Guide: APS Data Management Plans#

Provides a few examples of the plans that interact with APS Data Management (DM) tools.


The DM tools rely on the existence of a set of environment variables that define various aspects of the DM system.

Show any DM jobs still processing#

Use the dm_list_processing_jobs() plan stub to show DM any workflow jobs that are still running or pending. These are installed by calling aps_dm_setup(DM_SETUP_SCRIPT) in each session before you call any other DM code.

Here, DM_SETUP_SCRIPT is the full path to the bash setup shell script provided by DM for this account. The exact path can be different for some installations. If unsure, contact the APS DM team for advice.

Note: aps_dm_setup is not a bluesky plan stub. Call it as a standard Python function.

Here’s an example:

from instrument.utils.aps_functions import aps_dm_setup


Start a new workflow job#

The dm_kickoff_workflow() plan can be used to start a DM workflow job. See the source code for additional options (such as how often to report progress and how to wait for the workflow to finish before the bluesky plan proceeds).

from instrument.plans.dm_plans import dm_kickoff_workflow

# Use the run with `uid` from the catalog `cat`.
run = cat[uid]

# Create the dictionary of arguments for the chosen workflow.
argsDict = {
    "filePath": "path/to/data/file.mda",  # example
    "experimentName": "testing-2024-11",  # example
    "workflowName": "processing",  # existing workflow name
    # ... any other items required by the workflow

# Start the workflow job from the command line:
RE(dm_kickoff_workflow(run, argsDict))

In a plan, replace the call to RE(...) with yield from ..., such as:

def a_plan():
    # earlier steps
    yield from dm_kickoff_workflow(run, argsDict)
    # later steps

Start a new workflow job (Low-level)#

If the dm_kickoff_workflow() plan stub does more than you want, you might consider the dm_submit_workflow_job() plan stub. The dm_submit_workflow_job() plan stub is a thin wrapper around DM’s startProcessingJob() function. The plan stub converts this DM function into a bluesky plan, and reports the DM workflow job id once the job has been submitted.

As above, you’ll need the workflowName and the argsDict.

From the command line: RE(dm_submit_workflow_job(workflowName, argsDict))

In a plan: yield from dm_submit_workflow_job(workflowName, argsDict)


The apstools package has more support to integrate various capabilities of the DM tools.

For more information about DM, see its API Reference.