Add Python modules here that provide any other code not covered by callbacks, configs, core, devices, or plans.
APS utility helper functions |
Load configuration files |
EPICS & ophyd related setup |
Generic utility helper functions |
Configure logging for this session. |
Make devices from YAML files |
RunEngine Metadata |
Storage-backed Dictionary |
APS utility helper functions#
Detect if this host is on an APS subnet. |
APS Data Management setup |
- instrument.utils.aps_functions.aps_dm_setup(dm_setup_file)[source]#
APS Data Management setup#
Read the bash shell script file used by DM to setup the environment. Parse any
lines and add their environment variables to this session. This is done by brute force here since the APS DM environment setup requires different Python code than bluesky and the two often clash.This setup must be done before any of the DM package libraries are called.
- instrument.utils.aps_functions.host_on_aps_subnet()[source]#
Detect if this host is on an APS subnet.
Load configuration files#
Load supported configuration files, such as iconfig.yml
Load iconfig.yml (and other YAML) configuration files. |
Configuration file version too old. |
- exception instrument.utils.config_loaders.IConfigFileVersionError[source]#
Configuration file version too old.
- instrument.utils.config_loaders.load_config_yaml(iconfig_yml=None) dict [source]#
Load iconfig.yml (and other YAML) configuration files.
- iconfig_yml: str
Name of the YAML file to be loaded. The name can be absolute or relative to the current working directory. Default:
- instrument.utils.controls_setup.connect_scan_id_pv(RE, pv: str = None)[source]#
Define a PV to use for the RunEngine’s scan_id.
- instrument.utils.controls_setup.epics_scan_id_source(_md)[source]#
Callback function for RunEngine. Returns next scan_id to be used.
Ignore metadata dictionary passed as argument.
Get current scan_id from PV.
Apply lower limit of zero.
Increment (so that scan_id numbering starts from 1).
Set PV with new value.
Return new value.
Exception will be raised if PV is not connected when next
is called.
- instrument.utils.controls_setup.oregistry#
Registry of all ophyd-style Devices and Signals.
- instrument.utils.controls_setup.set_control_layer(control_layer: str = 'PyEpics')[source]#
Communications library between ophyd and EPICS Channel Access.
Choices are: PyEpics (default) or caproto.
OPHYD_CONTROL_LAYER is an application of “lessons learned.”
Only used in a couple rare cases where PyEpics code was failing. It’s defined here since it was difficult to find how to do this in the ophyd documentation.
- instrument.utils.controls_setup.set_timeouts()[source]#
Set default timeout for all EpicsSignal connections & communications.
Generic utility helper functions#
Register Bluesky magics if an IPython environment is detected. |
Detect if running in the bluesky queueserver. |
Enable detailed debugging for Python exceptions in the IPython environment. |
Configure the Matplotlib backend based on the current environment. |
Detect if the current environment is a Jupyter Notebook. |
- instrument.utils.helper_functions.debug_python() None [source]#
Enable detailed debugging for Python exceptions in the IPython environment.
- This function adjusts the xmode settings for exception tracebacks based on the
- instrument.utils.helper_functions.is_notebook() bool [source]#
Detect if the current environment is a Jupyter Notebook.
- Returns:
bool: True if running in a notebook (Jupyter notebook or qtconsole), False otherwise.
- instrument.utils.helper_functions.mpl_setup() None [source]#
Configure the Matplotlib backend based on the current environment.
- For non-queueserver and non-notebook environments, attempts to use the ‘qtAgg’
- If ‘qtAgg’ is not available due to missing dependencies, falls back to the ‘Agg’
- Returns:
- instrument.utils.helper_functions.register_bluesky_magics() None [source]#
Register Bluesky magics if an IPython environment is detected.
- This function registers the BlueskyMagics if get_ipython() returns a valid IPython
- instrument.utils.helper_functions.running_in_queueserver() bool [source]#
Detect if running in the bluesky queueserver.
- Returns:
bool: True if running in the queueserver, False otherwise.
Configure logging for this session.
Configure logging as described in file. |
Reconfigure the root logger as configured by the user. |
Record log messages in file(s). |
Internal: Log IPython console session In and Out to a file. |
Internal: Set logging level for each named module. |
- instrument.utils.logging_setup._setup_console_logger(logger, cfg)[source]#
Reconfigure the root logger as configured by the user.
