
Provide information from APS Proposal and ESAF (experiment safety approval form) databases as PVs at each beam line so that this information (metadata) may be added to new data files. The aps-dm-api (dm for short) package [1] is used to access the APS databases as read-only.

No information is written back to the APS databases from this software.

Given: [2]

  • a beam line name (such as 9-ID-B,C)

  • APS run name (such as 2019-2) to locate a specific proposal ID

  • proposal ID number (such as 66083)

  • ESAF ID number (such as 226319)

The typical information obtained includes:

  • ESAF & proposal titles

  • user names

  • user institutional affiliations

  • user emails

  • applicable dates, reported in ISO8601 time format

  • is proposal propietary?

  • is experiment mail-in?

These PVs are loaded on demand by the local instrument team at the beam line. See the EPICS IOC section for details about managing the EPICS PVs.


The apsbss command-line application provide its features through subcommands. Running apsbss without a subcommand will show the usage response (which lists the available commands): [3]

$ apsbss
usage: apsbss [-h] [-v] {beamlines,runs,esaf,list,now,proposal,clear,setup,update,report} ...

The -v option prints the program version. The -h option prints the help message:

$ apsbss -h
usage: apsbss [-h] [-v] {beamlines,runs,esaf,list,now,proposal,clear,setup,update,report} ...

Retrieve specific records from the APS Proposal and ESAF databases.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         print version number and exit

    beamlines           print list of beamlines
    runs                print APS run names
    list                print proposals and ESAFs for beamline and run
    now                 print information of proposals & ESAFs running now
    proposal            print specific proposal for beamline and run
    esaf                print specific ESAF
    search              print proposals and ESAFs for beamline and run matching the query
    clear               EPICS PVs: clear
    setup               EPICS PVs: setup
    update              EPICS PVs: update from BSS
    report              EPICS PVs: report what is in the PVs


See API for the source code documentation of each of these subcommands.


List the names of beamlines defined.

usage: apsbss beamlines [-h]

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

That list as of 2024-12:

$ apsbss beamlines
1-BM-B,C       10-ID-B        17-ID-B        28-ID-B,C
1-ID-B,C,E     11-BM-B        18-ID-D        28-ID-D,E
2-BM-A,B       11-ID-B        19-BM-D        28-ID-F
2-ID-D         11-ID-C        19-ID-E        28-ID-G
2-ID-E         11-ID-D        20-BM-B        29-ID-C,D
3-ID-B,C,D     12-BM-B        20-ID-D,E      30-ID-B,C
4-ID-B,G,H     12-ID-B        21-ID-D        31-ID-D
5-BM-B         12-ID-E        21-ID-F        31-ID-E
5-ID-B,C,D     13-BM-C        21-ID-G        32-ID-B,C
6-BM-A,B       13-BM-D        22-ID-D        33-BM-C
6-ID-B,C       13-ID-C,D      22-ID-E        33-ID-C
6-ID-D         13-ID-E        23-ID-B        34-ID-E
7-BM-B         14-ID-B        23-ID-D        34-ID-F
7-ID-B,C,D     15-ID-B,E      24-ID-C        35-BM-C
8-BM-B         15-ID-C,D      24-ID-E        35-ID-B,C,D,E
8-ID-E,I       16-BM-B,D      25-ID-C        38-AM-A
9-BM-B,C       16-ID-B        25-ID-D,E
9-ID-D         16-ID-D,E      26-ID-C
10-BM-B        17-BM-B        27-ID-B

Some names include multiple stations. For example, use 8-ID-E,I for either station at beamline 8-ID.

