
Python modules that describe your instrument’s custom measurement procedures.


Plans in support of APS Data Management


Simulators from ophyd

Plans in support of APS Data Management#

dm_kickoff_workflow(run, argsDict[, ...])

Start a DM workflow for this bluesky run and share run's metadata with DM.


Show all the DM jobs with status not excluded.

dm_submit_workflow_job(workflowName, argsDict)

Low-level plan stub to submit a job to a DM workflow.

instrument.plans.dm_plans.dm_kickoff_workflow(run, argsDict, timeout=None, wait=False)[source]#

Start a DM workflow for this bluesky run and share run’s metadata with DM.


run (obj): Bluesky run object (such as ‘run = cat[uid]’).

argsDict (dict): Dictionary of parameters needed by ‘workflowName’.

At minimum, most workflows expect these keys: ‘filePath’ and ‘experimentName’. Consult the workflow for the expected content of ‘argsDict’.

timeout (number): When should bluesky stop reporting on this

DM workflow job (if it has not ended). Units are seconds. Default is forever.

wait (bool): Should this plan stub wait for the job to end?

Default is ‘False’.


Show all the DM jobs with status not excluded.

Excluded status (default): ‘done’, ‘failed’

instrument.plans.dm_plans.dm_submit_workflow_job(workflowName, argsDict)[source]#

Low-level plan stub to submit a job to a DM workflow.

It is recommended to use dm_kickoff_workflow() instead. This plan does not share run metadata with DM.


workflowName (str): Name of the DM workflow to be run.

argsDict (dict): Dictionary of parameters needed by ‘workflowName’.

At minimum, most workflows expect these keys: ‘filePath’ and ‘experimentName’. Consult the workflow for the expected content of ‘argsDict’.

Simulators from ophyd#

For development and testing only, provides plans.

sim_count_plan([num, imax, md])

Demonstrate the count() plan.


Demonstrate a print() plan stub (no data streams).

sim_rel_scan_plan([span, num, imax, center, ...])

Demonstrate the rel_scan() plan.

instrument.plans.sim_plans.sim_count_plan(num: int = 1, imax: float = 10000, md: dict = {'title': 'test run with simulator(s)'})[source]#

Demonstrate the count() plan.


Demonstrate a print() plan stub (no data streams).

instrument.plans.sim_plans.sim_rel_scan_plan(span: float = 5, num: int = 11, imax: float = 10000, center: float = 0, sigma: float = 1, noise: str = 'uniform', md: dict = {'title': 'test run with simulator(s)'})[source]#

Demonstrate the rel_scan() plan.