# Bluesky Cheat Sheet This is a quick-reference guide for those learning how to use the Bluesky Framework for data acquisition. Covered here: - Commands to verify the existing configuration works as expected - motors have values matching EPICS - scaler(s) match EPICS There steps are repeated in a [Jupyter notebook](../tutor/_command_review.ipynb). ## Read command | description --- | --- `OBJECT.get()` | low-level command to show value of ophyd *Signal* named `OBJECT` `OBJECT.read()` | data acquisition command, includes timestamp `listdevice(OBJECT)` | table-version of `.read()` `MOTOR.position` | get readback, only for motor objects `MOTOR.user_readback.get()` | alternative to `MOTOR.position` `OBJECT.summary()` | more information about `OBJECT`
In [10]: m1.user_setpoint.get()
Out[10]: 0.0

In [11]: m1.user_setpoint.read()
Out[11]: {'m1_user_setpoint': {'value': 0.0, 'timestamp': 1613878949.1092}}

In [12]: listdevice(m1)
================ ===== ==========================
name             value timestamp
================ ===== ==========================
m1               0.0   2021-02-20 21:42:29.109200
m1_user_setpoint 0.0   2021-02-20 21:42:29.109200
================ ===== ==========================


In [13]: m1.position
Out[13]: 0.0

In [14]: m1.summary()
data keys (* hints)

read attrs
user_readback        EpicsSignalRO       ('m1')
user_setpoint        EpicsSignal         ('m1_user_setpoint')

config keys

configuration attrs
user_offset          EpicsSignal         ('m1_user_offset')
user_offset_dir      EpicsSignal         ('m1_user_offset_dir')
velocity             EpicsSignal         ('m1_velocity')
acceleration         EpicsSignal         ('m1_acceleration')
motor_egu            EpicsSignal         ('m1_motor_egu')

unused attrs
offset_freeze_switch EpicsSignal         ('m1_offset_freeze_switch')
set_use_switch       EpicsSignal         ('m1_set_use_switch')
motor_is_moving      EpicsSignalRO       ('m1_motor_is_moving')
motor_done_move      EpicsSignalRO       ('m1_motor_done_move')
high_limit_switch    EpicsSignalRO       ('m1_high_limit_switch')
low_limit_switch     EpicsSignalRO       ('m1_low_limit_switch')
high_limit_travel    EpicsSignal         ('m1_high_limit_travel')
low_limit_travel     EpicsSignal         ('m1_low_limit_travel')
direction_of_travel  EpicsSignal         ('m1_direction_of_travel')
motor_stop           EpicsSignal         ('m1_motor_stop')
home_forward         EpicsSignal         ('m1_home_forward')
home_reverse         EpicsSignal         ('m1_home_reverse')
soft_limit_lo        EpicsSignal         ('m1_soft_limit_lo')
soft_limit_hi        EpicsSignal         ('m1_soft_limit_hi')
steps_per_rev        EpicsSignal         ('m1_steps_per_rev')
## Move command | description --- | --- `%mov MOTOR value` | interactive command move MOTOR to value (command line only) `%movr MOTOR value` | interactive command relative move (command line only) `MOTOR.move(value)` | ophyd command to `%mov` `MOTOR.user_setpoint.put(value)` | ophyd to set motor `.VAL` field but not wait `bps.mv(MOTOR, value)` | bluesky plan command to move and wait for completion `bps.mv(MOTOR.user_setpoint, value)` | bluesky plan command, same `bps.mvr(MOTOR, value)` | bluesky plan command, relative move
In [15]: %mov m1 1

In [16]: %movr m1 -1

In [17]: m1.move(.5)
Out[17]: MoveStatus(done=True, pos=m1, elapsed=0.8, success=True, settle_time=0.0)

In [18]: m1.user_setpoint.put(1)

In [19]: RE(bps.mv(m1, 0))
Out[19]: ()
## Count command | description --- | --- `%ct` | count _all_ objects with label `detectors` and format output (command line only) `SCALER.trigger().wait(); SCALER.read()` | ophyd command to count SCALER `bp.count([SCALER])` | bluesky plan to count Count time setting is different for various types of detectors: detector | set count time --- | --- scaler | `SCALER.preset_time.put(COUNT_TIME_S)` area detector | `AD.cam.acquire_time.put(COUNT_TIME_S)`
In [20]: scaler.preset_time.get()
Out[20]: 1.0

