Change History#

The project milestones describe the future plans.


release expected by 2023-07-31

New Features#

  • Add ophyd device support for APS Data Management workflows.


released 2023-05-23


  • Add fb_epid database support from the optics module.

  • Add guide How to interrupt/stop/abort a running plan & recover to safe settings.

  • Add close_pv & open_pv kwargs to ApsPssShutter

  • Add ensure_AD_plugin_primed() convenience function.

  • Made listdevice() more tolerant of unconnectable signals.


  • APS cycle set to APSU during this dark year.

  • Resolve AD ERROR reports “capture not supported in Single mode”.


  • Add unit tests for shutters.

  • Apply consistent code style (black) throughout.

  • Set kind attribute to add plugin to ad.read_attrs list.

  • Clear PVPositionerSoftDone’s setpoint & readback subscriptions at exit.


released 2023-03-27


  • add log_path=None kwarg to apstools.utils.stream_log_handler()


  • resolved AttributeError for certain logging configurations


released 2023-03-12

Breaking Changes#

  • listobjects() printing keyword argument is deprecated.

  • ListRuns.to_dataframe()’ method is deprecated.

  • ListRuns.to_table() method is deprecated.

  • listruns() printing keyword argument is deprecated.

  • listruns() tablefmt keyword argument is deprecated. Use table_style instead.

  • listruns() now returns pyRestTable.Table or pandas.DataFrame

New Features#

  • MeasCompTc32: Measurement Computing TC-32 Thermocouple reader


  • Add guide What are the objects to control?


  • labels_to_streams(): do not plot items in the labeled stream

  • labels_to_streams(): failed when no motor label assigned


  • add more unit tests for apstools.plans

  • addDeviceDataAsStream() renamed to write_stream()

  • FileWriterCallbackBase.file_name now a property, uses pathlib

  • listobjects() now returns pyRestTable (by default)

  • listdevice() now returns pyRestTable (by default)

  • listplans() now returns pyRestTable (by default)

  • listruns() now returns pyRestTable (by default)

  • NXWriter: unit tests added for proper NXdata@axes structure.


released 2023-02-16


  • Release process updated on the wiki.


released 2023-02-16


  • NXWriter: add wait_writer_plan_stub() method for use in a plan.

  • Release process documented on the wiki.


released 2023-02-15

New Features#

  • Support to record all motor (or other ophyd-labeled devices) positions at start (or end) of run.

  • SpecWriterCallback: write #O and #P lines from motor positions recorded at start of run.


  • NXWriter: scans with area detectors did not have image data. Fixed. Clients must wait for writer to finish.

  • PVPositionerSoftDone: computation of ‘done’ signal and ‘inposition’ deconvoluted.

  • Struck3820: changed (typo) do_readl_all to do_read_all

  • Tests involving PVPositionerSoftDone call ‘.cb_readback()’ method to upate ‘done’ signal.


  • Added github/super-linter workflow, adds mypy, isort, and other tests.

  • Apply isort code style.

Known Problems#

  • Observing random occurrence of unit test failures involving PVPositionerSoftDone.


released 2023-01-11

New Features#

  • Add apstools.utils.plotxy() utility function.

  • Add tag-based documentation selection via PyData switcher.


  • In listruns(), also search the hints for keys.


  • CI failed to build documentation when creating pip installation.

  • ScalerMotorFlyer default fly_time_pad increased to 10 s.

  • ScalerMotorFlyer now sets scaler to “OneShot” mode.

  • ScalerMotorFlyer in-position comparison now based on motor’s precision.

  • Version number was not reported correctly in certain situations (issue #771).


  • “Custom HDF5 File Name” example updated to latest advice.

  • Pin Sphinx to <6 due to problems with PyData and Sphinx v6.

  • Conda channel “nsls2forge” no longer needed.

  • Remove nsls2forge channel from conda environment.

New Contributors#

  • @jwkim-anl (Jong Woo Kim, ANL) for the plotxy() idea.


released 2022-11-30

New Features#

  • Add ScalerMotorFlyer() device.

  • Add functions to support reporting of logging messages.

  • Add restorable_stage_sigs() decorator.

  • Add support for Python 3.11.

  • Add utils.analysis_1D() & utils.analysis_2D() functions for peaks statistics.


  • Add example notebook Fly Scans with EPICS motor and scaler.

  • Add guide How to Search in Databroker.

  • Add guide How to setup logging.


  • Add convenience import:from apstools.devices import AD_EpicsFileNameMixin.

