More Information#
Functionally based on pvMail UNIX shell script written in 1999.
Watches an EPICS PV and sends email when it changes from 0 to 1. PV value can be either integer or float.
When “running”, wait for trigger PV to go from 0 to 1. When that happens, fetch mail message from message PV. Then, send that message out to each of the email addresses. The message content is prioritized for view on a small-screen device such as a pager or a PDA or smartphone.
version control repository#
The PvMail project is hosted on GitHub (BCDA-APS/pvMail). You may check out the entire project source code github repository:
git clone
GitHub has additional advice for alternative methods.
Documentation for the PvMail project, maintained using Sphinx (, is available from:
Items for future releases#
Requires these Python packages and an EPICS system with at least two process variables (PVs) where the “Trigger PV” toggles between values of 0 and 1 and the “SendMessage PV” contains a string to send as part of the email message.