In [21]:%mov scaler.preset_time 2.5

In [22]: scaler.preset_time.get()
Out[22]: 2.5

In [23]: %ct
[This data will not be saved. Use the RunEngine to collect data.]
noisy                          68.56615083963807
I0Mon                          12.0
ROI1                           0.0
ROI2                           0.0
scaler_time                    2.6

In [24]: scaler.trigger().wait()

In [25]: scaler.read()
OrderedDict([('I0Mon', {'value': 12.0, 'timestamp': 1613880362.609086}),
             ('ROI1', {'value': 0.0, 'timestamp': 1613880362.609086}),
             ('ROI2', {'value': 0.0, 'timestamp': 1613880362.609086}),
             ('scaler_time', {'value': 2.6, 'timestamp': 1613880338.961804})])

In [26]: scaler.trigger().wait(); scaler.read()
OrderedDict([('I0Mon', {'value': 11.0, 'timestamp': 1613880389.315847}),
             ('ROI1', {'value': 0.0, 'timestamp': 1613880389.315847}),
             ('ROI2', {'value': 0.0, 'timestamp': 1613880389.315847}),
             ('scaler_time', {'value': 2.6, 'timestamp': 1613880362.609086})])
## List, Describe, Summary command | description --- | --- `wa` | show all labeled objects `listobjects()` | table of all global objects `listruns()` | table of runs (default: last 20) `OBJECT.describe()` | OBJECT metadata: PV, type, units, limits, precision, ... (written as part of a run) `OBJECT.summary()` | OBJECT details in human readable terms
In [43]: %wa
  Positioner                     Value       Low Limit   High Limit  Offset
  m1                             0.0         -32000.0    32000.0     0.0
  m2                             0.0         -32000.0    32000.0     0.0
  m3                             0.0         -32000.0    32000.0     0.0
  m4                             0.0         -32000.0    32000.0     0.0
  m5                             0.0         -32000.0    32000.0     0.0
  m6                             0.0         -32000.0    32000.0     0.0
  m7                             0.0         -32000.0    32000.0     0.0
  m8                             0.0         -32000.0    32000.0     0.0

  Local variable name                    Ophyd name (to be recorded as metadata)
  m1                                     m1
  m2                                     m2
  m3                                     m3
  m4                                     m4
  m5                                     m5
  m6                                     m6
  m7                                     m7
  m8                                     m8

  Local variable name                    Ophyd name (to be recorded as metadata)
  noisy                                  noisy
  scaler                                 scaler

  Local variable name                    Ophyd name (to be recorded as metadata)
  I0Mon                                  I0Mon
  ROI1                                   ROI1
  ROI2                                   ROI2
  scaler.channels.chan08.s               I0Mon
  scaler.channels.chan10.s               ROI1
  scaler.channels.chan11.s               ROI2

In [44]: listobjects()
====== =============== =============== =========
name   ophyd structure EPICS PV        label(s)
====== =============== =============== =========
I0     EpicsSignalRO   sky:scaler1.S2  counter
I0Mon  EpicsSignalRO   sky:scaler1.S8  counter
ROI1   EpicsSignalRO   sky:scaler1.S10 counter
ROI2   EpicsSignalRO   sky:scaler1.S11 counter
_2     EpicsSignal     sky:scaler1.CNT
clock  EpicsSignalRO   sky:scaler1.S1  counter
diode  EpicsSignalRO   sky:scaler1.S5  counter
m1     MyMotor         sky:m1          motor
m2     MyMotor         sky:m2          motor
m3     MyMotor         sky:m3          motor
m4     MyMotor         sky:m4          motor
m5     MyMotor         sky:m5          motor
m6     MyMotor         sky:m6          motor
m7     MyMotor         sky:m7          motor
m8     MyMotor         sky:m8          motor
mover2 EpicsSignal     IOC:float2
noisy  EpicsSignalRO   sky:userCalc1   detectors
scaler ScalerCH        sky:scaler1     detectors
scint  EpicsSignalRO   sky:scaler1.S3  counter
====== =============== =============== =========