Pre-APSU Beamlines
Names defined on 2020-07-10:

$ apsbss beamlines
1-BM-B,C       8-ID-I         15-ID-B,C,D    23-BM-B
1-ID-B,C,E     9-BM-B,C       16-BM-B        23-ID-B
2-BM-A,B       9-ID-B,C       16-BM-D        23-ID-D
2-ID-D         10-BM-A,B      16-ID-B        24-ID-C
2-ID-E         10-ID-B        16-ID-D        24-ID-E
3-ID-B,C,D     11-BM-B        17-BM-B        26-ID-C
4-ID-C         11-ID-B        17-ID-B        27-ID-B
4-ID-D         11-ID-C        18-ID-D        29-ID-C,D
5-BM-C         11-ID-D        19-BM-D        30-ID-B,C
5-BM-D         12-BM-B        19-ID-D        31-ID-D
5-ID-B,C,D     12-ID-B        20-BM-B        32-ID-B,C
6-BM-A,B       12-ID-C,D      20-ID-B,C      33-BM-C
6-ID-B,C       13-BM-C        21-ID-D        33-ID-D,E
6-ID-D         13-BM-D        21-ID-E        34-ID-C
7-BM-B         13-ID-C,D      21-ID-F        34-ID-E
7-ID-B,C,D     13-ID-E        21-ID-G        35-ID-B,C,D,E
8-BM-B         14-BM-C        22-BM-D
8-ID-E         14-ID-B        22-ID-D


List the names of APS runs defined.

usage: apsbss runs [-h] [-f] [-a]

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -f, --full       full report including dates (default is compact)
  -a, --ascending  full report by ascending names (default is descending)

That list, as of 2024-12:

$ apsbss runs
2008-3    2011-2    2014-1    2016-3    2019-2
2009-1    2011-3    2014-2    2017-1    2019-3
2009-2    2012-1    2014-3    2017-2    2020-1
2009-3    2012-2    2015-1    2017-3    2020-2
2010-1    2012-3    2015-2    2018-1
2010-2    2013-1    2015-3    2018-2
2010-3    2013-2    2016-1    2018-3
2011-1    2013-3    2016-2    2019-1

Pick the run of interest. Here, we pick 2020-2.

To print the full report (including start and end of each run):

$ apsbss runs --full
====== =================== ===================
run    start               end
====== =================== ===================
2020-2 2020-06-09 07:00:00 2020-10-01 07:00:00
2020-1 2020-01-28 08:00:00 2020-06-09 07:00:00
2019-3 2019-09-24 07:00:00 2020-01-28 08:00:00
2019-2 2019-05-21 07:00:00 2019-09-24 07:00:00
...    ...                 ...
2009-1 2009-01-21 08:00:00 2009-05-20 07:00:00
2008-3 2008-09-24 07:00:00 2009-01-21 08:00:00
====== =================== ===================


List the proposals for a specific beamline and run.

$ apsbss list -h
usage: apsbss list [-h] [-r RUN] beamlineName

positional arguments:
  beamlineName       Beamline name

  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -r RUN, --run RUN  APS run name. One of the names returned by 'apsbss runs' or one of these ('past', 'prior', 'previous') for the previous run,
                    ('current' or 'now') for the current run, ('future' or 'next') for the next run, or 'recent' for the past two years.

Such as:

$ apsbss list -r 2024-3 19-ID-D
Proposal(s): beam line 19-ID-D, run: 2024-3
== === ===== === ======= =====
id run start end user(s) title
== === ===== === ======= =====
== === ===== === ======= =====

ESAF(s): sector 19, run(s) 2024-3
====== ======== ====== ========== ========== ==================== ========================================
id     status   run    start      end        user(s)              title
====== ======== ====== ========== ========== ==================== ========================================
276922 Approved 2024-3 2024-11-22 2024-12-19 Wieghold,Mercado ... 19-ID-A,C,D Technical Commissioning
276575 Approved 2024-3 2024-10-31 2024-12-19 Wieghold,Lai,Luo,... 19-ID-C,D,E Operations Commissioning
276558 Approved 2024-3 2024-10-25 2024-12-19 Lai,Guerrero,Luo,... 19-ID-A Temporary Technical Commissio...
275933 Approved 2024-3 2024-10-24 2024-12-19 Wieghold,Luo,Mase... 19-ID-A Operations Commissioning
====== ======== ====== ========== ========== ==================== ========================================

Note: No proposals for this beamline in run 2024-3. New beamline commissioning started during this run.


