self.spec_filename = filename self.spec_epoch = int(time.time()) # ! no roundup here!!! self.spec_host = socket.gethostname() or "localhost" self.spec_user = getpass.getuser() or "BlueskyUser" self.write_new_header = True # don't write the file yet # backwards-compatibility if isinstance(scan_id, bool): # True means reset the scan ID to default # False means do not modify it scan_id = {True: SCAN_ID_RESET_VALUE, False: None}[scan_id] if scan_id is not None and RE is not None: # RE is an instance of bluesky.run_engine.RunEngine # (or duck type for testing)["scan_id"] = scan_id self.scan_id = scan_id return self.spec_filename
[docs] def usefile(self, filename): """read from existing SPEC data file""" if not self.spec_filename.exists(): raise IOError(f"file {filename} does not exist") scan_id = None with open(filename, "r") as f: key = "#F" line = f.readline().strip() if not line.startswith(key + " "): raise ValueError(f"first line does not start with {key}") key = "#E" line = f.readline().strip() if not line.startswith(key + " "): raise ValueError(f"first line does not start with {key}") epoch = int(line.split()[-1]) key = "#D" line = f.readline().strip() if not line.startswith(key + " "): raise ValueError("first line does not start with " + key) # ignore content, it is derived from #E line key = "#C" line = f.readline().strip() if not line.startswith(key + " "): raise ValueError("first line does not start with " + key) p = line.split() username = "BlueskyUser" if len(p) > 4 and p[2] == "user": username = p[4] # find the highest scan number used key = "#S" scan_ids = [] for line in f.readlines(): if line.startswith(key + " ") and len(line.split()) > 1: scan_id = int(line.split()[1]) scan_ids.append(scan_id) scan_id = max(scan_ids) self.spec_filename = filename self.spec_epoch = epoch self.spec_user = username return scan_id
[docs]class SpecWriterCallback2(FileWriterCallbackBase): """ Write SPEC data file as data is collected, line-by-line. .. index:: Bluesky Callback; SpecWriterCallback2 This writes data from a scan as each *event* document is received. One or more scans can be written to the same file. The file format is text. .. rubric: Override Methods from FileWriterCallbackBase .. autosummary:: ~descriptor ~event ~start ~stop ~writer .. rubric: New Methods .. autosummary:: ~_cmt ~_write_lines_ ~make_default_filename ~newfile ~usefile ~write_file_header ~write_scan_data_row ~write_scan_end ~write_scan_header .. rubric: Properties .. autosummary:: ~spec_filename *New in apstools 1.7.0.* """ # - - - - # - - - - # - - - - # - - - - # - - - - # - - - - # - - - - # # Override Methods def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._file_header_motor_keys = None self._motor_stream_name = "label_start_motor" self.file_epoch = None self.spec_filename = None self.write_new_file_header = True
[docs] def descriptor(self, doc): """ Handle *descriptor* documents of certain streams. """ if doc["uid"] in self._streams: fmt = "duplicate descriptor UID {} found" raise KeyError(fmt.format(doc["uid"])) # log descriptor documents by uid # referenced by event and bulk_events documents self._streams[doc["uid"]] = doc if doc["name"] == self._motor_stream_name: # list of all known positioners (motors), #O:#P lines mlist = sorted(doc["object_keys"].keys()) if self._file_header_motor_keys != mlist: self.write_new_file_header = True self.motors = {k: None for k in mlist} return # nothing more to do now # for k in self.positioners.keys(): # self.positioners[k] = doc["data"][k] # get motor values elif doc["name"] != "primary": return super().descriptor(doc) # process the document def get_data_labels(): "Names of each of the data columns. Values in doc['data_keys'][k]" def parse(master): primary, secondary = [], [] for k_obj in master: hints = doc["hints"][k_obj]["fields"] for k in doc["object_keys"][k_obj]: if len(hints) > 0: if k in hints: primary.append(k) else: secondary.append(k) else: primary.append(k) return primary, secondary labels, others = parse(self.positioners) labels += others + "Epoch Epoch_float".split() dets, others = parse(self.detectors) dets = others + list(reversed(dets)) # move first detector to last column _knowns = labels + dets others = [k for k in doc["data_keys"] if k not in _knowns] return labels + others + dets self.data_labels = get_data_labels() self.write_new_scan_header = True