  • Enable: from apstools.devices import AD_EpicsFileNameMixin.

  • Resolve intermittent, random CI failures.

  • Resolve problems reporting unit test coverage statistics.

  • Unit tests now support Python version 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, & 3.11.


released 2022-10-16


  • [again] Make sure that YML (and other) files are packaged for pip and conda.




released 2022-10-13

New Features#

  • Add request_input() plan stub, per user request.

  • Add fly scan for scaler v. continuous motor.


  • Rename: devices.make_dict_device() is now devices.dict_device_factory().


  • Make sure that YML (and other) files are packaged for pip and conda.

  • PVPositioner got stuck if target position was the same as current position.


  • Removed all snapshot support.


released 2022-10-04


  • Pip requirements updated.


released 2022-10-03

New Features and/or Enhancements#

  • Example of imaging with AreaDetector in Single mode writing HDF5 files.

  • lineup(): user can choose which feature (max, min, cen, com), additional API changes.

  • devices.make_dict_device() to make a recordable Device from a dictionary.

  • Only publish documentation on demand by executing GitHub workflow.

  • Switch HTML documentation to use PyData theme.


  • Re-arranged the documentation. Some examples renamed. Content unchanged.

  • Update the APS cycle dates file through 2023-04-30.


released 2022-08-15

New Features and/or Enhancements#

  • Add devices.CamMixin_V3_1_1

  • Add devices.CamMixin_V34

  • Add devices.SingleTrigger_V34

  • Add EpicsScanIdSignal (scan_id from EPICS PV).

  • Add run_blocking_function() plan to run blocking functions in the RunEngine.

  • Published on conda-forge conda install -c conda-forge apstools.

  • replay() can now take a run, [run], header, or [header]

  • Switch HTML documentation to use furo theme.


  • Combine install steps, workflows in CI

  • Describe how to use the NXWriter callback.

  • Refactor AD test with EPICS-controlled image file names.

  • Refactor test_move_to_zero().

  • Unit tests now support Python version 3.8, 3.9, & 3.10.


  • bluesky_snapshot_viewer and underlying GUI code will be dropped by 2022-12-31.

  • Drop support for Python 3.7 per NEP29.

  • Stop publishing on channel -c aps-anl-tag (use -c conda-forge instead).


released 2022-07-06


  • Confirmed: databroker finds HDF5 image files with custom names.

  • Still not ready for databroker 2.0+.

New Features#

  • Documentation website:

  • New example: user-controlled HDF5 image file names.

  • Using Jupyter notebooks directly (via nbsphinx extension).

  • User-controlled HDF5, JPEG, TIFF image file names.


  • Fix timeout problem in utils.connect_pvlist().

  • Fix unexpected key in datum kwargs.

  • Fix utils.listdevice() mixing dot and underline name separators.


  • Applied custom project badge for APS software License.

  • Use micromamba in testing workflows.


  • Drop static code analysis service.

  • Drop RTD (readthedocs) documentation publishing service.


  • Harry Zhou


released 2022-01-26


  • Move enable Component out from synApps Record devices.

  • Renew the unit tests for PVPositionerSoftDoneWithStop.


released 2022-01-20

Breaking Changes#

  • Moved apsbss support to new apsbss package (install with either pip or conda). See for details.

  • Can use Python 3.7 - 3.9. Cannot use Python 3.10 yet due to upstream limitation from databroker and intake packages.

  • Moved command_list_as_table() from utils into plans/command_list.

  • Removed BusyStatus from apstools.synApps.busy

  • callbacks/: DocumentCollectorCallback, document_contents_callback, and SnapshotReport moved into callbacks/.

  • devices/: Reorganized all devices, including synApps/, into devices/ subpackage.

  • devices/: SynPseudoVoigt() moved from signals/ to devices/.

  • plans/: Reorganized and _plans/ into plans/ subpackage.

  • snapshot/: Moved snapshot application and related files to a subdirectory.

  • utils/: Reorganized and _utils/ into utils/ subpackage.

New Features and/or Enhancements#

  • Add support for Eurotherm 2216e temperature controller

  • Add support for Lakeshore 336 temperature controller

  • Add support for Lakeshore 340 temperature controller

  • Add support for synApps calc scalcout record.

  • Add support for synApps calc sseq record.

  • Add support for EPICS base sub record.

  • Add support for synApps calc userAve database.

  • Add support for synApps calc userStringSeq database.

