Source code for apstools.utils.log_utils

Support for logging

There is a guide describing :ref:`howto_session_logs`.

.. autosummary::


import pathlib
from logging import DEBUG
from logging import FileHandler
from logging import Formatter
from logging import StreamHandler
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler

[docs]def file_log_handler( file_name_base, maxBytes=0, backupCount=0, log_path=None, level=None, ): """ Record logging output to a file. PARAMETERS file_name_base : *str* Part of the name to store the log file. Full name is ``f"<log_path>/{file_name_base}.log"`` in present working directory. log_path : *str* Part of the name to store the log file. Full name is ``f"<log_path>/{file_name_base}.log"`` in present working directory. default: (the present working directory)/LOG_DIR_BASE level : *int* Threshold for reporting messages with this logger. Logging messages which are less severe than ``level`` will be ignored. default: 10 (``logging.DEBUG`` or ``DEBUG``) see: maxBytes : (optional) *int* Log file *rollover* begins whenever the current log file is nearly *maxBytes* in length. A new file is written when the current line will push the current file beyond this limit. default: 0 backupCount : (optional) *int* When *backupCount* is non-zero, the system will keep up to *backupCount* numbered log files (with added extensions `.1`, '.2`, ...). The current log file always has no numbered extension. The previous log file is the one with the lowest extension number. default: 0 .. note:: When either ``maxBytes`` or ``backupCount`` are zero, log file rollover never occurs, so you generally want to set ``backupCount`` to at least 1, and have a non-zero ``maxBytes``. """ log_path = log_path or get_log_path() log_file = log_path / f"{file_name_base}.log" level = level or DEBUG if maxBytes > 0 or backupCount > 0: handler = RotatingFileHandler(log_file, maxBytes=maxBytes, backupCount=backupCount) else: handler = FileHandler(log_file) handler.setLevel(level) formatter = Formatter( ( "|%(asctime)s" "|%(levelname)s" "|%(process)d" "|%(name)s" "|%(module)s" "|%(lineno)d" "|%(threadName)s" "| - " "%(message)s" ) ) formatter.default_msec_format = "%s.%03d" handler.setFormatter(formatter) return handler
[docs]def get_log_path(): """ Return a path to `./.logs`. Create directory if it does not exist. """ path = pathlib.Path().cwd() / ".logs" if not path.exists(): path.mkdir() return path
[docs]def setup_IPython_console_logging(logger=None, filename="ipython_console.log", log_path=None): """ Record all input (``In``) and output (``Out``) from IPython console. PARAMETERS logger *object*: Instance of ``logging.Logger``. filename *str*: Name of the log file. (default: ``ipython_console.log``) log_path : *str* Directory to store the log file. Full name is ``f"<log_path>/{file_name_base}.log"``. default: (the present working directory)/LOG_DIR_BASE """ try: from IPython import get_ipython # start logging console to file # _ipython = get_ipython() log_path = pathlib.Path(log_path or get_log_path()) io_file = log_path / filename if _ipython is not None: _ipython.magic(f"logstart -o -t {io_file} rotate") if logger is not None:"Console logging: %s", io_file) except Exception as exc: if logger is not None: logger.exception("Could not setup console logging.") else: print(f"Could not setup console logging: {exc}")
[docs]def stream_log_handler(formatter=None, level="INFO"): """ Record logging output to a stream (such as the console). PARAMETERS formatter *object*: Instance of ``logging.Formatter``. level *str*: Name of the logging level to report. (default: ``INFO``) """ handler = StreamHandler() # nice output format # if formatter is None: # fmt: off formatter = Formatter( ( "%(levelname)-.1s" # only first letter " %(asctime)s" " - " "%(message)s" ), datefmt="%a-%H:%M:%S" ) # fmt: on formatter.default_msec_format = "%s.%03d" handler.setFormatter(formatter) handler.setLevel(level) return handler
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # :author: Pete R. Jemian # :email: # :copyright: (c) 2017-2024, UChicago Argonne, LLC # # Distributed under the terms of the Argonne National Laboratory Open Source License. # # The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------