[docs] def event(self, doc): super().event(doc) # process the document descriptor = self._streams.get(doc["descriptor"]) if descriptor is None: raise KeyError(f"Descriptor UID {doc['descriptor']} not found.") if descriptor["name"] == self._motor_stream_name: for k in self.motors.keys(): self.motors[k] = doc["data"][k] # get motor values return self.write_file_header() self.write_scan_header() self.write_scan_data_row(doc)
[docs] def start(self, doc): """First document of the run.""" super().start(doc) # process the document self.file_epoch = self.file_epoch or self.start_time # timestamp login_id = self.metadata.get("login_id") if login_id is not None: self.spec_user, self.spec_host = login_id.split("@") else: self.spec_host = socket.gethostname() or "localhost" self.spec_user = getpass.getuser() or "BlueskyUser" # Create new file (if necessary) self.file_name = self.file_name or self.make_file_name() self.motors = {} # names in #O, values in #P self._streams = {} # descriptor documents, keyed by uid self.T_or_M = None # TODO: How to learn if "T" or "M" from the document stream? self.T_or_M_value = 1 self.scan_command = _rebuild_scan_command(doc)
[docs] def stop(self, doc): """Last document of the run.""" # ... just in case these have not been written. self.write_file_header() self.write_scan_header() super().stop(doc) # process the document self.write_scan_end(doc)
[docs] def writer(self): """Output to a file completed by other methods.""" pass
# - - - - # - - - - # - - - - # - - - - # - - - - # - - - - # - - - - # # Local Methods def _cmt(self, text): """ Return a SPEC-style comment. ``#C Wed Jul 04 14:56:21 1776. uid = abcdefg-1234-4321-8524686c-abcd1234dcba`` """ dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.doc_timestamp or time.time()) spec_time = dt.strftime(SPEC_TIME_FORMAT) return f"#C {spec_time}. {text}"
[docs] def make_default_filename(self): """generate a file name to be used as default""" now = filename = now.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") + ".dat" return pathlib.Path(filename)
[docs] def newfile(self, filename=None, scan_id=None, RE=None): """ prepare to use a new SPEC data file but don't create it until we have data """ self.clear() filename = pathlib.Path(filename or self.make_default_filename()) if filename.exists(): from spec2nexus.spec import SpecDataFile sdf = SpecDataFile(filename) scan_list = sdf.getScanNumbers() l = len(scan_list) m = max(map(float, scan_list)) highest = int(max(l, m) + 0.9999) # solves issue #128 scan_id = max(scan_id or 0, highest) self.spec_filename = filename self.spec_epoch = int(time.time()) # ! no roundup here!!! self.spec_host = socket.gethostname() or "localhost" self.spec_user = getpass.getuser() or "BlueskyUser" self.write_new_header = True # don't write the file yet # backwards-compatibility if isinstance(scan_id, bool): # True means reset the scan ID to default # False means do not modify it scan_id = {True: SCAN_ID_RESET_VALUE, False: None}[scan_id] if scan_id is not None and RE is not None: # RE is an instance of bluesky.run_engine.RunEngine # (or duck type for testing)["scan_id"] = scan_id self.scan_id = scan_id return self.spec_filename
[docs] def usefile(self, filename): """read from existing SPEC data file""" if not self.spec_filename.exists(): raise IOError(f"file {filename} does not exist") scan_id = None with open(filename, "r") as f: key = "#F" line = f.readline().strip() if not line.startswith(key + " "): raise ValueError(f"first line does not start with {key}") key = "#E" line = f.readline().strip() if not line.startswith(key + " "): raise ValueError(f"first line does not start with {key}") epoch = int(line.split()[-1]) key = "#D" line = f.readline().strip() if not line.startswith(key + " "): raise ValueError("first line does not start with " + key) # ignore content, it is derived from #E line key = "#C" line = f.readline().strip() if not line.startswith(key + " "): raise ValueError("first line does not start with " + key) p = line.split() username = "BlueskyUser" if len(p) > 4 and p[2] == "user": username = p[4] # find the highest scan number used key = "#S" scan_ids = [] for line in f.readlines(): if line.startswith(key + " ") and len(line.split()) > 1: scan_id = int(line.split()[1]) scan_ids.append(scan_id) scan_id = max(scan_ids) self.spec_filename = filename self.spec_epoch = epoch self.spec_user = username return scan_id