  • Add support for synApps calc userStringCalc database.

  • Add support for synApps optics 2slit database.


  • Convert None to "null" when saving PeakStats to stream.


Now testing with Python versions 3.7 - 3.9. (Can’t use with Py3.10 yet due to upstream requirements.)

Update notebooks:

  • demo_specfile_example

  • demo_tuneaxis

Remove notebooks:

  • demo_specfile_databroker


  • Applications

    • apstools_plan_catalog application and related support.

  • Devices

    • ApsCycleComputedRO

    • move_energy() method in KohzuSeqCtl_Monochromator class

    • ProcessController

  • Utilities

    • device_read2table

    • json_export

    • json_import

    • listdevice_1_5_2

    • listruns_v1_4

    • object_explorer


  • Gilberto Fabbris

  • Jan Ilavsky

  • Qingteng Zhang


released 2021-11-25

NOTE: The apsbss component will be moved out of apstools into its own package with the next release (1.6.0, ~Feb 2022) of apstools.


The Python version is limited to 3.7 due to aps-dm-api package. Expect this limitation to be relaxed, allowing any Python 3.7 and higher with the 1.6.0 release.


  • Added table of APS run cycle dates. Use that if aps-dm-api not available.

  • Restricted python version to 3.7 due to upstream aps_dm_api package.

  • Rename name uid to token to avoid LGTM security false alert.


This support was marked as deprecated in release 1.5.4:

  • apstools.devices.ApsCycleComputedRO


released 2021-10-15


The apstools.beamtime module and related content (includes apsbss) will be moved to a new repository for release 1.6.0. This will remove the requirement that the APS data management tools (package aps-dm, which only works on the APS computing network) be included. With this change, users will be able to conda install apstools -c aps-anl-tag on computers outside of the APS computing network.

Breaking Changes#

  • apstools.utils.listdevice has a new API (old version renamed to listdevice_1_5_2)

New Features and/or Enhancements#

  • Kohzu monochromator energy, wavelength, and theta each are now a PVPositioner (subclass).

  • Linkam temperature controller CI94

  • Linkam temperature controller T96

  • Stanford Research Systems 570 current preamplifier

  • Stanford Research Systems PTC10 temperature controller

  • XIA PF4 filter now supports multiple PF4 units.

  • Generalize that amplifiers will have a gain Component attribute.

  • Generalize that temperature controllers will have a temperature Component attribute that is a positioner (subclass of ophyd.PVPositioner).

  • Enhanced positioners for EPICS Devices: * apstools.devices.PVPositionerSoftDone * apstools.devices.PVPositionerSoftDoneWithStop


  • Fixed bug in devices.ApsCycleComputedRO and devices.ApsCycleDM involving datetime.


  • Moved all device support into individual modules under apstools._devices because apstools.devices module was getting too big. Will refactor all with release 1.6.0.

  • Add unit tests for devices.ApsCycle* Devices.

  • Add EPICS IOCs (ADSimDetector and synApps xxx) to continuous integration for use in unit testing.

  • Unit tests now use pytest package.

  • Suppress certain warnings during unit testing.


This support will be removed in release 1.6.0:

  • apstools.beamtime module and related content (includes apsbss) will be moved to a new repository

  • apstools.devices.ProcessController

  • apstools.utils.device_read2table

  • apstools.utils.listdevice_1_5_2

  • apstools.utils.object_explorer


  • Fanny Rodolakis

  • Gilberto Fabbris

  • Jan Ilavsky

  • Qingteng Zhang

  • 4-ID-C Polar

  • 8-ID-I XPCS

  • 9-ID-C USAXS

1.5.2 (and previous)#

See this table for release change histories, highlighted by version control reference (pull request or issue):


released 2021-09-29

  • Drop Codacy ( as no longer needed.

  • #540

    Add apstools.utils.listplans() function.

  • #534

    Add apstools.utils.OverrideParameters class. Hoisted from APS USAXS instrument.

  • #537

    Enhancements to apstools.utils.listruns():

    • Add search by list of scan_id or uid values.

    • Optimize search speed.

  • #534

    Add apstools.plans.documentation_run() plan. Hoisted from APS USAXS instrument.

  • #528

    Add kind= kwarg to synApps Devices.

  • #539

    Break devices into submodule _devices.


released 2021-07-22

  • #522

    Deprecate apstools.devices.ProcessController. Suggest ophyd.PVPositioner instead.

