The lineup() plan - align an axis with a signal#

In this example, we demonstrate the apstools.plans.lineup() plan, which aligns an axis using some statistical measure (cen: centroid, com: center of mass, max: position of peak value, or even min: negative trending peaks) of a signal. If an alignment is possible, an optional rescan will fine-tune the alignment within the width and center of the first scan. Use rescan=False keyword to disable. Here’s an example chart showing the first (roughly, locate at least one point within the peak) and second (fine-tune the position) scans.

Chart of example lineup showing first and second scans.

We’ll use a floating-point scalar value (not connected to hardware) as a positioner. Then, we prepare a simulated detector signal that is a computation based on the value of our positioner. The computed signal is a model of a realistic diffraction peak (pseudo-Voigt, a mixture of a Gaussian and a Lorentzian) one might encounter in a powder diffraction scan. The model peak is a pseudo-voigt function to which some noise has been added. Random numbers are used to modify the ideal pseudo-voigt function so as to simulate a realistic signal.

For this demo, we’ll use a temporary databroker catalog (deleted when the notebook is closed) since we do not plan to review any of this data after collection. We’ll display the data during the scan(in both a table and a chart) using a BestEffortCallback() subscription to the bluesky.RunEngine().

from apstools.devices import SynPseudoVoigt
from apstools.plans import lineup
from apstools.tests import IOC
from bluesky import RunEngine
from bluesky.callbacks import best_effort
import bluesky.plan_stubs as bps
import databroker
import numpy
import ophyd

bec = best_effort.BestEffortCallback()
cat = databroker.temp()
RE = RunEngine({})


Set the IOC prefix and connect with our EPICS PVs.

IOC = "gp:"
axis = ophyd.EpicsSignal(f"{IOC}gp:float1", name="axis")


Once connected, create the detector signal (the computed pseudo-Voigt) with default peak parameters.

# Need to know that axis is connected before using here.
pvoigt = SynPseudoVoigt(name="pvoigt", motor=axis,

The pvoigt signal must have kind="hinted" for it to appear in tables and plots.

pvoigt.kind = "hinted"

Move axis to a starting position. Pick zero.

RE(, 0))


To make things interesting, first randomize the peak parameters. (Peak is placed randomly between -1..+1 on axis scale, with random width, scale, pseudo-Voigt mixing parameter, noise, …)


Run the lineup() plan through the range where the peak is expected. Don’t need many points to catch some value that is acceptable (max is more than 4*min) the background.

RE(lineup(pvoigt, axis, -1.2, 1.2, 13, feature="cen", rescan=True))
print(f"{}, {axis.get()=}")

Transient Scan ID: 1     Time: 2022-09-28 15:35:18
Persistent Unique Scan ID: '22182d47-72c1-450b-bf62-035a2c608d11'
New stream: 'primary'
|   seq_num |       time |       axis |     pvoigt |
|         1 | 15:35:18.6 |    -1.2000 |       1413 |
|         2 | 15:35:18.6 |    -1.0000 |       5259 |
|         3 | 15:35:18.7 |    -0.8000 |      55856 |
|         4 | 15:35:18.7 |    -0.6000 |       2113 |
|         5 | 15:35:18.7 |    -0.4000 |       1070 |
|         6 | 15:35:18.8 |    -0.2000 |        796 |
|         7 | 15:35:18.8 |     0.0000 |        689 |
|         8 | 15:35:18.8 |     0.2000 |        675 |
|         9 | 15:35:18.8 |     0.4000 |        600 |
|        10 | 15:35:18.8 |     0.6000 |        649 |
|        11 | 15:35:18.9 |     0.8000 |        567 |
|        12 | 15:35:18.9 |     1.0000 |        547 |
|        13 | 15:35:18.9 |     1.2000 |        552 |
generator rel_scan ['22182d47'] (scan num: 1)

Transient Scan ID: 2     Time: 2022-09-28 15:35:19
Persistent Unique Scan ID: '9928a319-fa14-4b5e-837f-1f4058f7029c'
New stream: 'primary'
|   seq_num |       time |       axis |     pvoigt |
|         1 | 15:35:19.1 |    -1.0154 |       4403 |
|         2 | 15:35:19.1 |    -0.9801 |       7746 |
|         3 | 15:35:19.1 |    -0.9447 |      18831 |
|         4 | 15:35:19.2 |    -0.9093 |      46123 |
|         5 | 15:35:19.2 |    -0.8739 |      88448 |
|         6 | 15:35:19.2 |    -0.8386 |      99186 |
|         7 | 15:35:19.2 |    -0.8032 |      59675 |
|         8 | 15:35:19.2 |    -0.7678 |      25649 |
|         9 | 15:35:19.3 |    -0.7325 |      10329 |
|        10 | 15:35:19.3 |    -0.6971 |       5200 |
|        11 | 15:35:19.3 |    -0.6617 |       3386 |
|        12 | 15:35:19.3 |    -0.6263 |       2602 |
|        13 | 15:35:19.3 |    -0.5910 |       2046 |
generator rel_scan ['9928a319'] (scan num: 2){'pvoigt': {'value': 2046, 'timestamp': 1664397319.3793561}}, axis.get()=-0.8496701712914874


Show the position after the lineup() completes. Test (Python assert) that it is within the expected range.

center =
sigma = 2.355 * pvoigt.sigma
assert center-sigma <= axis.get() <= center+sigma
    {'pvoigt': -0.8461974129441658}
    {'pvoigt': -0.8496701712914874}
    {'pvoigt': (-0.8385705807871623,
    {'pvoigt': (-0.5909727956676526,
    {'pvoigt': 0.11177564414922392}