In [45]: listruns()
catalog name: bs2021
========= ========================== ======= ======= ========================================
short_uid date/time                  exit    scan_id command
========= ========================== ======= ======= ========================================
e070882   2021-02-06 22:50:08.118423 success 131     rel_scan(detectors=['noisy'], num=19 ...
15621a3   2021-02-06 22:49:58.051389 success 130     rel_scan(detectors=['noisy'], num=19 ...
7322f2f   2021-02-06 22:47:39.789684 success 129     rel_scan(detectors=['noisy'], num=19 ...
02732c2   2021-02-06 22:47:28.456452 success 128     rel_scan(detectors=['noisy'], num=19 ...
1a7f0ce   2020-12-29 22:54:57.604267 success 127     scan(detectors=['fourc'], num=41, ar ...
7dd58eb   2020-12-29 22:46:09.629373 success 126     scan(detectors=['fourc'], num=41, ar ...
d1f5f4f   2020-12-29 22:36:20.358277 success 125     scan(detectors=['fourc'], num=41, ar ...
0f6eac8   2020-12-29 22:34:22.757687 success 124     scan(detectors=['fourc'], num=41, ar ...
23a642d   2020-12-16 22:08:17.257659 success 123     scan(detectors=['fourc_h', 'fourc_k' ...
e89dbed   2020-12-16 22:08:03.778558 success 122     scan(detectors=['fourc_h', 'fourc_k' ...
699c827   2020-12-16 22:07:08.838917 success 121     scan(detectors=['fourc_h', 'fourc_k' ...
978ec2b   2020-12-16 21:00:33.380914 success 120     rel_scan(detectors=['noisy'], num=19 ...
bb22936   2020-12-16 20:59:58.870435 success 119     scan(detectors=['noisy'], num=19, ar ...
3c04995   2020-12-16 20:58:43.471627 success 118     count(detectors=['scaler'], num=1)
========= ========================== ======= ======= ========================================


In [48]: scaler.describe()
              {'source': 'PV:sky:scaler1.S8',
               'dtype': 'number',
               'shape': [],
               'units': '',
               'lower_ctrl_limit': 0.0,
               'upper_ctrl_limit': 0.0,
               'precision': 0}),
              {'source': 'PV:sky:scaler1.S10',
               'dtype': 'number',
               'shape': [],
               'units': '',
               'lower_ctrl_limit': 0.0,
               'upper_ctrl_limit': 0.0,
               'precision': 0}),
              {'source': 'PV:sky:scaler1.S11',
               'dtype': 'number',
               'shape': [],
               'units': '',
               'lower_ctrl_limit': 0.0,
               'upper_ctrl_limit': 0.0,
               'precision': 0}),
              {'source': 'PV:sky:scaler1.T',
               'dtype': 'number',
               'shape': [],
               'units': '',
               'lower_ctrl_limit': 0.0,
               'upper_ctrl_limit': 0.0,
               'precision': 3})])

In [49]: scaler.summary()
data keys (* hints)

read attrs
channels             Channels            ('scaler_channels')
channels.chan08      ScalerChannel       ('scaler_channels_chan08')
channels.chan08.s    EpicsSignalRO       ('I0Mon')
channels.chan10      ScalerChannel       ('scaler_channels_chan10')
channels.chan10.s    EpicsSignalRO       ('ROI1')
channels.chan11      ScalerChannel       ('scaler_channels_chan11')
channels.chan11.s    EpicsSignalRO       ('ROI2')
time                 EpicsSignal         ('scaler_time')

config keys

configuration attrs
channels             Channels            ('scaler_channels')
channels.chan08      ScalerChannel       ('scaler_channels_chan08')
channels.chan08.chname EpicsSignal         ('scaler_channels_chan08_chname')
channels.chan08.preset EpicsSignal         ('scaler_channels_chan08_preset')
channels.chan08.gate EpicsSignal         ('scaler_channels_chan08_gate')
channels.chan10      ScalerChannel       ('scaler_channels_chan10')
channels.chan10.chname EpicsSignal         ('scaler_channels_chan10_chname')
channels.chan10.preset EpicsSignal         ('scaler_channels_chan10_preset')
channels.chan10.gate EpicsSignal         ('scaler_channels_chan10_gate')
channels.chan11      ScalerChannel       ('scaler_channels_chan11')
channels.chan11.chname EpicsSignal         ('scaler_channels_chan11_chname')
channels.chan11.preset EpicsSignal         ('scaler_channels_chan11_preset')
channels.chan11.gate EpicsSignal         ('scaler_channels_chan11_gate')
count_mode           EpicsSignal         ('scaler_count_mode')
delay                EpicsSignal         ('scaler_delay')
auto_count_delay     EpicsSignal         ('scaler_auto_count_delay')
freq                 EpicsSignal         ('scaler_freq')
preset_time          EpicsSignal         ('scaler_preset_time')
auto_count_time      EpicsSignal         ('scaler_auto_count_time')
egu                  EpicsSignal         ('scaler_egu')

unused attrs
count                EpicsSignal         ('scaler_count')
update_rate          EpicsSignal         ('scaler_update_rate')
auto_count_update_rate EpicsSignal         ('scaler_auto_count_update_rate')