  • #521

    Enhancement: new functions: getRunData(), getRunDataValue(), getStreamValues() & listRunKeys()

  • #518

    Bug fixed: TypeError from summary() of CalcoutRecord

  • #517

    Added support for python 3.9.

  • #514

    Refactor ‘SIGNAL.value’ to ‘SIGNAL.get()’


released 2021-04-02

  • #504 comment

    Dropped support for python 3.6.

  • #495

    Dropped diffractometer support code.

  • #511

    & #497 Add utils.findbyname() and utils.findbypv() functions.

  • #506

    spec2ophyd can now read SPEC config files from APS 17BM

  • #504

    Overhaul of listruns() using pandas. Previous code renamed to listruns_v1_4().

  • #503

    Unit tests with data now used msgpack-backed databroker.

  • #495

    remove hklpy requirement since all diffractometer support code will be moved to [hklpy](bluesky/hklpy) package.


released: 2021-01-23

  • add Area Detector configuration examples: Pilatus & Perkin-Elmer, both writing image to HDF5 file

  • #488

    use first trigger_mode when priming AD plugin

  • #487

    ensure spec2ophyd code is packaged


released: 2021-01-15

  • #483

    Python code style must pass flake8 test.

  • #482

    specwriter: Fix bug when plan_args structure includes a numpy ndarray.

  • #474

    apstools.utils.listruns() now defaults to the current catalog in use.

    New functions:

    • apstools.utils.getDatabase()

    • apstools.utils.getDefaultDatabase()

  • #472

    Respond to changes in upstream packages.

    • package requirements

    • auto-detection of command list format (Excel or text)

    • use openpyxl [1] instead of xlrd [2] and pandas [3] to read Microsoft Excel .xlsx spreadsheet files

  • #470

    Area Detector plugin preparation & detection.

    • apstools.devices.AD_plugin_primed()

      re-written completely

    • apstools.devices.AD_prime_plugin()

      replaced by apstools.devices.AD_prime_plugin2()

  • #463

    Remove deprecated features.

    • apstools.suspenders.SuspendWhenChanged()

    • apstools.utils.plot_prune_fifo()

    • apstools.utils.show_ophyd_symbols()

    • apstools.synapps.asyn.AsynRecord.binary_output_maxlength()

    • apstools.devices.AD_warmed_up()

  • #451

    Undulator and Kohzu monochromator functionalities

    • apstools.devices.ApsUndulator()

      Adds some Signal components (such as setting kind kwarg) that are helpful in moving the undulator


released 2020-11-30

  • #459

    apsbss: list ESAFs & proposals from other cycles

  • #457

    apstools.utils.rss_mem(): show memory used by this process


released: 2020-10-23

  • #449

    diffractometer wh() shows extra positioners

  • #446

    utils: device_read2table() renamed to listdevice()

  • #445

    synApps: add Device for iocStats

  • #437

    diffractometer add pa() report

  • #426

    diffractometer add simulated diffractometers

  • #425

    BUG fixed: listruns() when no stop document

  • #423

    BUG fixed: apsbss IOC starter script


released: 2020-09-18

  • #422

    additional AD support from APS USAXS

  • #421

    wait for undulator when start_button pushed

  • #418

    apsbss: only update APS run cycle name after current cycle ends


released 2020-09-04

  • #416

    apsbss: allow iso8601 time strings to have option for fractional seconds

  • #415

    Get APS cycle name from official source


released 2020-08-25

  • #406

    replace plot_prune_fifo() with trim_plot() and trim_plot_by_name()

  • #405

    add Y1 & Z2 read-only signal to Kohzu Monochromator device

  • #403

    deprecate SuspendWhenChanged()


released 2020-08-14

  • #400

    resolve warnings and example documentation inconsistency

  • #399

    parse iso8601 date for py36

  • #398

    DiffractometerMixin: add wh() method

  • #396

    provide spec2ophyd application

  • #394

    add utils.copy_filtered_catalog()

  • #392

    RTD make parameter lists clearer

  • #390

    improve formatting of parameter list in RTD

  • #388

    add utils.quantify_md_key_use()

  • #385

    spec2ophyd: make entry point


released 2020-07-22

  • #384

    apsbss: print, not log from commands

  • #382

    spec2ophyd analyses


released 2020-07-20

  • #380

    apsbss: fix object references


released 2020-07-18

  • #378 add checkup (keep-alive feature for the IOC)

