Source code for instrument.devices.factories

Device factories

Device factories are used to:

* *Create* several similar ophyd-style devices (such as ``ophyd.Device``
  or ``ophyd.Signal``) that fit a pattern.

* *Import* a device which is pre-defined in a module, such as the
  ophyd simulators in ``ophyd.sim``.

.. autosummary::


import logging

from apstools.utils import dynamic_import

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def predefined_device(*, name="", creator=""): """ Provide a predefined device such as from the 'ophyd.sim' module. PARAMETERS creator : str Name of the predefined device to be used name : str Simulator will be assigned this name. (default: use existing name) Example entry in `devices.yml` file: .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: instrument.devices.factories.predefined_device: - {creator: ophyd.sim.motor, name: sim_motor} - {creator: ophyd.sim.noisy_det, name: sim_det} """ if creator == "": raise ValueError("Must provide a value for 'creator'.") device = dynamic_import(creator) if name != "": = name logger.debug(device) yield device
[docs] def factory_base( *, prefix=None, names="object{}", first=0, last=0, creator="ophyd.Signal", **kwargs, ): """ Make one or more objects using 'creator'. PARAMETERS prefix : str Prefix *pattern* for the EPICS PVs (default: ``None``). names : str Name *pattern* for the objects. The default pattern is ``"object{}"`` which produces devices named ``object1, object2, ..., ```. If a formatting specification (``{}``) is not provided, it is appended. Each object will be named using this code: ``names.format(number)``, such as:: In [23]: "object{}".format(22) Out[23]: 'object22' first : int The first object number in the continuous series from 'first' through 'last' (inclusive). last : int The first object number in the continuous series from 'first' through 'last' (inclusive). creator : str Name of the *creator* code that will be used to construct each device. (default: ``"ophyd.Signal"``) kwargs : dict Dictionary of additional keyword arguments. This is included when creating each object. """ if "{" not in names: names += "{}" if prefix is not None and "{" not in prefix: prefix += "{}" klass = dynamic_import(creator) first, last = sorted([first, last]) for i in range(first, 1 + last): keywords = {"name": names.format(i)} if prefix is not None: keywords["prefix"] = prefix.format(i) keywords.update(kwargs) device = klass(**keywords) logger.debug(device) yield device
[docs] def motors( *, prefix=None, names="m{}", first=0, last=0, **kwargs, ): """ Make one or more '``ophyd.EpicsMotor``' objects. Example entry in `devices.yml` file: .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: instrument.devices.factories.motors: - {prefix: "ioc:m", first: 1, last: 4, labels: ["motor"]} # skip m5 & m6 - {prefix: "ioc:m", first: 7, last: 22, labels: ["motor"]} Uses this pattern: .. code-block:: py :linenos: ophyd.EpicsMotor( prefix=prefix.format(i), name=names.format(i), **kwargs, ) where ``i`` iterates from 'first' through 'last' (inclusive). PARAMETERS prefix : str Name *pattern* for the EPICS PVs. There is no default pattern. If a formatting specification (``{}``) is not provided, it is appended (as with other ophyd devices). Each motor will be configured with this prefix: ``prefix.format(number)``, such as:: In [23]: "ioc:m{}".format(22) Out[23]: 'ioc:m22' names : str Name *pattern* for the motors. The default pattern is ``"m{}"`` which produces motors named ``m1, m2, ..., m22, m23, ...```. If a formatting specification (``{}``) is not provided, it is appended. Each motor will be named using this code: ``names.format(number)``, such as:: In [23]: "m{}".format(22) Out[23]: 'm22' first : int The first motor number in the continuous series from 'first' through 'last' (inclusive). last : int The first motor number in the continuous series from 'first' through 'last' (inclusive). kwargs : dict Dictionary of additional keyword arguments. This is included with each EpicsMotor object. """ if prefix is None: raise ValueError("Must define a string value for 'prefix'.") kwargs["names"] = names or "m{}" kwargs["prefix"] = prefix kwargs.update( { "prefix": prefix, "names": names or "m{}", "first": first, "last": last, "creator": "ophyd.EpicsMotor", } ) for motor in factory_base(**kwargs): yield motor