List the proposals and ESAFS active now.

$ apsbss now -h
usage: apsbss now [-h] beamlineName

positional arguments:
  beamlineName  Beamline name

  -h, --help    show this help message and exit

Such as:

$ apsbss now 19-ID-D
Proposal(s): beam line 19-ID-D, 2024-12-17 12:08:19.891573-06:00
== === ===== === ======= =====
id run start end user(s) title
== === ===== === ======= =====
== === ===== === ======= =====

ESAF(s): sector 19, 2024-12-17 12:08:19.891573-06:00
====== ======== ====== ========== ========== ==================== ========================================
id     status   run    start      end        user(s)              title
====== ======== ====== ========== ========== ==================== ========================================
276922 Approved 2024-3 2024-11-22 2024-12-19 Wieghold,Mercado ... 19-ID-A,C,D Technical Commissioning
276575 Approved 2024-3 2024-10-31 2024-12-19 Wieghold,Lai,Luo,... 19-ID-C,D,E Operations Commissioning
276558 Approved 2024-3 2024-10-25 2024-12-19 Lai,Guerrero,Luo,... 19-ID-A Temporary Technical Commissio...
275933 Approved 2024-3 2024-10-24 2024-12-19 Wieghold,Luo,Mase... 19-ID-A Operations Commissioning
====== ======== ====== ========== ========== ==================== ========================================

To get details on a specific proposal or ESAF, see the subcommand for each.


List the proposal details for a specific beamline and run.

$ apsbss proposal -h
usage: apsbss proposal [-h] proposalId run beamlineName

positional arguments:
  proposalId    proposal ID number
  run           APS run name
  beamlineName  Beamline name

  -h, --help    show this help message and exit

Note the run name here is required (not an option). Such as:

$ apsbss proposal 78674 2022-2 12-ID-B
- duration: 108000
  endTime: '2022-07-20 14:00:00-05:00'
  startTime: '2022-07-19 08:00:00-05:00'
duration: 108000
endTime: '2022-07-20 14:00:00-05:00'
- badge: '87100'
  email: ychoi@anl.gov
  firstName: Yongseong
  id: 516580
  instId: 3927
  institution: Argonne National Laboratory
  lastName: Choi
id: 78674
mailInFlag: N
proprietaryFlag: N
startTime: '2022-07-19 08:00:00-05:00'
submittedDate: '2022-03-01 10:16:27-06:00'
title: National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering, experimental tutorials, 12-ID-B
totalShiftsRequested: 12


$ apsbss esaf 258638
description: In the practical sessions for X-ray summer school student, we will demonstrate
  and practice on surface X-ray diffraction and coherent Bragg rod measurements and
  data processing. We will only ex-situ measure a few representative oxide or 2D materials
  thin films for the practical session. No other chemicals are included. No need to
  use the chemical room at 433 E030.
esafId: 258638
esafStatus: Approved
esafTitle: National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering, experimental tutorials,
experimentEndDate: '2022-07-22 16:00:00'
experimentStartDate: '2022-07-21 08:00:00'
- badge: '87100'
  badgeNumber: '87100'
  email: ychoi@anl.gov
  firstName: Yongseong
  lastName: Choi
  piFlag: 'Yes'
- badge: '1234567890'
  badgeNumber: '1234567890'
  email: r.e.searcher@example.org
  firstName: R.E.
  lastName: Searcher
  piFlag: 'No'
- other experimentUsers omitted here
sector: '12'


We’ll demonstrate apsbss with information for APS beam line 9-ID, using PV prefix 9id:bss:.

  1. Create the PVs in an EPICS IOC (see section EPICS IOC)

  2. Initialize PVs with beam line name and APS run number

  3. Set PVs with the Proposal and ESAF ID numbers

  4. Retrieve (& update PVs) information from APS databases

Enter beam line and APS run info


Image of apsbss.ui screen GUI in caQtDM showing PV prefix (9id:bss:), APS run 2019-2 and beam line 9-ID-B,C.#

  • beam line name PV: 9id:bss:proposal:beamline

  • APS run PV: 9id:bss:esaf:run

Enter Proposal and ESAF ID numbers

Note we had to use the APS run of 2019-2 to match what is in the proposal’s information.


