
Python modules that describe your instrument’s custom measurement procedures.


Plans in support of APS Data Management.


For development and testing only, provides plans.

Plans in support of APS Data Management.

dm_kickoff_workflow(run, argsDict[, ...])

Start a DM workflow for this bluesky run and share run's metadata with DM.


Show all the DM jobs with status not excluded.

dm_submit_workflow_job(workflowName, argsDict)

Low-level plan stub to submit a job to a DM workflow.

instrument.plans.dm_plans.dm_kickoff_workflow(run, argsDict, timeout=None, wait=False)[source]

Start a DM workflow for this bluesky run and share run’s metadata with DM.


run (obj): Bluesky run object (such as ‘run = cat[uid]’).

argsDict (dict): Dictionary of parameters needed by ‘workflowName’.

At minimum, most workflows expect these keys: ‘filePath’ and ‘experimentName’. Consult the workflow for the expected content of ‘argsDict’.

timeout (number): When should bluesky stop reporting on this

DM workflow job (if it has not ended). Units are seconds. Default is forever.

wait (bool): Should this plan stub wait for the job to end?

Default is ‘False’.


Show all the DM jobs with status not excluded.

Excluded status (default): ‘done’, ‘failed’

instrument.plans.dm_plans.dm_submit_workflow_job(workflowName, argsDict)[source]

Low-level plan stub to submit a job to a DM workflow.

It is recommended to use dm_kickoff_workflow() instead. This plan does not share run metadata with DM.


workflowName (str): Name of the DM workflow to be run.

argsDict (dict): Dictionary of parameters needed by ‘workflowName’.

At minimum, most workflows expect these keys: ‘filePath’ and ‘experimentName’. Consult the workflow for the expected content of ‘argsDict’.

For development and testing only, provides plans.

sim_count_plan([num, imax, md])

Demonstrate the count() plan.


Demonstrate a print() plan stub (no data streams).

sim_rel_scan_plan([span, num, imax, center, ...])

Demonstrate the rel_scan() plan.

instrument.plans.sim_plans.sim_count_plan(num: int = 1, imax: float = 10000, md: dict = {'title': 'test run with simulator(s)'})[source]

Demonstrate the count() plan.


Demonstrate a print() plan stub (no data streams).

instrument.plans.sim_plans.sim_rel_scan_plan(span: float = 5, num: int = 11, imax: float = 10000, center: float = 0, sigma: float = 1, noise: str = 'uniform', md: dict = {'title': 'test run with simulator(s)'})[source]

Demonstrate the rel_scan() plan.