Source code for apstools.synApps.sseq

Ophyd support for the EPICS sseq (string sequence) record

Public Structures

.. autosummary::


from collections import OrderedDict

from ophyd import Component as Cpt
from ophyd import Device
from ophyd import DynamicDeviceComponent as DDC
from ophyd import EpicsSignal
from ophyd import EpicsSignalRO
from ophyd import FormattedComponent as FC

from ._common import EpicsRecordDeviceCommonAll
from ._common import EpicsSynAppsRecordEnableMixin

STEP_LIST = [f"step{i+1}" for i in range(10)]  # step1, step2, step10

[docs]class sseqRecordStep(Device): """ EPICS synApps sseq single step of an sseq record. Step of a synApps sseq record: 1..10 (note: for 10, the PVs use "A") .. index:: Ophyd Device; synApps sseqRecordStep .. autosummary:: ~reset """ input_pv = FC(EpicsSignal, "{self.prefix}.DOL{self._step}", kind="config") input_pv_valid = FC(EpicsSignalRO, "{self.prefix}.DOL{self._step}V", kind="config") delay = FC(EpicsSignal, "{self.prefix}.DLY{self._step}", kind="config") string_value = FC(EpicsSignal, "{self.prefix}.STR{self._step}", string=True, kind="hinted") numeric_value = FC(EpicsSignal, "{self.prefix}.DO{self._step}", kind="hinted") output_pv = FC(EpicsSignal, "{self.prefix}.LNK{self._step}", kind="config") output_pv_valid = FC(EpicsSignalRO, "{self.prefix}.LNK{self._step}V", kind="config") waiting_completion = FC(EpicsSignalRO, "{self.prefix}.WTG{self._step}", kind="config") wait_completion = FC(EpicsSignal, "{self.prefix}.WAIT{self._step}", kind="config") wait_error = FC(EpicsSignalRO, "{self.prefix}.WERR{self._step}", kind="config") def __init__(self, prefix, step, **kwargs): names = "_123456789A" # step #10 (1-based) is called "A" self._step = names[step] super().__init__(prefix, **kwargs)
[docs] def reset(self): """set all fields to default values""" self.input_pv.put("") self.delay.put(0) self.numeric_value.put(0) # EPICS will set string_value from this self.output_pv.put("") self.wait_completion.put("NoWait")
def _steps(step_list): defn = OrderedDict() for step in step_list: step_number = int(step[4:]) defn[step] = (sseqRecordStep, "", {"step": step_number}) return defn
[docs]class SseqRecord(EpicsRecordDeviceCommonAll): """ EPICS synApps sseq record support in ophyd .. index:: Ophyd Device; synApps SseqRecord .. autosummary:: ~abort ~reset :see: """ precision = Cpt(EpicsSignal, ".PREC", kind="config") busy = Cpt(EpicsSignalRO, ".PREC", kind="config") _abort = Cpt(EpicsSignal, ".ABORT", kind="omitted") selection_link = Cpt(EpicsSignal, ".SELL", kind="config") selection_mask = Cpt(EpicsSignal, ".SELM", kind="config") selection_number = Cpt(EpicsSignal, ".SELN", kind="config") steps = DDC(_steps(STEP_LIST))
[docs] def abort(self): """ .ABORT is a push button. Send a 1 to the PV to "push" it. Push this button without a timeout from the .put() method. """ self._abort.put(1, use_complete=False, force=True)
[docs] def reset(self): """set all fields to default values""" self.scanning_rate.put("Passive") self.description.put(self.description.pvname.split(".")[0]) self.forward_link.put("") self.precision.put(5) self.selection_link.put("") self.selection_mask.put("All") self.selection_number.put(1) for ch in self.steps.component_names: step = getattr(self.steps, ch) if isinstance(step, sseqRecordStep): step.reset() self.hints["fields"] = ["steps_%s" % c for c in self.steps.component_names] self.read_attrs = ["steps.%s" % c for c in STEP_LIST]
[docs]class UserStringSequenceN(EpicsSynAppsRecordEnableMixin, SseqRecord): """Single instance of the userStringSeqN database."""
[docs]class UserStringSequenceDevice(Device): """ EPICS synApps XXX IOC setup of userStringSeqs: ``$(P):userStringSeq$(N)`` Note: This will connect more than 1,000 EpicsSignal objects! .. index:: Ophyd Device; synApps UserStringSequenceDevice .. autosummary:: ~reset """ enable = Cpt(EpicsSignal, "userStringSeqEnable", kind="config") sseq1 = Cpt(UserStringSequenceN, "userStringSeq1") sseq2 = Cpt(UserStringSequenceN, "userStringSeq2") sseq3 = Cpt(UserStringSequenceN, "userStringSeq3") sseq4 = Cpt(UserStringSequenceN, "userStringSeq4") sseq5 = Cpt(UserStringSequenceN, "userStringSeq5") sseq6 = Cpt(UserStringSequenceN, "userStringSeq6") sseq7 = Cpt(UserStringSequenceN, "userStringSeq7") sseq8 = Cpt(UserStringSequenceN, "userStringSeq8") sseq9 = Cpt(UserStringSequenceN, "userStringSeq9") sseq10 = Cpt(UserStringSequenceN, "userStringSeq10")
[docs] def reset(self): # lgtm [py/similar-function] """set all fields to default values""" for c in self.component_names: if not c.startswith("sseq"): continue getattr(self, c).reset() self.read_attrs = self.component_names
[docs]class EditStringSequence(Device): """ EPICS synApps sseq support to quickly re-arrange steps. See the ``editSseq_more`` GUI screen for assistance. """ record_name = Cpt(EpicsSignal, "ES:recordName", kind="config") command = Cpt(EpicsSignal, "ES:command", kind="config") message_acknowledge = Cpt(EpicsSignal, "ES:OperAck", kind="config") message = Cpt(EpicsSignalRO, "ES:message", kind="normal") alert = Cpt(EpicsSignalRO, "ES:Alert", kind="normal") debug = Cpt(EpicsSignal, "ES:Debug", kind="config")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # :author: Pete R. Jemian # :email: # :copyright: (c) 2017-2023, UChicago Argonne, LLC # # Distributed under the terms of the Argonne National Laboratory Open Source License. # # The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------