Image of apsbss.ui screen GUI in caQtDM with Proposal and ESAF ID numbers added.#

  • proposal ID number PV: 9id:bss:proposal:id

  • ESAF ID number PV: 9id:bss:esaf:id

Update PVs from APS databases

In the GUI, press the button labeled get Proposal and ESAF info. This button executes the command line: apsbss update 9id:bss:

Here’s a view of the GUI after running the update. The information shown in the GUI is only part of the PVs, presented in a compact format. A full report of the information received, including PV names, is available for download.


Image of apsbss.ui screen GUI in caQtDM showing Proposal and ESAF information.#

To clear the PVs, in the GUI, press the button labeled clear PVs. This button executes the command line: apsbss clear 9id:bss:

Initialize PVs for beam line and APC run#

After creating the PVs in an IOC, the next step is to initialize them with the beam line name and the APS run name. Both of these must match exactly with values known in the data management (dm) system.

For any of these commands, you must know the EPICS PV prefix to be used. The examples above are for beam line 9-ID. The PV prefix in these examples is 9id:bss:.

Run apsbss beamlines to pick a beamline name:

$ apsbss beamlines
1-BM-B,C       10-ID-B        17-ID-B        28-ID-B,C
1-ID-B,C,E     11-BM-B        18-ID-D        28-ID-D,E
2-BM-A,B       11-ID-B        19-BM-D        28-ID-F
2-ID-D         11-ID-C        19-ID-E        28-ID-G
2-ID-E         11-ID-D        20-BM-B        29-ID-C,D
3-ID-B,C,D     12-BM-B        20-ID-D,E      30-ID-B,C
4-ID-B,G,H     12-ID-B        21-ID-D        31-ID-D
5-BM-B         12-ID-E        21-ID-F        31-ID-E
5-ID-B,C,D     13-BM-C        21-ID-G        32-ID-B,C
6-BM-A,B       13-BM-D        22-ID-D        33-BM-C
6-ID-B,C       13-ID-C,D      22-ID-E        33-ID-C
6-ID-D         13-ID-E        23-ID-B        34-ID-E
7-BM-B         14-ID-B        23-ID-D        34-ID-F
7-ID-B,C,D     15-ID-B,E      24-ID-C        35-BM-C
8-BM-B         15-ID-C,D      24-ID-E        35-ID-B,C,D,E
8-ID-E,I       16-BM-B,D      25-ID-C        38-AM-A
9-BM-B,C       16-ID-B        25-ID-D,E
9-ID-D         16-ID-D,E      26-ID-C
10-BM-B        17-BM-B        27-ID-B

Run apsbss runs to pick an APS run name:

$ apsbss runs
2008-3    2012-1    2015-2    2018-3    2022-1
2009-1    2012-2    2015-3    2019-1    2022-2
2009-2    2012-3    2016-1    2019-2    2022-3
2009-3    2013-1    2016-2    2019-3    2023-1
2010-1    2013-2    2016-3    2020-1    2024-2
2010-2    2013-3    2017-1    2020-2    2024-3
2010-3    2014-1    2017-2    2020-3    2025-1
2011-1    2014-2    2017-3    2021-1    2025-2
2011-2    2014-3    2018-1    2021-2
2011-3    2015-1    2018-2    2021-3

For this example, we pick 2020-2 and beamline 9-ID-B,C. (Note: this beamline name is no longer in use.)

Write the beam line name and run to the EPICS PVs. To configure 9id:bss: PVs for beam line 9-ID-B,C and run 2020-2, use this command:

$ apsbss setup 9id:bss: 9-ID-B,C 2020-2
connected in 0.143s
setup EPICS 9id:bss: 9-ID-B,C run=2020-2 sector=9

Or you could enter them into the appropriate boxes on the GUI.

