Source code for apstools.utils.list_plans

Directory of the known plans

.. autosummary::


import inspect
import logging

from ophyd.ophydobj import OphydObject

from ._core import TableStyle
from .profile_support import getDefaultNamespace

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def listplans(base=None, trunc=50, table_style=TableStyle.pyRestTable): """ List all plans. (Actually, lists all generator functions). NOTE: Can only detect generator functions. Bluesky plans are generator functions that generate ``bluesky.Msg`` objects. There is a PR to define a decorator that identifies a generator function as a bluesky plan. PARAMETERS base *object* or *None* : Object that contains plan methods (if ``None``, use global namespace.) (default: ``None``) trunc *int* : Truncate long docstrings to no more than ``trunc`` characters. (default: 50) table_style *object* : Either ``TableStyle.pyRestTable`` (default) or ``TableStyle.pandas``, using values from :class:`apstools.utils.TableStyle`. .. note:: ``pandas.DataFrame`` wll truncate long text to at most 50 characters. """ if base is None: base = getDefaultNamespace(attr="user_global_ns") _gg = {k: v for k, v in base.items() if not k.startswith("_")} else: # fmt: off _gg = { k: getattr(base, k) for k in dir(base) if not k.startswith("_") # not interested in these if k not in ("signal_names", ) # names to avoid } # fmt: on if inspect.ismodule(base): prefix = base.__name__ + "." elif isinstance(base, OphydObject): prefix = + "." else: prefix = "" dd = dict(plan=[], doc=[]) for key, obj in _gg.items(): if inspect.isgeneratorfunction(obj): # TODO: bluesky.isplan(obj) doc = (obj.__doc__ or "").lstrip().split("\n")[0] if len(doc.strip()) == 0: doc = "---" more = " ..." if len(doc) > trunc and trunc > len(more): doc = doc[: trunc - len(more)] + more dd["plan"].append(f"{prefix}{key}") dd["doc"].append(doc) return table_style.value(dd)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # :author: Pete R. Jemian # :email: # :copyright: (c) 2017-2024, UChicago Argonne, LLC # # Distributed under the terms of the Argonne National Laboratory Open Source License. # # The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------