## Bluesky Plans _vs_. Command-line Actions There is a difference in the commands to use depending on the context. context | blocking? | command style --- | --- | --- plan function | NOT allowed | call Bluesky [plans](https://blueskyproject.io/bluesky/plans.html) written as [generator](https://wiki.python.org/moin/Generators) functions using `yield from a_plan()` command line | allowed | use magics (such as `%mov`), `.put()`, and/or `RE(a_plan())`
Examples: plan function Write a plan to insert the filters: ```py def insertFilters(a, b): """ plan: insert the EPICS-specified filters. Also, ensure that the two filter positions will be integers. """ yield from bps.mv(pf4_AlTi.fPosA, int(a), pf4_AlTi.fPosB, int(b)) yield from bps.sleep(0.5) # allow all filters to re-position ``` Then, call `insertFilters()` from another plan such as ```py yield from insertFilters(0, 0) ``` command line actions There are (at least) three different ways to insert the filters from the command line: ```py # use bluesky Magick command %mov pf4_AlTi.fPosA int(a) pf4_AlTi.fPosB int(b) # or use ophyd object pf4_AlTi.fPosA.put(int(a)) pf4_AlTi.fPosB.put(int(b)) # or use the bluesky RunEngine RE(bps.mv(pf4_AlTi.fPosA, int(a), pf4_AlTi.fPosB, int(b))) ``` NOTE: On the command line, we can ignore the 0.5 s sleep needed by automated procedures.
If you are translating PyEpics code to Bluesky plans, consult this [guide](https://blueskyproject.io/bluesky/from-pyepics-to-bluesky.html?highlight=blocking). ## Log files In the working directory, the log files are written to a `./.logs` subdirectory. There are two kinds of file, one that records user commands and the python result, the other records items sent to the Python [logging](https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.html) package. In the IPython session, use the `!` to run a linux command:
In [50]: !ls -lAFgh .logs
total 36K
-rw-rw-r-- 1 prjemian prjemian 1.6K Feb 20 12:31 ipython_console.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 prjemian prjemian  411 Feb 20 12:23 ipython_console.log.001~
-rw-rw-r-- 1 prjemian prjemian  832 Feb 20 12:19 ipython_console.log.002~
-rw-rw-r-- 1 prjemian prjemian  154 Feb 20 12:17 ipython_console.log.003~
-rw-rw-r-- 1 prjemian prjemian  250 Feb 20 12:17 ipython_console.log.004~
-rw-rw-r-- 1 prjemian prjemian  13K Feb 20 12:23 ipython_logger.log

In [51]: !head .logs/ipython_console.log
# IPython log file

# Sat, 20 Feb 2021 12:23:20
# Sat, 20 Feb 2021 12:23:26
# Sat, 20 Feb 2021 12:23:28

In [52]: !head .logs/ipython_logger.log
|2021-02-20 12:14:55.966|INFO|92929|bluesky-session|session_logs|35|MainThread| - ############################################################ startup
|2021-02-20 12:14:55.966|INFO|92929|bluesky-session|session_logs|36|MainThread| - logging started
|2021-02-20 12:14:55.966|INFO|92929|bluesky-session|session_logs|37|MainThread| - logging level = 10
|2021-02-20 12:14:55.966|INFO|92929|bluesky-session|collection|7|MainThread| - /home/prjemian/.ipython/profile_bluesky/startup/instrument/collection.py
|2021-02-20 12:14:55.966|INFO|92929|bluesky-session|console|11|MainThread| - /home/prjemian/.ipython/profile_bluesky/startup/instrument/mpl/console.py
|2021-02-20 12:14:56.182|INFO|92929|bluesky-session|collection|11|MainThread| - bluesky framework
|2021-02-20 12:14:56.183|INFO|92929|bluesky-session|check_python|9|MainThread| - /home/prjemian/.ipython/profile_bluesky/startup/instrument/framework/check_python.py
|2021-02-20 12:14:56.183|INFO|92929|bluesky-session|check_bluesky|9|MainThread| - /home/prjemian/.ipython/profile_bluesky/startup/instrument/framework/check_bluesky.py
|2021-02-20 12:14:56.688|INFO|92929|bluesky-session|initialize|15|MainThread| - /home/prjemian/.ipython/profile_bluesky/startup/instrument/framework/initialize.py
|2021-02-20 12:14:57.281|INFO|92929|bluesky-session|initialize|67|MainThread| - New directory to store RE.md between sessions: /home/prjemian/.config/Bluesky_RunEngine_md