  • #376

    apsbss: example beam line-specific shell scripts

  • #375

    apsbss: add PVs for numbers of users

  • #374

    apsbss_ophyd: addDeviceDataAsStream() from USAXS

  • #373

    account for time zone when testing datetime-based file name

  • #371

    update & simplify the travis-ci setup

  • #369

    spec2ophyd: handle NONE in SPEC counters

  • #368

    spec2ophyd: config file as command-line argument

  • #367

    apsbss: move ophyd import from main

  • #364

    apsbss: add PVs for ioc_host and ioc_user

  • #363

    Handle when mailInFlag not provided

  • #360

    prefer logging to print


release expected by 2020-07-15

  • add NeXus writer callback

  • add apsbss : APS experiment metadata support

  • #351

    apsbss: put raw info into PV

  • #350

    apsbss: clarify meaning of reported dates

  • #349

    apsbss: add “next” subcommand

  • #347

    some apbss files not published

  • #346

    publish fails to push conda packages

  • #344

    listruns() uses databroker v2 API

  • #343

    review and update requirements

  • #342

    summarize runs in databroker by plan_name and frequency

  • #341

    tools to summarize activity

  • #340

    update copyright year

  • #339

    resolve Codacy code review issues

  • #338

    unit tests are leaving directories undeleted

  • #337

    Document new filewriter callbacks

  • #336

    add NeXus file writer from USAXS

  • #335

    update requirements

  • #334

    support APS proposal & ESAF systems to provide useful metadata

  • #333

    access APS proposal and ESAF information

  • #332

    listruns(): use databroker v2 API

  • #329

    add NeXus writer base class from USAXS


released 2020-06-26

  • #331

    listruns succeeds even when number of existing runs is less than requested

  • #330

    BUG: listruns: less than 20 runs in catalog

  • #328

    epid: add final_value (.VAL field)

  • #327

    epid: remove clock_ticks (.CT field)

  • #326

    BUG: epid failed to connect to .CT field

  • #325

    BUG: epid final_value signal not found

  • #324

    BUG: epid controlled_value signal name


released 2020-06-05

  • #322

    add py38 to travis config

  • #320

    multi-pass tune should use FWHM for next scan

  • #318

    AxisTunerMixin is now subclass of DeviceMixinBase

  • #317

    BUG: USAXS can’t tune motors

  • #316

    BUG: Error in asyn object definition

  • #315

    BUG: AttributeError from db.hs


released 2020-05-07

  • #314

    fix ImportError about SignalRO

  • #313

    update packaging requirements


released 2020-05-06


    apstools.plans.show_ophyd_symbols() will be removed by 2020-07-01. Use apstools.plans.listobjects() instead.

  • #311

    adapt to databroker v1

  • #310

    enhance listruns() search capabilities

  • #308

    manage diffractometer constraints

  • #307

    add diffractometer emhancements

  • #306

    rename show_ophyd_objects() as listobjects()

  • #305

    add utils.safe_ophyd_name()

  • #299

    set_lim() does not set low limit


released 2020-02-18 - bug fix

  • #297

    fix import error


released 2020-02-18 - remove deprecated functions

  • #293

    remove run_blocker_in_plan()

  • #292

    remove list_recent_scans()

  • #291

    remove unix_cmd()

  • #288

    add object_explorer() (from APS 8-ID-I)


released 2020-02-15

  • #285

    add EpicsMotorResolutionMixin

  • #284

    adjust ophyd.EpicsMotor when motor limits changed from other EPICS client

  • #283

    print_RE_md() now returns a pyRestTable.Table object


released 2020-02-09

  • PyPI would not accept the 1.1.17 version: filename has already been used

  • see release notes for 1.1.17


released 2020-02-09 - hot fixes

  • #277

    replace .value with .get()

  • #276

    update ophyd metadata after motor set_lim()

  • #274

    APS user operations could be in mode 1 OR 2


released 2019-12-05

  • #269

    bug: shutter does not move when expected

  • #268

    add redefine_motor_position() plan

  • #267

    remove lineup() plan for now

  • #266

    bug fix for #265

  • #265

    refactor of #264

  • #264

    Limit number of traces shown on a plot - use a FIFO

  • #263

    device_read2table() should print unless optioned False

  • #262

    add lineup() plan (from APS 8-ID-I XPCS)


