APS DM interface#
This APS DM interface to the APS IS Scheduling System does not require credentials for its use at APS. Fewer proposal details are available than the direct IS interface.
Schedule info via APS Data Management Interface to IS Service.
Content of a single beamtime request (proposal). |
APS Data Management interface to schedule system. |
- class apsbss.bss_dm.DM_BeamtimeProposal(raw, run)[source]#
Content of a single beamtime request (proposal).
- class apsbss.bss_dm.DM_ScheduleInterface[source]#
APS Data Management interface to schedule system.
- property beamlines: list#
List of names of all known beamlines.
- proposals(beamline, run) dict [source]#
Get all proposal (beamtime request) details for ‘beamline’ and ‘run’.
- beamlinestr
Name of beam line (as defined in ‘self.beamlines’).
- runstr
APS run name (as defined in ‘self.runs’).
- proposalsdict
Dictionary of ‘BeamtimeRequest’ objects, keyed by proposal ID, scheduled on ‘beamline’ for ‘run’.