.. _instrument.create_starter_soft_link: Create a File System Soft Link ============================== This optional step makes it easy for those who prefer to use a command-line interface to start an IPython console session with Bluesky. Assuming that your account has this directory: ``${HOME}/bin/``, create the soft link with this command:: ln -s ${HOME}/bluesky/blueskyStarter.sh ${HOME}/bin/ .. _instrument.start_bluesky_console_session: Start a Bluesky Console Session ------------------------------- With this soft link in the executable PATH, you can start an IPython console session for Bluesky from any directory with one simple command:: blueskyStarter.sh The ``${HOME}/bin`` directory --------------------------------------- The ``${HOME}/bin/`` directory (same as ``~/bin/``) is an optional addition to a Linux account. It is often used to save (or link to) executable software and starter scripts for various application software of interest to users of this account. In linux, ``~/`` is Linux shorthand for the user account home directory. If your account does not have this directory, create it with this command:: mkdir ~/bin :see: https://www.baeldung.com/linux/home-bin-directory :see: https://askubuntu.com/questions/402353/how-to-add-home-username-bin-to-path File system links --------------------- It is assumed that your account has this directory ``~/bin/`` and that this directory is on the executable path (as defined by the ``PATH`` environment variable). Lots of information about file system links is available online. :see: https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/linking-linux-explained