.. _GUI: pvMail: graphical user interface ################################ .. index:: example The *PvMail* program GUI is started from the command line with the ``-g`` or ``--gui`` command-line options. If either GUI option is used, then the positional arguments (``triggerPV messagePV email@address``) are optional. Without either GUI option, the command-line interface is started.:: $ pvMail -g & .. tip:: Usually, you want to run the GUI as a background task by appending the ampersand (``&``) on the command line, as shown above. .. figure:: _static/gui.png GUI of the *PvMail* application The GUI provides editable text entry widgets for each of the required command-line terms (a.k.a. *positional arguments*): ``trigger_PV message_PV email_addresses``. The list of email addresses is separated. The GUI provides a tool to add additional address or remove addresses. The GUI also shows (using *running* or *stopped* text) whether or not the PV monitor process is running. .. warning:: If either of the PVs fail to connect, it is likely that the GUI may become confused whether or not it is running. In such cases, press the *Stop* button, then press the *Run* button to try to restart monitoring. All *PvMail* monitoring will be stopped if the GUI window is closed. At present, there is no feature to detach or reattach a monitor set. Also, *PvMail* can only monitor a single set of PVs using the current design. A request to enhance this capability is on the TODO list (see :ref:`TODO`). At the bottom of the GUI panel, a status log is shown. These are the contents of the log file. .. tip:: Since *PvMail* creates a log file (by default in the current working directory), be sure you start the program from a directory to which you have write access or specify the absolute path to the log file as a command line argument:: pvMail -g -l /path/to/log_file.txt & Send test email *************** Under the *File* menu, there is an item to ``send test email`` which attenpts to send a test email using the current settings as described in the configuration file.