We can’t apply user configurations in
above because the code to read the config file triggers initialization of the logging system.
- instrument.utils.logging_setup._setup_file_logger(logger, cfg)[source]#
Record log messages in file(s).
- instrument.utils.logging_setup._setup_ipython_logger(logger, cfg)[source]#
Internal: Log IPython console session In and Out to a file.
int he IPython console for more information.
- instrument.utils.logging_setup._setup_module_logging(cfg)[source]#
Internal: Set logging level for each named module.
- instrument.utils.logging_setup.addLoggingLevel(levelName, levelNum, methodName=None)[source]#
Comprehensively adds a new logging level to the logging module and the currently configured logging class.
levelName becomes an attribute of the logging module with the value levelNum. methodName becomes a convenience method for both logging itself and the class returned by logging.getLoggerClass() (usually just logging.Logger). If methodName is not specified, levelName.lower() is used.
To avoid accidental clobberings of existing attributes, this method will raise an AttributeError if the level name is already an attribute of the logging module or if the method name is already present
>>> addLoggingLevel('TRACE', logging.INFO - 5) >>> logging.getLogger(__name__).setLevel("TEST") >>> logging.getLogger(__name__).test('that worked') >>> logging.test('so did this') >>> logging.TEST 5
Make devices from YAML files#
Construct ophyd-style devices from simple specifications in YAML files.
(plan stub) Create the ophyd-style controls for this instrument. |
Custom YAML loader for guarneri. |
- class instrument.utils.make_devices_yaml.Instrument(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#
Custom YAML loader for guarneri.
- instrument.utils.make_devices_yaml._loader(yaml_device_file, main=True)[source]#
Load our ophyd-style controls as described in a YAML file.
- yaml_device_filestr or pathlib.Path
YAML file describing ophyd-style controls to be created.
- mainbool
add these devices to the__main__
- instrument.utils.make_devices_yaml.make_devices(*, pause: float = 1)[source]#
(plan stub) Create the ophyd-style controls for this instrument.
Feel free to modify this plan to suit the needs of your instrument.
- pausefloat
Wait ‘pause’ seconds (default: 1) for slow objects to connect.
RunEngine Metadata#
Storage path to save RE metadata between sessions. |
Get path for RE metadata. |
Programmatic metadata for the RunEngine. |
- instrument.utils.metadata.MD_PATH = '.re_md_dict.yml'#
Storage path to save RE metadata between sessions.
- instrument.utils.metadata.get_md_path()[source]#
Get path for RE metadata.
Directory where dictionary keys are stored in separate files.
File where dictionary is stored as YAML.
In either case, the ‘path’ can be relative or absolute. Relative paths are with respect to the present working directory when the bluesky session is started.
Storage-backed Dictionary#
A dictionary that writes its contents to YAML file.
Replaces bluesky.utils.PersistentDict
Contents must be JSON serializable.
Contents stored in a single human-readable YAML file.
Sync to disk shortly after dictionary is updated.
Dictionary that syncs to storage. |
- class instrument.utils.stored_dict.StoredDict(file, delay=5, title=None, serializable=True)[source]#
Dictionary that syncs to storage.
()Force a write of the dictionary to disk
()Remove and return a (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple.
()Read dictionary from storage.
Static methods
All support for the YAML format is implemented in the static methods.
(file, contents[, title])Write dictionary to YAML file.
(file)Read dictionary from YAML file.
- __init__(file, delay=5, title=None, serializable=True)[source]#
StoredDict : Dictionary that syncs to storage
- filestr or pathlib.Path
Name of file to store dictionary contents.
- delaynumber
Time delay (s) since last dictionary update to write to storage. Default: 5 seconds.
- titlestr or None
Comment to write at top of file. Default: “Written by StoredDict.”
- serializablebool
If True, validate new dictionary entries are JSON serializable.
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
- _delayed_sync_to_storage()[source]#
Sync the metadata to storage.
Start a time-delay thread. New writes to the metadata dictionary will extend the deadline. Sync once the deadline is reached.