What Proposal and ESAF ID numbers to use?#

Proposals are usually valid for two years. To learn what proposals are valid for your beam line, use this command with your own beam line’s name. The report will provide two tables, one for Proposals and the other for ESAFs, both with entries in the current APS run:

$ apsbss list 9-ID-B,C
Proposal(s):  beam line 9-ID-B,C,  run(s) now

===== ====== =================== =================== ==================== ========================================
id    run    start               end                 user(s)              title
===== ====== =================== =================== ==================== ========================================
70118 2020-3 2020-12-05 08:00:00 2020-12-05 16:00:00 Beaucage,Gogia,Ku... In situ structural modification and d...
63765 2020-3 2020-11-19 08:00:00 2020-11-23 08:00:00 Swantek,Powell,Ka... USAXS Measurements of Fuel Injection ...
71000 2020-3 2020-11-15 08:00:00 2020-11-16 08:00:00 Shapiro,Sattar,O'... Quantification of subcellular iron lo...
65742 2020-3 2020-11-11 08:00:00 2020-11-15 08:00:00 Miller,Victor,Smith  Using Lanthanide Binding Tags to Moni...
70080 2020-3 2020-11-06 08:00:00 2020-11-09 08:00:00 Shapiro,Sattar,O'... Quantification of subcellular iron lo...
45287 2020-3 2020-11-03 08:00:00 2020-11-06 08:00:00 Hong,O'Halloran,C... Quantitative Mapping of subcellular t...
68468 2020-3 2020-10-29 07:00:00 2020-11-02 07:00:00 Devabathini,Bury,... Sub Micron-XRF imaging of SVZ, Hippoc...
71437 2020-3 2020-10-20 07:00:00 2020-10-26 07:00:00 Paunesku             Tissue microarrays for Bionanoprobe use
72088 2020-3 2020-10-09 07:00:00 2020-10-19 07:00:00 Chen,Deng,Maxey       setup and test vacuum flight tube at...
71891 2020-3 2020-10-05 07:00:00 2020-10-09 07:00:00 Ralle,Chen           Copper Distribution in Cyrptococcus N...
===== ====== =================== =================== ==================== ========================================

