Source code for instrument.utils.make_devices_yaml

Make devices from YAML files

Construct ophyd-style devices from simple specifications in YAML files.

.. autosummary::


import logging
import pathlib
import sys
import time

import guarneri
from apstools.plans import run_blocking_function
from apstools.utils import dynamic_import
from bluesky import plan_stubs as bps

from .aps_functions import host_on_aps_subnet
from .config_loaders import iconfig
from .config_loaders import load_config_yaml
from .controls_setup import oregistry  # noqa: F401

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

configs_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent / "configs"
main_namespace = sys.modules["__main__"]
local_control_devices_file = iconfig["DEVICES_FILE"]
aps_control_devices_file = iconfig["APS_DEVICES_FILE"]

[docs] def make_devices(*, pause: float = 1): """ (plan stub) Create the ophyd-style controls for this instrument. Feel free to modify this plan to suit the needs of your instrument. EXAMPLE:: RE(make_devices()) PARAMETERS pause : float Wait 'pause' seconds (default: 1) for slow objects to connect. """ logger.debug("(Re)Loading local control objects.") yield from run_blocking_function( _loader, configs_path / local_control_devices_file, main=True ) if host_on_aps_subnet(): yield from run_blocking_function( _loader, configs_path / aps_control_devices_file, main=True ) if pause > 0: logger.debug( "Waiting %s seconds for slow objects to connect.", pause, ) yield from bps.sleep(pause)
# Configure any of the controls here, or in plan stubs
[docs] def _loader(yaml_device_file, main=True): """ Load our ophyd-style controls as described in a YAML file. PARAMETERS yaml_device_file : str or pathlib.Path YAML file describing ophyd-style controls to be created. main : bool If ``True`` add these devices to the ``__main__`` namespace. """ logger.debug("Devices file %r.", str(yaml_device_file)) t0 = time.time() _instr.load(yaml_device_file) logger.debug("Devices loaded in %.3f s.", time.time() - t0) if main: for label in oregistry.device_names: # add to __main__ namespace setattr(main_namespace, label, oregistry[label])
[docs] class Instrument(guarneri.Instrument): """Custom YAML loader for guarneri."""
[docs] def parse_yaml_file(self, config_file: pathlib.Path | str) -> list[dict]: """Read device configurations from YAML format file.""" if isinstance(config_file, str): config_file = pathlib.Path(config_file) def parser(creator, specs): if creator not in self.device_classes: self.device_classes[creator] = dynamic_import(creator) entries = [ { "device_class": creator, "args": (), # ALL specs are kwargs! "kwargs": table, } for table in specs ] return entries devices = [ device # parse the file for k, v in load_config_yaml(config_file).items() # each support type (class, factory, function, ...) for device in parser(k, v) ] return devices
_instr = Instrument({}, registry=oregistry) # singleton