[docs] def write_file_header(self): """Write file header to file, if needed.""" if not self.write_new_file_header: # print(f"No new file header for {self.uid=!r}") return dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.file_epoch) lines = [] if self.file_name.exists() and self.file_name.stat().st_size > 0: lines.append("") lines.append(f"#F {self.file_name}") lines.append(f"#E {self.file_epoch}") lines.append(f"#D {datetime.datetime.strftime(dt, SPEC_TIME_FORMAT)}") lines.append(f"#C Bluesky user = {self.spec_user} host = {self.spec_host}") self._file_header_motor_keys = sorted(self.motors.keys()) if len(self._file_header_motor_keys) == 0: lines.append("#O0 ") # names lines.append("#o0 ") # mnemonics else: delimiter = " " * 2 # two spaces between names for pre in "#O #o".split(): # same list for names and mnemonics values = self._file_header_motor_keys r = 0 while len(values) > 0: lines.append(f"{pre}{r} " + delimiter.join([str(v) for v in values[:8]])) values = values[8:] r += 1 # lines.append("") self._write_lines_(lines, mode="a+") self.write_new_file_header = False
[docs] def write_scan_data_row(self, doc): """Write row of scan data to file.""" from ..utils.misc import render line = [] remarks = [] for label in self.data_labels: if label in ("Epoch", "Epoch_float"): value = doc["time"] - self.start_time if label == "Epoch": value = round(value) else: value = doc["data"].get(label) if isinstance(value, (float, int)): line.append(render(value)) else: # Scan data is expected to be numbers. This is not. Substitute # the row number and report after this line in a #U line. line.append(str(doc["seq_num"])) remarks.append(f"#U {label} = {value}") lines = [" ".join(line)] self._write_lines_(lines + remarks, mode="a+")
[docs] def write_scan_end(self, doc): """Write scan ending to file.""" lines = [] if len(self.externals) > 0: lines.append(f"#U externals: {self.externals!r}") if "num_events" in doc: for k, v in doc["num_events"].items(): lines.append(self._cmt(f"num_events_{k} = {v}")) if "exit_status" in doc: lines.append(self._cmt(f"exit_status = {doc['exit_status']}")) else: lines.append(self._cmt("exit_status = not available")) self._write_lines_(lines, mode="a+")
[docs] def write_scan_header(self): """Write scan header to file.""" from ..utils.misc import render if not self.write_new_scan_header: # print(f"Not writing new scan header. {self.scan_id=!r}") return dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.start_time) lines = [""] lines.append(f"#S {self.scan_command}") lines.append("#D " + datetime.datetime.strftime(dt, SPEC_TIME_FORMAT)) if self.T_or_M is not None: lines.append(f"#{self.T_or_M} {self.T_or_M_value}") lines.append(self._cmt(f"uid = {self.uid}")) if len(self.motors) == 0: lines.append("#P0 ") else: values = list(self.motors.values()) r = 0 while len(values) > 0: lines.append(f"#P{r} " + " ".join([render(v) for v in values[:8]])) values = values[8:] r += 1 for k, v in self.metadata.items(): # "#MD" is our ad hoc SPEC data tag lines.append(f"#MD {k} = {v}") lines.append("#N " + str(len(self.data_labels))) if len(self.data_labels) > 0: lines.append("#L " + " ".join(self.data_labels)) else: lines.append("#C no data column labels identified") self._write_lines_(lines, mode="a+") self.write_new_scan_header = False
def _write_lines_(self, lines, mode="a"): """write (more) lines to the file""" lines.append("") with open(self.file_name, mode) as f: f.write("\n".join(lines)) # - - - - # - - - - # - - - - # - - - - # - - - - # - - - - # - - - - # # properties @property def spec_filename(self): """ Synonym for 'file_name' property. API compatibility with SpecWriterCallback. """ return self.file_name @spec_filename.setter def spec_filename(self, file_name): self.file_name = file_name or self.make_default_filename()
[docs]def spec_comment(comment, doc=None, writer=None): """ make it easy to add spec-style comments in a custom plan These comments *only* go into the SPEC data file. PARAMETERS comment *string* : (optional) Comment text to be written. SPEC expects it to be only one line! doc *string* : (optional) Bluesky RunEngine document type. One of: ``start descriptor event resource datum stop`` (default: ``event``) writer *obj* : (optional) Instance of ``SpecWriterCallback()``, typically: ``specwriter = SpecWriterCallback()`` """ # global specwriter # such as: specwriter = SpecWriterCallback() # writer = writer or specwriter # FIXME: get from namespace if doc is None: if writer.scanning: doc = "event" else: doc = "start" for line in comment.splitlines(): writer._cmt(doc, line)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # :author: Pete R. Jemian # :email: # :copyright: (c) 2017-2024, UChicago Argonne, LLC # # Distributed under the terms of the Argonne National Laboratory Open Source License. # # The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------