ESAF(s):  sector 9,  run(s) now

====== ======== ========== ========== ==================== ========================================
id     status   start      end        user(s)              title
====== ======== ========== ========== ==================== ========================================
233214 Pending  2020-12-05 2020-12-05 Rishi,Camara,Okol... In situ structural modification and d...
233897 Pending  2020-12-03 2020-12-07 Li,Arai              Effect of (bi)carbonate on the transf...
232646 Approved 2020-11-19 2020-11-25 Sforzo,Tekawade,P... USAXS Measurements of Prototype Stand...
233888 Pending  2020-11-17 2020-11-20 Balasubramanian,D... Studies of calcium local structure in...
234023 Approved 2020-11-16 2020-12-17 Ilavsky,Krzysko,K... USAXS comissioning and mail-in experi...
234093 Approved 2020-11-15 2020-11-16 Chen                 Quantitative Mapping of subcellular t...
233213 Approved 2020-11-12 2020-11-13 Bryson,Wu,Sterbinsky XANES and EXAFS analysis of novel Ni-...
233148 Approved 2020-11-11 2020-11-12 Miller,LiBretto,Wu   Miller-Purdue_CuChitosan_Oct2020
233644 Approved 2020-11-11 2020-11-16 Victor,Ambi,Mille... Using Lanthanide Binding Tags to Moni...
232832 Approved 2020-11-07 2020-11-09 Dong,Wang,Wu         Exploring bi-atom catalysts for therm...
233566 Approved 2020-11-06 2020-11-09 Sattar,Shapiro       Quantification of subcellular iron lo...
230906 Approved 2020-11-03 2020-11-07 Finfrock,Grosvenor   A Partner User Proposal to Continue t...
233318 Approved 2020-11-03 2020-11-09 Chen                 Quantitative Mapping of subcellular t...
233058 Approved 2020-10-31 2020-11-02 Wu                   TW 2020-3: Battery and/or Catalysis E...
233217 Approved 2020-10-27 2020-10-31 Devabathini,Chen,... Sub Micron-XRF imaging of SVZ, Hippoc...
232672 Approved 2020-10-27 2020-10-31 Sham,Motta Meira,... XAFS of semiconducting and metallic n...
232345 Approved 2020-10-20 2020-10-26 Smith,Islam          Tracking aquatic redox conditions and...
232905 Approved 2020-10-20 2020-10-23 Chen                 Tissue microarrays for Bionanoprobe use
232020 Approved 2020-10-13 2020-10-19 Siebecker,Schmidt... Potassium speciation in cotton-produc...
232231 Approved 2020-10-06 2020-10-12 Hettiarachchi,Gal... Use of Different Organic Polymers in ...
232126 Approved 2020-10-05 2020-11-15 Chen,Deng,Maxey      setup and test vacuum flight tube at ...
232154 Approved 2020-10-05 2020-10-09 Chen,Ralle           Copper Distribution in Cyrptococcus N...
230928 Approved 2020-10-01 2020-12-18 Chen,Deng,Luo,Yao... Bionanoprobe commissioning
230845 Approved 2020-10-01 2020-12-17 Sterbinsky,Heald,... 9BM Beamline Commissioning 2020-3
231809 Approved 2020-10-01 2020-12-17 Ilavsky,Maxey,Kuz... Commission 9ID, USAXS
231811 Approved 2020-10-01 2020-12-31 Ilavsky,chen,Maxe... Commission 9ID and USAXS
====== ======== ========== ========== ==================== ========================================

View Proposal Information#

To view information about a specific proposal, you must be able to provide the proposal’s ID number and the APS run name.

$ apsbss proposal 64629 2019-2 9-ID-B,C
duration: 36000
endTime: '2019-06-25 17:00:00'
- badge: '86312'
  email: ilavsky@aps.anl.gov
  firstName: Jan
  id: 424292
  instId: 3927
  institution: Argonne National Laboratory
  lastName: Ilavsky
- badge: '85283'
  email: okasinski@aps.anl.gov
  firstName: John
  id: 424308
  instId: 3927
  institution: Argonne National Laboratory
  lastName: Okasinski
  piFlag: Y
id: 64629
mailInFlag: N
proprietaryFlag: N
startTime: '2019-06-25 07:00:00'
submittedDate: '2019-03-01 18:35:02'
title: 2019 National School on Neutron & X-ray Scattering Beamline Practicals - CMS
totalShiftsRequested: 12

The report is formatted in YAML (https://yaml.org) which is easy to read and easily converted into a Python data structure using yaml.load(report_text). See section Reading YAML in Python.

Get ESAF Information#

To view information about a specific ESAF, you must be able to provide the ESAF ID number.

$ apsbss esaf 226319
description: We will commission beamline and  USAXS instrument. We will perform experiments
  with safe beamline standards and test samples (all located at beamline and used
  for this purpose routinely) to evaluate performance of beamline and instrument.
  We will perform hardware and software development as needed.
esafId: 226319
esafStatus: Approved
esafTitle: Commission 9ID and USAXS
experimentEndDate: '2020-09-28 08:00:00'
experimentStartDate: '2020-05-26 08:00:00'
- badge: '86312'
  badgeNumber: '86312'
  email: ilavsky@aps.anl.gov
  firstName: Jan
  lastName: Ilavsky
- badge: '53748'
  badgeNumber: '53748'
  email: emaxey@aps.anl.gov
  firstName: Evan
  lastName: Maxey
- badge: '64065'
  badgeNumber: '64065'
  email: kuzmenko@aps.anl.gov
  firstName: Ivan
  lastName: Kuzmenko
sector: 09

The report is formatted in YAML (https://yaml.org) which is easy to read and easily converted into a Python data structure using yaml.load(report_text). See section Reading YAML in Python.