released 2019-11-21 : bug fixes, adds asyn record support

  • #259

    resolve AssertionError from setup_lorentzian_swait

  • #258

    swait record does not units, some other fields

  • #255

    plans: resolve indentation error

  • #254

    add computed APS cycle as signal

  • #252

    synApps: add asyn record support


released 2019-09-03 : bug fixes, more synApps support

  • #246

    synApps: shorten name from synApps_ophyd

  • #245

    swait & calcout: change from EpicsMotor to any EpicsSignal

  • #240

    swait: refactor swait record & userCalc support

  • #239

    transform: add support for transform record

  • #238

    calcout: add support for calcout record & userCalcOuts

  • #237

    epid: add support for epid record

  • #234

    utils: replicate the unix() command

  • #230

    signals: resolve TypeError


released 2019-08-15 : enhancements, bug fix, rename

  • #226

    writer: unit tests for empty #O0 & P0 control lines

  • #224

    rename: list_recent_scans –> listscans

  • #222

    writer: add empty #O0 and #P0 lines

  • #220

    ProcessController: bug fix - raised TypeError


released 2019-08-05 : bug fixes & updates

  • #219

    ProcessController: bug fixes

  • #218

    replay(): sort chronological by default

  • #216

    replay(): fails when not list


released 2019-07-31 : updates & new utility

  • #214

    new: apstools.utils.APS_utils.replay()

  • #213

    list_recent_scans show exit_status

  • #212

    list_recent_scans show reconstructed scan command


released 2019-07-30 : updates & bug fix

  • #211

    devices calls to superclass __init__()

  • #209

    devices call to superclass __init__()

  • #207

    show_ophyd_symbols also shows labels

  • #206

    new: apstools.utils.APS_utils.list_recent_scans()

  • #205

    show_ophyd_symbols uses ipython shell’s namespace

  • #202

    add labels attribute to enable wa and ct magic commands


released 2019-07-28 : updates & bug fix

  • #203

    SpecWriterCallback: #N is number of data columns

  • #199

    spec2ophyd handle CNTPAR:read_misc_1


released 2019-07-25 : updates

  • #196

    spec2ophyd handle MOTPAR:read_misc_1

  • #194

    new show_ophyd_symbols shows table of global ophyd Signal and Device instances

  • #193

    spec2ophyd ignore None items in SPEC config file

  • #192

    spec2ophyd handles VM_EPICS_PV in SPEC config file

  • #191

    spec2ophyd handles PSE_MAC_MOT in SPEC config file

  • #190

    spec2ophyd handles MOTPAR in SPEC config file


released 2019-07-04


    apstools.plans.run_blocker_in_plan() will be removed by 2019-12-31. Do not write blocking code in bluesky plans.

  • Dropped python 3.5 from supported versions

  • #175

    move plans.run_in_thread() to utils.run_in_thread()

  • #168

    new spec2ophyd migrates SPEC config file to ophyd setup

  • #166

    device_read2table(): format results in a pyRestTable.Table

  • #161

    addDeviceDataAsStream(): add Device as named document stream event

  • #159

    convert xlrd.XLRDError into apstools.utils.ExcelReadError

  • #158

    new run_command_file() runs a command list from text file or Excel spreadsheet


released 2019-05-26

  • #156

    add ProcessController Device

  • #153

    print dictionary contents as table

  • #151

    EpicsMotor support for enable/disable

  • #148

    more LGTM recommendations

  • #146

    LGTM code review recommendations

  • #143

    filewriter fails to raise IOError

  • #141

    ValueError during tune()


released 2019-05-14

  • #135

    add refresh button to snapshot GUI


released 2019-05-14

  • #140

    event-model needs at least v1.8.0

  • #139

    ValueError in _scan()


released 2019-05-10

  • adds packaging dependence on event-model

  • #137

    adds utils.json_export() and utils.json_import()


released 2019-05-09

  • adds packaging dependence on spec2nexus

  • #136

    get json document stream(s)

  • #134

    add build on travis-ci with py3.7

  • #130

    fix conda recipe and pip dependencies (thanks to Maksim Rakitin!)

  • #128

    SpecWriterCallback.newfile() problem with scan_id = 0

  • #127

    fixed: KeyError from SPEC filewriter

  • #126

    add uid to metadata

  • #125

    SPEC filewriter scan numbering when “new” data file exists

  • #124

    fixed: utils.trim_string_for_EPICS() trimmed string too long

  • #100

    fixed: SPEC file data columns in wrong places


released 2019.04.16

  • change release numbering to Semantic Versioning (remove all previous tags and releases)

  • batch scans using Excel spreadsheets

  • bluesky_snapshot_viewer and bluesky_snapshot

  • conda package available