==================================== Installation Guide ==================================== First said, this software application is pre-release and may contain significant unhandled bugs. Please report any issues you encounter (https://github.com/BCDA-APS/gemviz/issues/new) or feature requests, too. Suggested installation for developers is to use ``pip`` with its *editable* mode: This project is still in development. We have plans for production release (https://github.com/orgs/BCDA-APS/projects/6). Until the production release, you should run ``gemviz`` as would a developer by following these (Linux) instructions: 1. Navigate to a directory where you have similar software projects 2. ``git clone https://github.com/BCDA-APS/gemviz`` - only need to do this once, assumes you have ``git`` command 3. ``cd gemviz`` 4. ``conda env create --force -n gemviz -f ./env.yml`` - only need to do this once, assumes you have ``conda`` command 5. ``conda activate gemviz`` 6. ``pip install -e .`` 7. ``gemviz &``