Source code for instrument.utils.helper_functions

Generic utility helper functions

.. autosummary::

import logging

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from bluesky.magics import BlueskyMagics
from bluesky_queueserver import is_re_worker_active
from IPython import get_ipython

from .config_loaders import iconfig

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def register_bluesky_magics(): """The Bluesky Magick functions are useful with command-lines.""" _ipython = get_ipython() if _ipython is not None: _ipython.register_magics(BlueskyMagics)
[docs] def running_in_queueserver(): """Detect if running in the bluesky queueserver.""" try: active = is_re_worker_active() # print(f"{active=!r}") return active except Exception as cause: print(f"{cause=}") return False
[docs] def debug_python(): """""" # terse error dumps (Exception tracebacks) _ip = get_ipython() if _ip is not None: _xmode_level = iconfig.get("XMODE_DEBUG_LEVEL", "Minimal") _ip.run_line_magic("xmode", _xmode_level) print("\nEnd of IPython settings\n") logger.bsdev("xmode exception level: '%s'", _xmode_level)
[docs] def is_notebook(): """ Detect if running in a notebook. see: """ try: shell = get_ipython().__class__.__name__ if shell == "ZMQInteractiveShell": return True # Jupyter notebook or qtconsole elif shell == "TerminalInteractiveShell": return False # Terminal running IPython else: return False # Other type (?) except NameError: return False # Probably standard Python interpreter
[docs] def mpl_setup(): """ Matplotlib setup based on environment (Notebook or non-Notebook). """ if not running_in_queueserver(): if not is_notebook(): mpl.use("qtAgg") # Set the backend early plt.ion()