Change History#
The project milestones describe the future plans.
released expected by 2022-11-30
Apply EPICS Open License.
released 2022-11-08
Breaking Changes#
Dropped support for Python <3.8 (includes Python 2)
- 2020.0.0:
released 2020-09-24
last python 2.7 release
Older Releases#
- 2017.1211.1:
use Python versioneer
- 2017.1211.0:
attribute- 2016.1025.0:
revise the versioning process
- 2016.1003.2:
issue #22: correct version number shown now
- 2016.0907.0:
issue #18: check XSLT files for syntax errors, issue #19: let user choose to write waveform strings as string or array of integers, issue #20: add username and host to logging messages
- 2016.0516.2:
#16: accept both version 1.0 & 1.0.1 config.xml files
- 2016.0427.1:
#12: user can add additional file extension patterns, improve the setup of on Linux
- 2016.0414.2:
#9: resolve ValueError when creating XML declaration
- 2015.0117.0:
#6: rename project to pvWebMonitor
- 2015.0116.0:
#13: management shell script now uses /bin/bash
- 2015.0115.0:
#4: refactor XSLT infrastructure and web site
- 2015.0114.1:
include XML infrastructure in package
- 2015.0114.0:
packaging update
- 2015.0113.1:
add –setup to fill a new project directory with needed files
- 2015.0113.0:
validate all XML files and raise exceptions if invalid
- 2015.0112.2:
documentation at ReadTheDocs, package at PyPI, code at GitHub
- 2015-01-09 v1.0.0:
initial conversion from USAXS livedata project