Record any labeled objects to streams
To record positions of all motors at the start of a scan, use
``@label_stream_decorator("motor")`` as described next.
.. sidebar:: Ophyd convention
The ``motor`` label is *singular* by ophyd convention,
as used in the bluesky ``%wa`` magic.
First, use the ``labels=["motor"]`` keyword when defining your (ophyd) objects.
Here's an example with the ``motor`` label (and others, too) used with various
from apstools.plans import label_stream_decorator
from ophyd import Component, Device, EpicsMotor, EpicsSignal
class Sample(Device):
temperature = Component(EpicsSignal, "t2") # unlabeled
pressure = Component(EpicsSignal, "ao14") # unlabeled
cryo_stream_on = Component(EpicsSignal, "bo27") # unlabeled
x = Component(EpicsMotor, "m14", labels=["motor"])
y = Component(EpicsMotor, "m15", labels=["motor"])
class Instrument(Device):
omega = Component(EpicsMotor, "m2", labels=["motor"])
chi = Component(EpicsMotor, "m3", labels=["motor"])
phi = Component(EpicsMotor, "m4", labels=["motor"])
two_theta = Component(EpicsMotor, "m1", labels=["motor"])
# support table
x = Component(EpicsMotor, "m7", labels=["motor"])
y = Component(EpicsMotor, "m8", labels=["motor"])
sample = Component(Sample, "", labels=["sample"])
diode = EpicsSignal("ioc:counter2", name="diode", labels=["counter"])
instrument = Instrument("ioc:", name="instrument")
m49 = EpicsMotor("ioc:m49", name="m49", labels=["motor"])
scint = EpicsSignal("ioc:counter1", name="scint", labels=["counter"])
Then define a custom plan with the following (where `when="start"` is the default)::
def my_count_plan(dets, md=None):
_md = md or {}
yield from bp.count(dets, md=_md)
Call this plan with the bluesky RunEngine::
RE(my_count_plan([scint, diode]))
or from another plan::
yield from my_count_plan([scint, diode])
Once the run is complete, look for the ``label_start_motor`` stream that has the
positions at the start of the run of all devices with the ``"motor"`` label. Such as::
run = cat.v2[-1] # assume the most recent run
Similarly, to write the `motor` objects at the end of the run, use the
`when="end"` keyword::
@label_stream_decorator("motor", when="end")
def my_count_plan(dets, md=None):
_md = md or {}
yield from bp.count(dets, md=_md)
writes a stream named ``label_end_motor`` at the end of the run. If you want
values record at both *start* and *end*, then use **two** decorators::
@label_stream_decorator("motor", when="start")
@label_stream_decorator("motor", when="end")
def my_count_plan(dets, md=None):
_md = md or {}
yield from bp.count(dets, md=_md)
.. autosummary::
*new in apstools release 1.6.11*
from enum import Enum
from bluesky import preprocessors as bpp
from bluesky.magics import get_labeled_devices
from bluesky.utils import make_decorator
from bluesky.utils import single_gen
from ..utils import getDefaultNamespace
from .doc_run import write_stream
[docs]def label_stream_stub(labels=None, fmt=None, bec=None):
Writes ophyd-labeled objects to open bluesky run streams. One stream per label.
List of configured ophyd object "labels".
Default: ``None`` (meaning all).
Format string for stream name(s).
Default: ``"label_{}"``
Instance of bluesky BestEffortCallback.
Default: selected from default namespace, if available.
*new in apstools release 1.6.11*
from bluesky.callbacks.best_effort import BestEffortCallback
fmt = fmt or "label_{}"
ns = getDefaultNamespace()
devices = get_labeled_devices(ns)
labels = labels or list(devices.keys())
if not isinstance(labels, (list, tuple)):
labels = [labels]
if bec is None: # look for bec in default namespace
for obj in ns.values():
if isinstance(obj, BestEffortCallback):
bec = obj
# fmt: off
for label in labels:
if label in devices:
stream_name = fmt.format(label)
if bec is not None and stream_name not in bec.noplot_streams:
yield from write_stream(
[pair[-1] for pair in devices[label]],
# fmt: on
[docs]class When(Enum):
"""Describes what point of the run the stream(s) should be written."""
START = "start"
END = "end"
[docs]def label_stream_wrapper(plan, labels, fmt=None, when="start"):
Decorator support: Write labeled device(s) to stream(s). Either at "start" or "end".
Instance of a bluesky plan.
*[str]* (or *str*):
List of configured ophyd object "labels".
Passed through to :meth:`~apstools.plans.write_label_stream()`.
Default: ``None`` (meaning all).
Format string for stream name(s).
Default: ``"label_{when}_{}"``
Indicates when the stream(s) should be written. Any of these values:
=============== ==========================
value stream will be written ...
=============== ==========================
``"start"`` just after ``open_run``
``"end"`` just before ``close_run``
``When.START`` same as ``"start"``
``When.END`` same as ``"end"``
=============== ==========================
The ``str`` value can be expressed in either upper or lower case.
Default: ``"start"``
*new in apstools release 1.6.11*
if isinstance(when, str):
when = When(when.lower())
except ValueError:
choices = list(When.__members__.keys())
raise KeyError(f"Unrecognized value: {when=}, use one of {choices}")
fmt = fmt or f"label_{when.value}_{{}}"
def insert_after_open(msg):
if msg.command == "open_run":
def new_gen():
yield from label_stream_stub(labels, fmt=fmt)
return single_gen(msg), new_gen()
return None, None
def insert_before_close(msg):
if msg.command == "close_run":
def new_gen():
yield from label_stream_stub(labels, fmt=fmt)
yield msg
return new_gen(), None
return None, None
action = dict(start=insert_after_open, end=insert_before_close)
return (yield from bpp.plan_mutator(plan, action[when.value]))
label_stream_decorator = make_decorator(label_stream_wrapper)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# :author: Pete R. Jemian
# :email: jemian@anl.gov
# :copyright: (c) 2017-2024, UChicago Argonne, LLC
# Distributed under the terms of the Argonne National Laboratory Open Source License.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------