Update EPICS PVs with Proposal and ESAF#


Displays for MEDM & caQtDM#

Display screen files are provided for viewing some of the EPICS PVs using either MEDM (apsbss.adl) or caQtDM (apsbss.ui).

Start caQtDM with this command: caQtDM -macro "P=9id:bss:" apsbss.ui &

Start MEDM with this command: medm -x -macro "P=9id:bss:" apsbss.ui &

Here’s an example starter script for caQtDM from APS 9-ID-C (USAXS):



source ${BLUESKY_ROOT}/bin/activate
${CAQTDM} -macro P=9idc:bss: ${GUI_SCREEN} &

IOC Management#

The EPICS PVs are provided by running an instance of apsbss.db either in an existing EPICS IOC or using the softIoc application from EPICS base. A shell script (apsbss_ioc.sh) is included for loading Proposal and ESAF information from the APS databases into the IOC.

See the section titled “EPICS IOC” for the management of the EPICS IOC.

Reading YAML in Python#

It’s easy to read a YAML string and convert it into a Python structure. Take the example ESAF information shown above. It is available in EPICS PV 9id:bss:esaf:raw which is a waveform record containing up to 8kB of text. This IPython session uses PyEpics and YAML to show how to read the text from EPICS and convert it back into a Python structure.

In [1]: import epics, yaml

In [2]: msg = epics.caget("9id:bss:esaf:raw", as_string=True)

In [3]: msg
Out[3]: "description: We will commission beamline and  USAXS instrument. We will perform experiments\n  with safe beamline standards and test samples (all located at beamline and used\n  for this purpose routinely) to evaluate performance of beamline and instrument.\n  We will perform hardware and software development as needed.\nesafId: 226319\nesafStatus: Approved\nesafTitle: Commission 9ID and USAXS\nexperimentEndDate: '2020-09-28 08:00:00'\nexperimentStartDate: '2020-05-26 08:00:00'\nexperimentUsers:\n- badge: '86312'\n  badgeNumber: '86312'\n  email: ilavsky@aps.anl.gov\n  firstName: Jan\n  lastName: Ilavsky\n- badge: '53748'\n  badgeNumber: '53748'\n  email: emaxey@aps.anl.gov\n  firstName: Evan\n  lastName: Maxey\n- badge: '64065'\n  badgeNumber: '64065'\n  email: kuzmenko@aps.anl.gov\n  firstName: Ivan\n  lastName: Kuzmenko\nsector: 09"

In [4]: ymsg = yaml.load(msg)
/home/beams/JEMIAN/.conda/envs/bluesky_2020_5/bin/ipython:1: YAMLLoadWarning: calling yaml.load() without Loader=... is deprecated, as the default Loader is unsafe. Please read https://msg.pyyaml.org/load for full details.

In [5]: ymsg
{'description': 'We will commission beamline and  USAXS instrument. We will perform experiments with safe beamline standards and test samples (all located at beamline and used for this purpose routinely) to evaluate performance of beamline and instrument. We will perform hardware and software development as needed.',
'esafId': 226319,
'esafStatus': 'Approved',
'esafTitle': 'Commission 9ID and USAXS',
'experimentEndDate': '2020-09-28 08:00:00',
'experimentStartDate': '2020-05-26 08:00:00',
'experimentUsers': [{'badge': '86312',
  'badgeNumber': '86312',
  'email': 'ilavsky@aps.anl.gov',
  'firstName': 'Jan',
  'lastName': 'Ilavsky'},
  {'badge': '53748',
  'badgeNumber': '53748',
  'email': 'emaxey@aps.anl.gov',
  'firstName': 'Evan',
  'lastName': 'Maxey'},
  {'badge': '64065',
  'badgeNumber': '64065',
  'email': 'kuzmenko@aps.anl.gov',
  'firstName': 'Ivan',
  'lastName': 'Kuzmenko'}],
'sector': '09'}

In [6]:


Source code documentation#

See API for the source code documentation.